That's why they are known as the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, Hawaiian Kingdom! I get frustrated sometimes when individuals or groups get you 1915(e)(2) the greatest resemblance to each other are the Hawaiian, the Marquesan, and that of New Zealand; the Tahitian comes next, and differs chiefly from them in abridging the words, and His group is an NGO/Civil Society observer status equivalent to a standard of the Boy Scouts of America. And this group of Americans taught kanala maoli the written form as they (missionaries) translated into what they heard. Oh what a low blow it looks as these people were brought in from somewhere over the rainbow! it is a very Hawaiian thing. Recognize we are all humans. The men were dressed in red or black t-shirts identifying them as federal marshalls, most also displaying badges. PKOA,s status as an NGO/civil society observer group is not required to produce any reports to the U.N.except the groups in the civil society with a consultative status. And now for the GROUPS, its time for me to enter into a treaty as I long await my own crown, but I first must take a journey down the road leading to a castle where I will dine with a King before the crown will be bestowed upon me by his Majesty Burger King! It simply gives Native Hawaiians the opportunity to have some land and self governance in the meantime, as America appears to be wholly unwilling to cooperate with international laws regarding illegal occupation, annexation and overthrows of independent sovereign nations and peoples. Huh! News media initially had trouble reporting the event because they seemed reluctant to characterize the Kingdom of Atooi as a product of Gonzalves imagination. Hawaiians have usually stood aside, not supporting but not publicly disclaiming actions by the various pretenders to the throne. For this copy-right-now-space/copy-claim of the Crown of the Mauri Nation website/documents/authority/performance is with the perpetuity by the creators, authors, claimants, Crown of the Mauri Nation Executive Royal Principals. Hawaiians are no different that Hoalies or or any other Humans. Mahalo for your info. just say what you want to say. Is the Hawaiian Kingdom illegally occupied by the United States? And, a group of interest in this NGO civil society status could even be The Boy Scouts of America, thats the equivalent group category. There is nobody you would stand for, because you stand for nothing. I am all for Hawaii being Sovereign, and I think it is possible. PKOA does not hold a consultative status. As Governor, it is your legal duty and ethical responsibility to execute the following directives and executive orders: An Executive Order for the removal of the artificially created Territory of Hawaii from the Kingdom of Atooi. An Executive Order for the removal of Executive Proclamation 3309, for footing with the 48 American Republic Union States. An Executive Order for the removal of the fictitiously created State of Hawaii and its Corporate Subdivision, the County of Kauai (which includes the islands of Atooi and Oneeheow), from the Kingdom of Atooi. An Executive Order for the negotiation of all fraudulent courts (including, but not limited to: District, Circuit, Family Courts, etc.) You dont put federal in the same sentence with monarchy. Lesson learned. Hawaiian rulers were just as bad as other rulers around the world that oppressed and enslaved their people. This is what the DPI(Department of Public Information) at the United Nations confirms: Dayne Puni Gonsalves applied in 2010 as an NGO(non-governmental organization) with the United Nations under a civil society status. If he was Pono, I wouldnt blast his ass, but to see their names on that 1897 Kue Petition! This occupying government has been concealing & covering him up for decades. more. What they are in essence doing, is disgracing and working against the wishes of their Kupuna. Typo my bad; should be Kanaka instead of Kanala. The only thing that was overthrown was the government. The most accurate source of information about Kauai comes only from kauai, from legends and stories and tales passed on through the generations from the people who still grow up speaking the Native dialects in those areas. Currently, given that Russia and China are actively trying to expand their territory it seems like the US would have a hard time stepping away from Hawaii but I think they would if they could maintain bases, etc. debra kekaualua. Most of us at one time or another has become associated with one or more of the sovereignty groups. I mean no disrespect to the Aipolani family but those people have my bloodline. As a reference, please read History of Polynesian Languages by Yuko Otsuka, Much Thanks to Dr. Sai for helping to set the Record Straight:) Always lifting you & your family Up in prayer:), Mahalo Dr. Sai for Recognition THAT ALLI NUI IS WHO HE SAID HE Representing the "Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi","Ali'i Nui (King) Mana Temaiana" Dynasty of "Amo Teriirere Tati Pomare Puni" and "High Chiief Miko Toofa Poui. And, my message to you is Bring it On.. Lets not forget the poor folks who followed Sais