They are pushing kids too hard these days and are expecting way more than when I was in kindergarten 22 years ago. Some school districts also offer a "young fives" program. I understand there are many researchs out there that says that retaining doesnt really help. I'm a Mom and a Music Teacher: Here's How I Nurture My Children's Love for Music, Bullying Is Harmful to Kids' Mental HealthSchool Solutions to the Problem Often Fail Black Children, Takes care of personal needs (going to the bathroom, zipping jacket), Understands common directional words (below, between, above), Knows alphabet and capital and lowercase letters, Understands story concepts of beginning, middle, and end, Can write a simple sentence with invented spelling. Talking honestly but sensitively about their behavior is one way to start. They did some testing prior to the start of the Hyperactivity, trouble with focus, and not getting enough sleep can be factors. etc. She only just turned 5 this month while the other students are all turning 6. If they arent reading, it isnt even a question that they remain in kindergarten. My son is in what they call the foundation year, kindergarten. Educators often say that during the first three years of school, a child is learning to read. You turn to your computer and good old Google, and end up more confused than ever. He may even be ahead of his new classmates. There is no denying that the decision is taken for the betterment of the child and there are many benefits of repeating kindergarten. The pros of repeating the prep year of school. This makes it difficult to get a sample group of very young students with diagnosed learning disabilities we can study. I would love to get your opinion concerning my 5 year old grandson. received feedback from a child's provider or pre-school teacher that your child may be too socially and academically immature to begin kindergarten, carefully consider that advice as well. He or she probably could have used a bit more time before going to kindergarten, but you took a chance. Your child may not mind this as much as you think. And as a full time student myself with several children needing help with homework I hardly have the time. In any event, why not have him evaluated? When faced with the decision, the first step is to meet with your child's teacher (and principal and school psychologist, if possible) to find out exactly why the experts think another year would be productive. And 4th we have our 5 year son who has ADHD and maybe ODD. I fear this will really hurt him! And if the issue is counting and numbers, or poor early reading skills, perhaps giving a child more time to learn numbers and letters; to hear stories read; and play with making rhymes, is indicated. We missed the registration for pre-k by a week. In the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a great deal of progress made in converting teachers and schools into providers of developmentally appropriate curriculum, and allowing children to grow at their own paces. There can be an age difference of a year (or more) in class. Question: Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. Check on the child's life situation. It's no big deal. It was mostly a year for "play-based learning," and the idea of a child being "held back" to repeat the grade might have seemed a little silly. They want him to repeat kindergarten. The most productive way to approach the topic . We were also told that having him repeat kindergarten would be devastating for him. Although this article is well written and touches on plenty of other skills students need to go into first grade, it fails to mention they need to be reading, fluently adding and subtracting, and do more than just hold their pencil correctly. However, Im still struggling with the decison. My son did not turn the required age of 5 here in TN until May 2014. Im a grandmother raising my grandson with my husband after raising four sons and kindergarten was never like it is now! A: In Colorado, children with summer birthdays are eligible to start kindergarten at age five since most district cut-off dates are October 1 or within a couple weeks of that date.That said, around 10 percent of parents, particularly those in middle- and upper-income brackets, are deciding to hold off sending their children, often boys, to school until they are six or nearly six. He has been diagnosed with ASD, is developmentally delayed and has ADHD. He is on an IEP for behavior and we have seen great improvement. His teacher has to repeat everything to him. The health and medical related resources on this website are provided solely for informational and educational purposes and are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis or for medical or professional advice. Weve read to him every day for long periods of time since he was 2 months old. Kindergarten retention totally ignores what we know about child development.Early childhood is a period of very rapid intellectual growth. Backing up . May 30, 2013 #1 . But are concerned he will act out if he is bored. However, research is questioning whether repeating truly helps children. After that a child is reading to learn. Repeating a grade at this age can indeed be beneficial. The lead author of this study, Dr. Mu-Hong Chen said, "Our findings . Being one of the youngest in the class can play a role. They need specific intervention. oh and for the record Ive taught in Florida and Michigan. I did not have an early birthday, just was low in a lot of areas and immature for my age. I believe in trusting maternal instincts! She is the one who pointed me to the research that says retention is not a good choice. My parents had me repeat 1st grade. I have enrolled him in a new school for a fresh start. Schools are going to have to find ways to adapt to the children who have been away from school because of COVID. Speak to other parents and see what they think about the teachers judgment. She doesn't know her letters, their sounds, or her numbers. In what state do you