Within these levels, there are four basic levels of spiritual development that human beings on Earth progress through as they reincarnate, although evil acts may cause bad karma which may cause one to temporarily regress. [13], After Blavatsky's death in 1891, the concept of the Mahatmas was developed by her successors in the Theosophical Society leadership, Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, who described them in great detail and added Master Jesus and Maitreya. This becomes the Cosmic Activity of the Power of the 'Three times Three'. Guenon points out that Blavatsky spent a long time visiting a library at New York where she had easy access to the works of Jacob Boehme, Eliphas Levi, the Kabbala and other Hermetic treatises. Master Moses For example, K.H. [citation needed], According to the Ascended Master Teachings, gaining "mastery over matter planes" means learning to consciously use 100% of one's Creative Power of thought, feeling, and spoken word to create greater perfection, joy, and love in the world, as opposed to using thoughts, feelings, and words to create greater limitations, bondage, and chaos in one's own experience and in the world at large through carelessness and lack of awareness of the extent of one's influence in the world. These Two Words are the Acknowledgment and Release of the Power to Create and bring forth into outer existence, whatever quality follows That Acknowledgment. Other "Ascended Master Activities" believed that the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, Elohim, and Archangels continued to present a program for both individual development and spiritual transformation in the world. The more you purify your body and mind, the more light your being starts to emanate until you become only light, enlightened, and become free from the density of physical reality. It is not an easy thing to do, and it is the final rite of passage for all Ascended Masters. An Ascended Master is someone who has mastered the lessons from the Earth school, escaped the wheel of reincarnation, and evolved into higher realms. WebBEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND is habit number two from Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. By consistently connecting with them, you will master qualities like kindness, compassion, tolerance, respect, patience, self-control, humility, joy, and faith. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. It is believed that a "Dictation" from Maitreya further clarified this matter through the "Messenger", Geraldine Innocente, on September 27, 1954, when what occurred during the time of the "Fourth Root Race" was described: "Curiosity, rebellion against holding true to the Divine Pattern and the use of thought and feeling in creation of imperfection, began the building of what you call the 'soul'. The Great White Lodge is part of the spiritual hierarchy, perfectly and harmoniously organized as ever-increasing levels of consciousness. Within The "I AM" Activity, contact and cooperation with the Ascended Masters became a central part of each member's life. She is to carry the Christ Light and be the Guide for the rest of the Earth, because America is to be the Heart Center of the 'Golden Age' that is now dimly touching our horizon. WebWelcome to Open Your Reality. The name Great White Brotherhood has nothing to do with skin color or race but is a reference to the pure white light that emanates from these beings. [16], "Only the Self-conscious Individual has ALL the Attributes and Creative Power of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' These books, while controversial, are recent popularizations of the concept of Ascension. An Ascended Master may have walked upon Earth as a great healer, a monk, a teacher, a prophet, or a mystic, and may come from any culture or religion, from ancient Eastern divinities to new age Masters. Leadbeater and Alice A. Bailey, and began to have more detailed public release in the 1930s by the ascended masters through Guy Ballard in the I AM Activity. Adherents believe that Saint Germain explained the following through Guy Ballard: "The 'Almighty God Flame,' breathing within Itself, projects Two Rays into the 'Great Sea of Pure Electronic Light.' The emotional and mental octaves are also made up of electrons and atoms of feeling and thought substance and differentiated into levels of density and vibratory rate. Peter Mt. [16], Belief in the Brotherhood and the Masters is an essential part of the beliefs of various organizations that have continued and expanded the concepts released in the original Saint Germain instruction in the 1930s through The "I AM" Activity. The teachings hold that an "ascended master" is a human being who has taken the Sixth Initiation, also referred to as Ascension,[2] and is thereby believed to be capable of dwelling in a 6th dimension. The mission of Ascended Masters is to help humans in their movement toward enlightenment. An an Ascended Master is a free soul; one who has completed his spiritual evolution and escaped from the wheel of reincarnation and the law of karma. The first steps in your awakening were for you to become aware that what you were experiencing was unreal. As we work towards becoming all of the God virtues, we begin to release the negative, "self" centered ego. The memory body is considered to have become known as a "soul", and this temporary personality has taken on the sense of a self that is separated and not connected to God. These successive appearances of "emissarie[s] of Truth" are according to the Blavatsky writings part of the unceasing oversight of Earth and of its inhabitants by a physically hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan). 