advise only to lose their homes to foreclosure for failing to pay their taxes. has taken the movement to regain his peoples' rights and land in Hawaii to a whole new level. That is like saying everyone who is Hawaiian is asserting that. Yes im very glad that people will take the time to research, a lot of misleading with this self proclaim movement. from looking to close at a GPS system, he no read He simply went to the annual meeting at the U.N. on the Forum on Indigenous Peoples Organization and used the U.N.webcast to promote his own agenda. If youre gonna cause confusion then youre a crab yourself. A second-day story by Star-Advertiser writer Timothy Hurley did a much better job characterizing the group. Enough of this weak-knee nonsense. PKOA does not hold consultive status. Im grateful that at the helm is Ke Akua and at the wheel is Keanu, and the wonderful faithful crew. This point is a straightforward, thoroughly documented legal matter with numerous precedents. The Organic Act of 1900 created the Territory of Hawaii and mistakenly referenced our homeland as the Island of Kauai. They are going after those who are not sure and dont know. (Red flag #4) I think he may be a U.S. plant, assigned to confuse, as he claims the FBI opened an office in Kauai for his protection; from what? The sovereignty of Hawaiian Kingdom was never ceded to I have been reading a lot about Hawaii from the period of contact through the occupation as it is pretty amazing stuff. Your Chaos, their Order. No dwellings or residences will be created, but access to worship our ancestors at ancient traditional sites and the ability to fish the waters around these islands will be available to the people of Atooi.Governor Lingle, as the Chief Executive of the State of Hawaii, who has sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the State of Hawaii, it is incumbent upon you to fulfill that which is your legal responsibility, your civil duty, as well as your moral imperative to impose justice and right the wrongs which have been unfairly and unlawfully perpetrated upon our ancestors and their descendents. This correct designation of Atooi confirms the later fraudulent creation of the name of our homeland as Kauai, but this was an ascribed name to our independent island nation. 99% of all hoalies (non indigenous caucasians, asians, etc) have ZERO affiliation with the overthrow of Hawaii by the US. The rule of thumb seems to be, dont touch it if you dont have to.. His application at the United Nations was a standard process and uneventful upon acceptance. Then I met Dr Sai and I saw and know that he only shared with us the facts as they now stand and have been standing for the last 121 years. It is a Union of 9 Polynesian Islands who signed an agreement with Dayne as the Poo of this Union to honor and support the human rights, civil liberties and political autonomy of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi recognizing its right to peacefully exist in perpetuity. This agreement is self-created and is neither a historical or significant document. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/The Hawaiian kingdom Delhi University About Serial entrepreneur with experience in taking concepts and ideas to market to exits. The Maori language has Atua which is God. Especially that question if there is a treaty of annexation! And dayne will get his day. Shame, And heres an excerpt from a statement by the Board of Directors of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. If you ever heard him speak chances are you heard him say: I no read books (Red flag #1). To purchase bread and milk everyone would need to If you noticed the pattern of the U.S. where the CIA was involved with the murder of a boarder agent who in his line of duty was preventing illegal aliens and drugs from entering the U.S. it would indicate that the U.S. government is against drugs in the public eye, but in reality they are really in favor of controlling the general population through substance abuse both by illegal and prescriptive means! Gonzalves and his Kingdom crew have been around for some time on Kauai, bringing in cash through donations, by selling Kingdom drivers licenses and passports, even trying to float their own currency. Your attention to, and compliance with this important legal matter is greatly appreciated. Would they nullify all current land ownership or just ownership by some people? Did my Genealogy and Dane is not of the Nakapaahu line of Waimea Koloa. Native Hawaiians never relinquished their sovereignty, is This blog was established for the dissemination of information both current and historical. Very good questions! This article seems rather nonsensical. It helps to research other dialects of Olelo Maoli, to better understand the Hawaiian. While I agree that the language spoken today may be somewhat different from that of pre-missionary arrival, it should not be looked down upon as being wrong. This Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized indigenous sovereign nation that is headquartered on the Island we call Kauai, and led by a descendant of ancient royalty, the Ali'i Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani who currently reigns over the Kingdom from on the west side of Kauai, which is one of the most sacred and royal areas of . Then we no need talk about each other. Gonsalves has had some run-ins with the law, including the time he was arrested during a Superferry protest in 2007 and when he flashed a kingdom federal marshal badge at a county meeting the same year. I think youre over simplifying things. That is my manao on that anyway! I think problems include these: AMEN. Just for the record I know Keanu Sai and Donald Lewis from years back, it was I who held onto the Rose n Crown for many years and when I first showed it to them back when both said; Akua bless n direct you now go find the Alii Nui, good luck. I see very little progress in the years to come without the Moi and am interested to see what DR Sai thinks about his Koko, Genealogy, Affidavit, probate #. We already get our answer. Itll take every last one of us like-minded peoples to educate that same world, spread the truth and engage as many other peoples as possible. (money) They cross the line! Only the Nation in which said person wishes to make his claim has the responsibility to answer. The status which PKOA holds in the U.N. was not accepted by formal ceremony nor an exchange ideas in the forums and caucuses with other NGO groups held at the U.N. annually. Further how fair was it that some commoners had almost no land while those in the ruling class might have had massive amounts of land largely (in my opinion) due to their oppression of the commoners. Can raised crosswalks really cost so much. For more information or a membership form, contact: phone: (808) 482-1050 mail: PO Box 50596, Eleele, HI 96705 email: To learn more about the Kingdom of Atooi, check out the articles below: On the Kingdom of Atooi have it or they dont. The Hawaiian language was supposedly put to written form by the Americans (missionaries). Youre against an Independent Hawaiian Kingdom. Follow. Like the Hokulea, lets be the waa that shows the world what the (TRUE) meaning of Aloha is. They knew it was illegal then, they know its illegal now. The United States government therefore has the legal obligation, civil duty and moral imperative to restore the kingdom to its rightful heirs and owners. ? Next weekend is La Hoi hoi Ea It took 6 m0nths for the British to return our Ea. Government and media are very foolish to extend any deference whatsoever to these asinine backwoods potentates, His Highness-in-his-own-mind Sai, or any other self-proclaimed royalty or poobah-sans-portfolio, especially when they defraud, threaten, or assault people. They held people against their will.. Hawaiian activist and advocate Trisha Kehaulani Watson agreed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If you look to all Polynesian languages, they themselves have changed over time as well. But certainly poorly written. It said it had worked on its new government for three years, had its own flag and purported to have its own money. We are all controlled by a few powerful people in every country. You did not say most or some, but Hawaiians. I suppose you are correct! As a native Hawaiian of aboriginal descent and the Alii of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, I humbly and respectfully accept the presidents apology, and currently am in reconciliation. They were passively supported by U.S. Marines who were deployed "to protect American lives and property.". Mahalo Keanu for all the information that has been put out by you with verifications. Federal Marshal MO57254 Representing the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, C.K. Our Royal ancestors were unlawfully subjugated by avaricious foreign businessmen, backed by U.S. government troops, which led to the unethical submission of our native peoples, the loss of our land rights and the near decimation of our culture.Maintenance of the status quo serves to vitiate our sovereignty, demean our cultural heritage, debase human decency and violates domestic and international laws. Business Insider spent more than a week in Hawaii with Aipoalani, also known as Ali`i Nui Aleka Aipoalani. God Bless!! He guided us through his kingdom on two islands, explained what his plans were, and how he plans to fight Washington. Share to Twitter. How can all these GROUPS, Kau inoa, Kanaioluwalu, Alii Aipoalani and the many self-appointed Kings and Queens justify their existence today without first having a valid and grounded connection to our kingdoms history because if they had it right they would know the Kuhio Charter is a wash based upon La Kuokoa and that the entities formed under the U.S., Kau inoa and Kanaioluwalu is based off an entity that has no jurisdiction in Hawaiian Kingdom territory! I no tink so.. why i say dat is because nobody saw, even the kupuna which he snaked all the kala from.. he took the opportunity to jump in a the meeting to advertise the kala.. nobody asked him to. Hawaiians were killed or maimed all the time for silly infractions Evidence? In other words Their actions can be considered treasonous. While answering questions by people there witnessing this fiasco, I was totally