teach, Emily? This article is not accurate in the standards that are taught and need to be mastered. ADHD is not a learning disability. She said he will not make it in first grade. Emily you are 100% percent correct! We attended class parties and could quickly realize the difference in maturity, knowledge and socializing shortcomings. When I returned to a regular classroom, teachers were supposed to teach to the test, and the whole year was focused on preparing children for standardized tests. Rose. They did some testing prior to the start of the He was always in trouble in kindergarten, had difficulty making and keeping friends, never did homework or classwork, could not focus, did poorly on tests. . The Age of the Child. Repeating kindergarten, preschool or even the first or second grade is often not a big deal and life goes on. We were reassured that they would work with his math and build on what he knows with reading, but not once did we hear anything about resources that can help him with reading if we chose to put him in first gradethat was made out to be just another burden for someone to do. Im ver sure I could have helped him read the schools books that they test him with that would have helped him with retention of sight words ( we continue to read ours), I am continuing to go over the sight words and he can put them into sentences and makes up stories as well. The recommendation to repeat the year is not a comment on your child's intelligence; it's a comment on your child's maturity. Is this fact likely to upset him a great deal? My best friend has a child who is 6 months old, a girl, and said to be 100% ready for 1st grade by her teacher. The data showed that 9 percent of first- and second-graders in 1997 had their entry into kindergarten delayed, up from 5 percent in 1995. If starting school is postponed for boys with birthdays after, say, June 1, "immature" boys suddenly become those with birthdays after March 1. 4. His pediatrician suggested that I keep him in daycare and wait until the following year to send him to kindergarten, but she did not mention that until his 5 year well visit which was a week before school started. Have . Is your child curious and always wanting to learn new things? Can he run and jump, play catch, bounce a ball, dance? Here are more reasons kids may seem younger than other kids their age: Hyperactivity: Does the child seem to be "driven by a motor," like the . Has a teacher recommended that your child repeat kindergarten? Try to get out of going to kindergarten each morning, Scribble instead of drawing or writing letters and numbers, Find it hard to stick with a task or pay attention to what the teacher is saying for five minutes at a time, Act out aggressively toward other students, Separate from his parent or caregiver without getting too upset, Notice and respond to other peoples feelings, Recognize his own name in print and write it, too, Draw a picture of an object or to express an idea, Count the objects in a group and tell you if one group is larger or smaller than the other, Understand that addition means putting groups together and that subtraction means taking away from one group, Break up objects into groups of different numbers to show how they add up to the same number (example: 6 balls = 2 groups of 3 balls or 6 balls = 2 groups of 1 ball and 5 balls), Figure out how to turn a group of 1 to 9 items into 10 (example: a group of 6 items and a group of 4 items =10 items), Use items or draw pictures to show and solve simple addition and subtraction word problems, Sort items according to size or color, for instance, Identify basic colors like red, orange, green, blue, black, and white, Use complete sentences of at least five words, Follow directions involving at least two steps, Hold a crayon or a pencil between his fingers rather than with a fist. Make an effort to understand why the teacher is suggesting retention. The number of infections begins to go down with time. He is constantly talking about being in the first grade next. Was it the finger painting that did her in, or was it story time? He puts together over 50 pieces puzzles by himself. The data also suggests that in spite of having all these resources and manpower, kids who repeat kindergarten dont do as well as their first or second grade classmates once they make it into those grades. Was he uninterested or just bored? Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. She explained that he was frustrated by and uninterested in just about everything the class did a red flag that something was amiss. Most of the other students were 6 years old and much more mature than my 5 years old who already had developmental delays (and he was born 6 weeks pre mature, so if he had been born on time, he would not have made the kindergarten cut off anyway). What could be bad about spending more time on these skills before going to first grade?, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, 5 Things to Know on the First Day of Kindergarten, Learning Disabilities in Your School Age Child. So I can see this both ways. Time to catch up academically. She has learned up to this level in 3 weeks of bringing home A C books that we read together every day. This doesn't mean you won't . Sammy, for instance, could discuss ancient Troy but couldn't draw a stick figure. But when a child often acts immaturely compared to other kids the same age, you may wonder whats going on. I emailed his teacher and she responded that he would be advanced to the 1st grade. He's doing so much better. Red, yellow, green, blue with red being the worst. This is especially true for children who turned 5 just before they started school or those who have limited experience interacting with other kids. She's been a teacher for over 20 years, and says she . 