4 ebook; Hardcover Editions of My Books All 6 of Them WebAscended Masters are enlightened beings whom many in the esoteric field believe have evolved beyond the need to reincarnate on earth and now act from a higher plane of Leadbeater and Alice Bailey, and began to have more detailed public release in the 1930s by the Ascended Masters through Guy Ballard in the I AM Activity. Through the Ballards as "Messengers", the Ascended Masters were believed to have regularly communicated with the students of The "I AM" Activity. The Master Manifestor has been painstakingly gathered over 7 years, and compiled from hundreds of channeling sessions with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my own spirit guides! Barker, A. T., and Vicente Hao Chin Jr., eds. Todays topic is who are the ascended masters? In contrast, Mahatma M. said: "We are leaders but not child-nurses."[69]. [citation needed], In Ascended Master teachings there is also mention of Serapis Bey, a being who was incarnated as a high priest in one of the "Temples of the Sacred Fire" on Atlantis, and who migrated to Egypt at the time of the destruction of Atlantis. WebThe Ascended Master Teachings The I AM Presence - The God Presence We have an individualized Presence of God - the Mighty I AM Presence - as part of our very Nature and Being. Free Audiobook Bedtime Stories; Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters. You can connect with the Ascended Masters at any time through conscious contact. WebIn this video I discuss an important step in becoming what we are here to doto become an Ascended Master.I share much more on Patreon! Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. It is believed to be a way of externalizing more Divine Light, Divine Love, and Divine Life into the lower planes of creation through the dynamic force of sound vibration as creative energy. This is done by mastery over matter planes that have a slower vibratory action, thus requiring more energy and concentration to externalize form. They have attained the supreme state of spiritual enlightenment and have transformed their physical bodies into the finest physical material called Akasha, a Sanskrit word meaning ether or space. Who Is Archangel Raphael, The Divine Healer. [citation needed], It is believed by these authors that he is the founder of the Great White Brotherhood, which is composed of Masters of the Ancient Wisdom (Fifth Initiation), Ascended Masters (Sixth Initiation), Chohans and Bodhisattvas (Seventh Initiation), Buddhas (Eighth Initiation), and highly spiritually-evolved volunteers from other worlds, who have all joined to advance spiritual evolution on Earth. WebBEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND is habit number two from Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. These extraordinary beings, after their ascension, enter a new world of cosmic existence with new and different rules to master and choose how they want to serve the world in their new role, as some may wish to continue to serve humanity. The Ascended Masters serve, guide, protect, heal, teach, and inspire all of mankind. The very high Adepts, therefore, do help humanity, but only spiritually: they are constitutionally incapable of meddling with worldly affairs.[64]. He is the chooser of his own field of expression. What Is An Ascended Master? Some of the Masters have such a great love for the Earth that they choose to keep helping humanity to ascend as teachers and guides. However, the Mahatma K.H. Ascended Masters have lived as humans before, but have undergone a series of spiritual transformations. [citation needed], The concept of recognizing the spiritual self, one's own psychological and karma battles and how to overcome them, and eventual Ascension of all humanity is covered in James Redfield's Celestine Prophecy and its sequels, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision and The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. WebThe [Mendacious Coffer] enchantment allowed it to mimic the form of any inanimate object, but was limited by Sunny's core capacity. ), who may or may not be consciously aware of it but may have earned a place amongst the Masters to help anchor the Divine plan on Earth. In the book Guenon speculated that Blavatsky had acquired all her knowledge naturally from other books not from any supernatural masters. A Manifested Master is an Ascended Master, like Jesus Christ, who, sent by God, returns to earth to help humanity follow His path to freedom. [16], "To understand the above explanation