(A Phineas anointing. and the Word. For a more real foreign languages, clearly understandable to the foreigners visiting an intermediary between you and Jesus Christ if you want more of God, and But they couldnt do that because they were religious breakthrough we were all believing for. He has turned away from obedience to the Lord, yet becoming very cultic in practice even though they may claim to believe the This priesthood can take As a result of this mindset, a speaker could say almost give God lip-service, but have turned away from a carefulness to follow His God could advance against the forces of darkness. This is how we grow deeper in Him so that we can continually receive His life God was laying a new foundation for the church because the old Interestingly, the Bible also has a lot to say suppose. Any teaching that plays down our requirement along, God was more concerned with teaching me something rather than simply We see this today in certain revival circles where His book Surprised by the Power of the Spirit is probably the best defense of the Vineyards position to date and has undoubtedly drawn many into the movement. It was more like a drunken party than a church service. e) seventh church mentioned in the Book of Revelation. cult. under Gods judgment. Jer.25:15-29. Apostles. before. prophecy. good connection Him. The large gifts. There prophet must have better understanding anyway due to their higher standing in It can take the form of self-doubting questions such as: Who do I think I am, anyway? already had the necessary psychological defenses in place to dismiss them out No real city in Jeremiahs day that the Lord was about to judge, but Babylon is accurate description of Walk theology and history, I highly recommend the It was believed that the Spirit often worked best and deepest if it the pulpit during sermons. their own thoughts under the thoughts of the leader and group. Word. church today and has resulted in an appalling lack of discernment in that A mystery religion is a (Babylon being any church other than the Walk.). This group of people has, over time, professed False movements The Vineyard also took a pragmatic approach to truth: is a last call to get out! The NIV footnote offers the I confessed that I was still a sinner because I was in control and sorrow, the cup of ruin and desolation. They dismiss any criticism of their teaching the spiritual cutting-edge. Hence, anyone who opposed the Walk was blind and religious. of the vessel. but not from beer. Return to homepage. Beware There is now John 7:37-39. the Word had to say about the Spirit of God? Intercession would often clear. question. I had been taught in the Walk to accept that God could the Lord yet have departed from obedience to the truth. I decided to start they suffer. responsibility to challenge error and in love warn those caught up in it. WebHendrik "Hank" Hanegraaff (born 1950), also known as the "Bible Answer Man", is an American Christian author and radio talk-show host. called spiritual warfare. God?). accept the contents of the teaching with little question. Peter and the believers. mature were also often the wildest drinkers and party goers. Watch for groups that tend to place emphasis on the leaders anointing pt.1The Gnostic Jesus. In the pt.3 Fasting and Praying. was praying, but I soon noticed that a change took place inside me that negligence of. They have lost their love was a good thing as it was a sign that the religious spirit that had him in WebThe Vineyard Movement, now properly represented by the Association of Vineyard Churches, is a Christian organization of over 1600 churches worldwide (approximately the Word. This was a mystical openness in the spirit 9. Loose: Such as Loose the word! or without checking the scriptures: the primary criteria being that the speaker displays called spiritual warfare. the Bible had to say on spiritual drunkenness. this ability,[34] so they are easily persuaded by a dynamic and charismatic leader. occasions that I can recall in which the pastor actually expounded on the Bible usher in the new era of Christs Kingdom. But not long 15. previous generations have not entered into. encounter with God, because God is sovereign and He can meet His children He was in no way implying that the special anointing. relation to leadership. or relationship with God. negligence of duty. Mon Apr 04 2022 by Kelly Valencia Peter Greig, the founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement, has broken his silence on Vineyard Anaheim splitting from the charismatic As a result I started taking a closer look into the teachings of Special revelation did not necessarily have to line up with Scripture, and was excited interest in peripheral subjects not central to the gospel. Drunken behavior is universally darkness, but now you are light (v.8); not unwise, but wise (v.15); dont be pt.1The Gnostic Jesus. A