6. She will undoubtedly feel she did something wrong since she cant be with her friends and do what they are doing. First should we allow him to repeat kindergarten ? Holding back in failure of an entire school year that soon cannot be explained well or documented. She said he is average but not ahead of the others. Before using this Expert Advice area, please review our General and Medical Disclaimers. After administering the scale, Jones interviewed 20 of the families to collect more in . It was almost like getting held back twice. Requirements for first grade readiness vary from state to state. I have a little girl in my class who only just made the age cut off for kindergarten. Going back to the blending.. he know all the alphabet and every sound. They can . Start . Julia Layton The teachers have not been taught what dyslexia is and IS NOT. They did some testing prior to the start of the Living with Children: Weighing the . My mom refused to have me held back, as there was nothing wrong with my intellect; in fact, I surpassed my peers in reading skills, as I began reading simple words at age 2 1/2- 3 years old and read story books aloud to my Kindergarten class. Backing up the "not quite ready" date could . In one study, researchers associated this poor academic performance with repeating kindergarten. It doesnt sound right to me. She has been a regular education classroom teacher, a consultant teacher/resource teacher, an educational evaluator/diagnostician, and has also taught graduate students at the university level. There should be 20% of the kids identified. There is a vast amount of scientific research showing that children do not benefit by being held back in grade school. He is the youngest in his class according to his teacher, end May Birthday. "Children who are retained may do better at first, but many fall behind again if their areas of weakness haven't been addressed," says Sandra Rief, a resource specialist and author of Ready . He was at least even with everything she is doing. Parents can ask to see examples of their child's work compared to the work of other children of the same age. How Ethical Is It To Move to A Neighborhood for Its School Rating? He cries often, and doesnt follow directions very well, but loves to look at picture books and make up funny rhymes. Kindergarten students spend a great deal of time on their pre-reading and reading skills. Keep in mind he was mostly virtual in pre-K during the pandemic and started face to face in December 2020 for kindergarten. If your child is unable to follow simple multi-step instructions, follow a task through to completion without getting overly frustrated or distracted, work as part of a group, listen to a story without interrupting, or sit still for the duration of a short lesson, he or she may not be quite ready for the relative rigors of first grade. Language: Does the child have trouble pronouncing words or expressing ideas? Learn about reasons for immature behavior and how to help. Second do you have any suggestions on how to teach him to blend sounds into words? First, you need to remove all of the "you" feelings out of this equation. I know it will be difficult for her to see all her friends move on without her but on the other hand 1st grade is ridiculously hard and I feel like Im throwing her to lions because I know shes not academically ready. But the truth is that today children begin learning to read before they enter the first grade. - My son will graduate high school and only be 17 years old. However his fine motor skills need work. we are so lost. But there is very little out there about holding a child back in kindergarten to wait another year before starting first grade. I knew my son was young entering kindergarten. For a child who is behind his or her peers, these potential positives are real and significant. We feel like there is no support whatsoever from them in trying to retain. Understood is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization (tax identification number 83-2365235). Long story short, he did not do well in kindergarten. June 1, "immature" boys suddenly become those with birthdays after March 1. Redshirting is the practice of postponing entrance into kindergarten of age-eligible children in order to allow extra time for socioemotional, intellectual, or physical growth. After a month and realizing school was done for the academic year, I grew concerned with our sons placement next year. Kindergarten was about learning letters, learning to write them, creating stories, social skillsnow it seems that the just want to make sure these kids are 1/2 way done with what 7 year olds can doHave to start thinking public schools are not for my youngest. Trouble with focus: Does the child seem like a space cadet? . An estimated 5 percent of kindergarteners spend a second year in the class [source: Mlyniec]. They did some testing prior to the start etc. Repeating Kindergarten. I believe with a one on one tutor for the summer it will help him perform better in the first grade. immature or have difficulty acquiring basic academic skills (Mantzicopoulos and Morrison 1992), while upper grade retention is based solely or largely on academic . What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and . So we entered him into kindergarten in August 2014. in his conversations with me, and he is 5 years old ! Hes great at math though. That is not a requirement in Colorado we are told to have them at least know 30 of the 100 most frequently used words, and they should be able to read, but not fluently. I was told in January by the teacher she was going to hold him back (thats why my helping him with the sight wordshe went from set 2 to set 10 in 6 weeks). Months old researchers associated this poor academic performance with repeating kindergarten the betterment the! Because of COVID children: Weighing the child back in grade school or she probably could have used bit! Entire school year that soon can not be explained well or documented a... Enough sleep can be factors year before starting first grade in a new school a! Getting enough sleep can be factors, kindergarten may birthday or those who have limited experience interacting with other.. 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