concerning the electron and the conscious control the individual has through his thought and feeling to govern the atomic structure of his own body is to understand the One Principle Governing form throughout Infinity. WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. WebSince you are unable to do this on your own there must be a power greater than you that created you and is preventing you from changing into ascended being from human. [24], According to Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme there are sixty Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, defined as beings who have reached the Fifth Level of Initiation or above, with Djwal Khul claimed as the (telepathic) source of many esoteric teachings in Baileys' books. Blavatsky described many of the Masters as ethnically Tibetan or Indian (Hindu), not European. Proponents of the Ascended Masters sometimes attempt to account for these discrepancies by claiming that when the Theosophical Society (TS) was founded most of the Theosophical Mahatmas were still "unascended Masters". The Following Ascended Masters You Will Be Attuned To Master Kuthumi Who Helps With, Centering, Devotion, Focus And Relaxation. can give us a better understanding of the spiritual hierarchy that makes our world evolve and the tremendous help they can provide to ease our path. Blavatsky also rejects ascension as a fact, calling it "an allegory as old as the world. . The first mention of Maitreya in a Theosophical context occurs in the 1883 work Esoteric Buddhism by Alfred Percy Sinnett (18401921), an early Theosophical writer. WebAs this series on becoming an ascended master has unfolded, we have been using Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as the basis and template for bringing ascended master principles into focus. At least in 6 years Ive never heard it. Free Download What you'll learn She is a Land of Light, and Her Light shall blaze forth, brilliant as the sun at noonday, among the nations of the Earth. [56], Sanat Kumara gained greater prominence when her follower Charles W. Leadbeater wrote that Sanat Kumara was the "King" or Lord of the World, and the head of the Great White Brotherhood of Mahatmas who had revealed the principles of theosophy. The Masters of the Wisdom are not like the Ascended ones, who are said to become Godlike, all-powerful beings beyond the laws of nature. "[60] In the Theosophical view, the Masters of Wisdom retain their physical bodies. Melton, Gordon J.; Partridge, Christopher. agreed with this when he wrote: "Wethe criticized and misunderstood Brotherswe seek to bring men to sacrifice their personalitya passing flashfor the welfare of the whole humanity. More specifically, an individual can ascend when they have paid back a majority of their negative karma, thus purifying and synthesizing their physical body to the highest level and transforming their physical vehicle into light. According to Theosophical doctrine, one of the Hierarchy's functions is to oversee the evolution of mankind; in accord with this function Maitreya is said to hold the so-called Office of the World Teacher. Later on many other organizations, especially in the United States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters, which departs from the theosophical one in several aspects. What is an Ascended Master? is a recurring question that people often ask us when they participate in our sessions. An Ascended Master, in such an understanding, has become God-like and a source of unconditional "Divine Love" to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own "God Self," the "I AM Presence. Sound healer, channel, astrologer, and sacred geometry artist, Frederic is the co-founder of, 10 of the most powerful female Ascended Masters and Goddesses, Archangel Chamuel: Signs, Symbols, and Roles Of The Love Angel, Working With Goddess Kali For Self-Empowerment, Connecting With Archangel Raphael For Healing. Get notified when the course re-opens with a special early bird price, available for a limited time only. [79], K. Paul Johnson suggests in his book The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and Myth of the Great White Brotherhood that the Masters that Madam Blavatsky claimed she had personally met are idealizations of certain people she had met during her lifetime. Maitreya or Lord Maitreya is described in Theosophical literature of the late 19th-century and subsequent periods as an advanced spiritual entity and high-ranking member of a hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, the so-called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. The "Violet Fire" is held to be a raising, transforming, purifying action of "Divine Love" from the "Heart of God" in the "Great Central Sun". WebAscended Masters are believed to be individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery needed to become Immortal and Free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and who have attained "Ascension". People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989 many of the concept of Ascension Devotion, and... 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