embarrassed for him. And soon Peter will take from Paul after Paul had already taken from Peter! I find it somewhat ironic how you said When Hawaiians assert that white people took their Kingdom, they simply turn people like me off from listening, because 99.999% of white people had nothing to do with taking over Hawaii. You are doing the exact same thing that turns you off when you said Hawaiians assert. to discover the wrong or inaccuracy is the actual frustration! Asked him about the validity of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Kuhio Charter, he couldnt explain it. Period. Always pulling each other back down to da bottom of da bucket, stepping on eachother fo get to da top. We need to be educated as a people. Just shame how soo many of us allow ourselves to be fooled this way! Can I use it to purchase bread and milk? His answer oh dis is kala, dis foa da nex an da nex an da nex genaration That was his SAME answer to like 4 or 5 different questions. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized indigenous sovereign nation that is part of the The Royal Union of Pacific Nations Polynesian Nations. Share to Facebook. Within hours of posting bail, he said, they took to social media to celebrate. Talking about Atooi means light of god lmao. Treason is a serious offense with a sentence that includes the death penalty. Oh yeah, he has that one shiny silver coin that he Aloha kunoa, e kalamai but have u seen any documents of Daynes koko? See the truth for yourselves! And Americanization of the language for us now is makou wahi. Shame these kids get to play their hate games,name calling and judgments here on this so called pono Hawaiian kingdom blog and to top it off they claim to be part of Akua. The group calling itself the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi called a news conference near Papeete, saying it is led by its self-styled king Aleka Aipoalani. We wish to restore the rights, honor and freedoms which are implicit in a legal system of national self-governance and deserved by all inhibitions of the free and independent nation of Atooi, regardless of age, race or ethnicity.Therefore, as the current Chief Executive of the State of Hawaii, sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the laws of Hawaii, we expect and demand that you abide by those laws and rectify the wrong that has devastated our land and culture. Auwe some of you folk here seem either misinformed or just have angry attitudes towards Alii Nui Dayne Aleka Aipoalani; (well please dont)! This is a strategy aimed at those who are on the fence and straddling the alanui. Those who have been following in every group. Atui could have meant any number of things, places and ruled areas that we would have no way of understanding now. Either they Being recognized by the US Government as also being Indigenous Native peoples with a right to self government similar to the Native Americans does not mean that their overthrow and occupation is any less illegal. Share to Pinterest. Founded 5 companines, three of. nationals as Waihee said, but to all the Lahui! mahalo. No one is perfect, add all the hewa that our people have had to endure and we get a situation that is expected to produce very un-pono actions. Hawaii was already united as a Kingdom that remains under military occupancy but was not abolished. This sovereign nation was illegally seized in a coup over a hundred years ago and has therefore never legally belonged to, nor been a part of the United States. Gonsalves has had some run-ins with the law, including the time he was arrested during a Superferry protest in 2007 and when he flashed a kingdom federal marshal badge at a county meeting the same year. he wouldnt have gotten so much media attention, but I dont U.N. will utilize a handson approach for us to monitor your misrepresentations. To bad I didnt do my research before getting the ID and giving them $25. And the uneducated wants us Hawaiians A. ( for the lack of Hawaiian swear words). Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Should Hawaii go back to being a Kingdom? His report to the President, dated July 17, 1893, claimed the United States had improperly backed the takeover and been responsible for its success. And one more thing about misinformation, the other night I watched the story about Hokulea by Kathy Muneno, it was great except for one thing I had an issue with, now I know that TV is based upon drama and I wasnt around 600 years ago, but where did the information come from that Voyaging between Hawaii and Tahiti, navigating only by natures clues, ended about 600 years ago. 2013 1778 = 235 years! Almost like Christopher Columbus discovering america in 1492. His application names his Organizational Structure as a Polynesian Monarchy as PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom and naming Te Moana Nui A Kiva as an affiliate network under the Indigenous Peoples Organizations. United Nations does not participate nor keep a registry of people with Atooi IDs as he and his Moi Wahine claims. what lands they are entitled to. Combining Hawaiians and Samoans alltogether as Polynesians. Mahalo! Share to Reddit. Ad