PROPRIUM ORDINIS PRDICATORUM. Momento mare vertitur; / Eodem die ubi luserunt, navigia sorbentur. Like. Pecuniam perdidisti: fortasse illa te perderet manens -- You have lost your money; perhaps, if you had kept it, it would have lost you. Ponderanda sunt testimonia, non numeranda -- Testimonies are to be weighed, not counted. Exercitatio potest omnia -- Perseverance conquers all difficulties. Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un indiscret ami; / Mieux vaudroit un sage ennemi -- Nothing more dangerous than an imprudent friend; a prudent enemy would be better. If you don't find what you are looking for here, the phrase maybe a proverb or motto in which case you should check the Dictionary of Famous Quotations A literary period in Germany, the productions of which were inspired by a love of strong passion and violent action. Auto-da-f -- An act of faith; a name applied to certain proceedings of the Inquisition connected with the burning of heretics. Suggestio falsi -- Suggestion of what is false. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1. Otium cum dignitate -- Leisure with dignity. What cannot be surpassed; perfection (literally no more beyond). the Pope). Is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes; / Stultus pugnat in adversis ire natator aquis -- He is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies; the fool struggles like a swimmer against the stream. Legatus a latere -- An extraordinary Papal ambassador. Nullum est malum majus, quam non posse ferre malum. To the greater glory of God (M. of the Jesuits). Dead; to death (literally to the fathers). Arbiter elegantiarum -- The arbitrator of elegances; the master of the ceremonies. an tibi notitiam mora temporis eripit horum? Let me skim the water with one oar, and with the other touch the sands, i.e., so as not to go out of my depth. A sardonic laugh; a forced ironical laugh. In clum jacularis -- You are aiming at the heavens; your anger is bootless. Hic transitus efficit magnum vit compendium. Absit omen -- May the omen augur no evil. This change effects a great saving of time (literally life). Nulla falsa doctrina est, qu non permisceat aliquid veritatis -- There is no false doctrine which contains not a mixture of truth. The stars govern men, but God governs the stars. Satis superque est -- Enough, and more than enough. The acclaim of a happy people is the only eloquence which ought to speak in the behalf of kings. Glory is the shadow (i.e., the attendant) of virtue. Callisto is described as a warrior of Diana, which means she was a devout follower . En vrit l'amour ne saurait tre profond, s'il n'est pas pur -- Love, in fact, can never be deep unless it is pure. Non id quod magnum est pulchrum est, sed id quod pulchrum magnum. Novus homo -- A new man; a man risen from obscurity. De propaganda fide -- For propagating the Catholic faith. Alb gallin filius -- The son of a white hen. Id genus omne -- All persons of that description. Perfervidum ingenium Scotorum -- The very ardent temper of the Scots. Pavore carent qui nihil commiserunt; at pnam semper ob oculos versari putant qui peccarunt -- The innocent are free from fear; but the guilty have always the dread of punishment before their eyes. Even little things have a grace of their own. Ad hominem -- Personal (literally to the man). Macte virtute -- Persevere in virtue; go on and prosper. Search Tips. Excellence and greatness of soul are most conspicuously displayed in contempt of riches. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Arbiter bibendi -- The master of the feast (literally the judge of the drinking). By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. Filii non plus possessionum quam morborum hredes sumus -- We sons are heirs no less to diseases than to estates. Pro confesso -- As confessed or admitted. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-03-09 Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est -- To restrain the tongue is not the least of the virtues. Arcana imperii -- State, or government, secrets. Mira qudam in cognoscendo suavitas et delectatio. To give a white stone, i.e., to vote for, by putting a white stone into an urn, a black one indicating rejection. O sancta damnatio! Wherefore live as brave men, and front adversity with stout hearts. Nothing so much assists learning, as writing down what we wish to remember. adponam hercle urnam hanc in media via ; sed autem quid si hanc hinc abstulerit quispiam? Gelehrte Dummkopf -- A learned blockhead; dryasdust. Nihil aliud necessarium ut sis miser, quam ut te miserum credas -- Nothing else is necessary to make you wretched than to fancy you are so. Lapis philosophorum -- The philosopher's stone. The ghost of each of us undergoes (in the nether world) his own special punishment or purgation. A deficiency or blank very much to be deplored. Not that which is great is noble (literally beautiful), but that which is noble is great. In mercatura facienda mult fallaci et quasi prstigi exercentur. The remedy is worse than the disease (literally the disorder increases with the remedy). A prudent man may, on occasion, change his opinion, but a fool changes as often as the moon. Industri nil impossibile -- Nothing is impossible to industry. Quand on est jeune, on se soigne pour plaire, et quand on est vieille, on se soigne pour ne pas dplaire. Difficile quidem est iura cyberbullying defendere. Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est. Pia fraus -- A pious fraud (either for good or evil). Jure humano -- By human law, or the will of the people. La feuille tombe terre, ainsi tombe la beaut. (The river-banks and the open fields and the groves know it.). Doubt insinuates itself into a soul that is dreaming; faith comes down into one that struggles and suffers. Il ne sait sur quel pied danser -- He knows not on which foot to dance (he is at his wit's end). Man sieht sich, lernt sich kennen, / Liebt sich, muss sich trennen -- We greet each other, learn to know each other, love each other, and then. What more discreditable than to estimate the life of a wise man from the talk of a fool? The Oxford Biblical Studies Online and Oxford Islamic Studies Online have retired. Viris fortibus non opus est mnibus -- Brave men have no need of walls. [Greek: opse then aleousi myloi, aleousi de lepta]. DOCUMENTA II. This is the difficulty (literally here the water (in the water-clock) stops). Mundus vult decipi; ergo decipiatur -- The world wishes to be deceived; therefore let it be deceived. Tous les mchants sont buveurs d'eau; / C'est bien prouv par le dluge. Une froideur ou une incivilit qui vient de ceux qui sont au-dessus de nous nous les fait har, mais un salut ou un sourire nous les rconcilie -- A coldness or an incivility from such as are above us makes us hate them, but a salute or a smile quickly reconciles us to them. Contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis -- Against the evil of death there is no remedy in the garden. Quality: Tout chemin mne Rome -- Every road leads to Rome. Ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur -- Wherever there is a display of art, truth seems to us to be wanting. Locus penitenti -- Place for repentance. Me ergo saepe illorum versuum nomine subiit pudor, si . Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes. Epicuri de grege porcus -- A pig of the flock of Epicurus. Falsehood; a falsehood or lie; a false statement made with intent to deceive. Said of a graduate passing from one university to another. Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates -- Riches are coveted to minister to our pleasures. Amor proximi -- Love for one's neighbour. An ass among perfumes, i.e., things he cannot appreciate. Equivalent; one thing instead of another. con., abbrev. Veritas temporis filia -- Truth is the daughter of Time. Prima facie -- At first sight or view of a case. The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. From the beginning to the end (literally from the egg to the apples). Natura nihil agit frustra -- Nature does nothing in vain. Italian Proverb/i>. We only suffer what other mortals do. Judicium Dei -- The judgment of God (as by ordeal). Hard and hard (i.e., without mortar) do not make a wall. You indulge in swearing (literally upturned nostrils) too much. Ratio suasoria -- The reason which persuades. Argumentum ad misericordiam -- An appeal to the mercy of your adversary. Cca regens vestigia filo -- Guiding blind steps by a thread. Live within your means (literally harvest). Quoniam vero ad hanc ipsam religiosam concordiam labefactandam saepe suboritur occasio cum ex dissensionibus in publicis negotiis tum propter iurgia de privatis rebus, primas illas a vobis arceat fidelis ea, quae spectatissima in vobis est, observantia et animorum subiectio erga supremum Othomanici imperii Principem, cuius perspecta Nobis est . Info servande vita mendacium servandae vitae mendacium Last Update: 2022-03-09 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vita mendacium life is a lie Last Update: 2021-09-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous servandae vita mendacium nemini dixeris Last Update: 2022-07-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous servandae vitae mendacium lies in service of lives Last Update: 2022-05-05 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vitae and done Last Update: 2021-12-12 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous ante vitae before lifetime Last Update: 2021-08-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous omnia vitae onmia vitae He who grieves before it is necessary, grieves more than is necessary. Felix qui nihil debet -- Happy is he who owes nothing. The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit. Homo multi consilii et optimi -- A man always ready to give his advice, and that the most judicious. Jure divino -- By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. e campo in cavam hanc viam demittimus equos, centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii et altera, qua in discrimine fuerunt, an ulla post hunc diem essent, Cerberus haec ingens latratu regna personat, vomere exercent collis atque horum asperrima pascunt, ob malefacta haec tantidem emptam postulat sibi tradier, vos fortasse, quod vos lex commonet, id in hoc loco quaeretis, certo haec mulier aut insana aut ebria est, aptius hae capiant vadimonia garrula cerae, adsiduitatis et operarum harum cotidianarum putat esse consulatum, namque ipsorum naves ad hunc modum factae armataeque erant, dabant hae feriae tibi oportunam facultatem ad explicandas tuas litteras, bacaliam appellant hanc (laurum) quae vulgatissima est bacarumque fertilissima, apud Philonem harum causarum cognitio exercitatioque celebratur, ad hanc scribendi operam omne studium curamque convertimus, we turn all interest and preoccupation to this occupation of writing, Brundisii omne certamen vertitur huius primi temporis, habes legis prooemium; enim haec appellat Plato, adversus haec imperator Romanus in hanc fere sententiam respondit, haberes magnum adiutorem, hunc hominem velles si tradere, ceu vero non tenebris noctium gaudia haec auferentibus, haec ratio ut imperet illi parti animi quae oboedire debet id videndum est viro, arbitrum me statuebat non modo huius rei sed totius consulatus sui, haec fama civitates nonnullas ab eius amicitia avertebat, fac huius odii tanti ac tam universi periculum, cito sanum facies hominem hac cura, expertum hoc est, P. Clodio gradus ad rem publicam hic primus est aditus ad , hae copiae quas videtis ex dilectibus in citeriore Gallia sunt refectae, abesse hanc aetatem longe a sepulchro negant oportere, it is said that those who are my age should not stray far from their tombs, aiebat bonam partem sermonis in hunc diem esse dilatam, adice sextam iam felicis huius principatus stationem, apud antiquissimos scriptores una haec pugna invenitur, a magnitudine et pulchritudine creaturarum cognoscibiliter potest creator horum videri, the greatness and the beauty of creatures may leed to contemplation of their author by analogy, hac una fiducia civitatis quocumque venerint hanc sibi rem praesidio sperant esse futuram, a Planco deducta in hanc frequentiam loci opportunitate convaluit, (the colony) founded by Plancus became so densely populated due to the opportunities offered by the place, aer corruptus purum hunc liquidum maculat ac polluit. 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