taking over Kauai by Hawaiians today would be the most Hawaiian thing that has been done in Hawaii since it was overthrown. I think an issue is how each part of Polynesia had been affected differently by European contact. Where the are lands that can be governed, owned or claimed by this kingdom is. It is the De Jure government for all of Hawaii. (according to what Im reading). The United Nations interviewer from DPI confirms the following: PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom Group is an NGO/civil society observer only. I must say I like some of the others better, but it wont be up to me. made up of various races along with its aboriginal Kanaka Maoli and It's been 3-1/2 years since a dozen men wearing red shirts identifying themselves as federal marshals from the Kauai group known as the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, stormed into the main office of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, assaulted at least two OHA employees and threatened others, and announced they were there to seize the agency's assets A fool and his money are soon parted! Do not be fooled by his representations that he is endorsed by the U.N. I just want to say that it was the English (or British as you state) who heard it first and placed in on their maps. The Official Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Blog The Official PKOA Blog Skip to content Home About FCB of Polynesia is Launching Digital Kala December 6, 2014 / Leave a comment The First Central Bank of Polynesia is preparing to launch Digital Kala. Sounds like a spoof of Alema Leota in the 1970s. Talofaalohamihihia taku teina. Its so easy to ridicule and call for max penalties for those at the bottom of the social ladder. Auwe no hoi e!! if he was in control? thats why! Im sure Bernie Madoff was very good at what he did if not Let it go and move on. Kalani, a yes or no answer is all I need. I know a few Hawaiians whove drained retirements & emptied bank accounts in the name of these make believe kingdoms & unjust organizations and received nothing but a few shirts, stickers & a useless ID card. Hawaii News Now and KHON at least managed to label the Kingdom of Adooi as a self-proclaimed sovereignty group, signaling that their claims lack legitimacy but without providing further information about the group and its sovereignty claims. Third rail indeed. I would hope they would choose a for of government were they people have more of a voice this time. A dozen or so members of a group known as Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi tried to force entry to the headquarters at about 11 a.m. before assaulting at least two staff members and harassing and. Jokes aside, Mr gonsalves cannot claim to be king of hawaii through the line of kamualii! Te Whakaruru Hau Aotearoha & Rangihou Trust, Exemption from Vaccine, Quarantine, Face Mask & Travel, Charters & Private Foundations (unincorporated). Or in cowardly appeasement. Indulging them or making excuses for their outrageous actions is as foolish and delusional as they are. The time it took for people to actually I know, it doesn't make sense! shows everyone. Atooi has told you that they have taken the Kingdom back. And you take the Atooi followers to task by stating On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that Atooi is translated in the native language to mean Light of God but this is not correct because Atooi is not a Hawaiian word You are correct, but is there an alternative point of view? Thanks for opening my eyes before giving out more money! Why would Kanaiolowalu, a U.S. entity, recruit a We can hope. Please enter the email address for your account. When the rightful owner is clearly established, it becomes imperative that the stolen property goes back to the offended party, free and clear. Check out the massive homeless tent city on Oahu's Western Shore. Atooi website not available now is U.N. and Local news citations available. 77 of the 52nd Congress, regarding the Hawaiian Kingdom. The purpose for this posting was in no way intended to ridicule but rather to clarify misinformation and to provide historical context. To be honest, my underlying fear relates to the details of how some of the rings I am reading here would actually work. I suspect no for a variety of legal and practical reasons. We believe the current situation to be restrictive to our people, destructive to our land and culture, which has imposed undue and unjust hardships, constraints, and taxation on the people of Atooi. Over the past century our sacred lands have been defiled, our culture has been dishonored, our people have been restrained from visiting ancestral burial grounds and the tombs of our ancestors, our very waters have been redirected and our soil polluted by those who do not have rights of ownership of our native land. Advocate Trisha Kehaulani Watson agreed guided us through his Kingdom on two islands, explained his! Allow ourselves to be honest, my underlying fear relates to the throne gotten. To exits is a treaty of annexation neither a historical or significant document for Hawaii Sovereign! 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