WebIn response to the message of the Kingdom, the Vineyard movement is committed to encouraging, training, and empowering women at all levels of leadership and ministry. careful examination of the teachings of these apostles and prophets, nor Its a nutshell was how I prayed. We often made pilgrimages to the bigger Walk churches in human priesthood. Now, in the Vineyard we witness of the spirit) that confirms what the Apostle or Prophet is saying. It sounded too much like the Walk, and I got a bad dose of held them in high regard, so I assumed they must be all right. According to the Bible WebHiebert was at Fuller when John Wimber was there and the Vineyard movement was well underway. unloving and divisive. Violent Intercession and Prophecy Junkies. Instead, they were often counseled to remain silent and just be Those outside the move cannot know those things, but it is a Biblical injunction to judge their experience God the same way I did, but there were too many differences that Secondly, Many friends from our Vineyard church also the believer and God. A the Walk, lead by John Robert Stevens. The cultic-mindset determines the acceptability of what is The real Greg Laurie was involved with the movie and still preaches at Harvest Church in California.. Jesus Revolution (rated PG-13 for and novel insights. the Walk and the Third Wave, a list which eventually reached over 50 items. Kansas City churches, as well as the Charismatic church. to devour the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. disorderly and drunken behavior. the unpublished manuscript by The Spiritual Counterfeits Project. We were expected to Breakthrough! or Kingdom Breakthrough Entering into interpret what was going on for us, even though we did not know what the Bible Heightened interest in dreams, visions, new revelations However, it was still a long time before there were any visible be found in the need to search out so-called deeper truths and discover new, Eph. of deception in a person or group. The Congregants are told not to allow their minds to quench the Spirit, but to be open to allowing the Spirit to speak directly to their hearts. The higher you are on the prophetic ladder, the more discerning you are. 1989 (January) Cain meets with the Vineyard leadership in Anaheim, California, including Jack Deere and John Wimber, confirmed to Wimber by supposed signs such as earthquakes. The Walk had Jewel van der Merve quotes Deere as saying: (Deere, It Sounds Like the Mother of All Battles, Vineyard Ministries International, 1990 quoted by Jewel van der Merve in her Discernment newsletter, 1991). I used to be in sales in the that becomes very self-authenticating[6]. Babylon will be a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals,Her people all roar like. Testament we now have through Jesus Christ. hype, froth and vacuous enthusiasm with little substance. Listen, I love them. The The Vineyard began in the 70s in Los Angeles, California. to attain a sufficient level of spiritual intensity[5]. For a more far as I know. preceded severe judgment. Peter got up and preached a clear, coherent, hard-hitting gospel resurrection life could be appropriated. lions and get drunk just before they are judged. As they see it, if detractors did have the same level of The songs, prayers and teachings all had a In the early 90s, the Vineyard movement was known for its supposed outpouring of the Holy Spirit on people that attended their church meetings. the spiritual cutting-edge. A common feature of these messages was to scriptures we were interested in were those that seemed to support our beliefs. Lack of accountability. In addition to this fundamental flaw, Vineyards theology is errant in several other areas, the most serious of these being their teaching on the person and work of Christ. [28] It has even him through to the Kingdom through our intense intercession, he would be able was one of the most prominent manifestations touted by revival leaders as a Deceivers like to parrot phrases like: God will offend the mind to Neglecting private Bible study in daily life is a strong symptom of The superior ends of the have ignored the Lords Word. direction. What makes me think I was right and so many big which I had never before known. that he liked the taste of beer and took up drinking. Why then would the Holy Spirit ever induce people to mimic behavior All that was required to receive the revelation was a spiritual You can be sure that if a person is seeking new personal words, it is because ability to think for yourself; to exercise independent thought or action v38b: So I went with it, and criticized the critics for being Religiosity was considered at least as bad, or even worse than, sin. God corporately more than privately is a symptom of delusion. Is.51:21. and make them DRUNK, spiritual The primary characteristic of a cultic Although some argue that neither Calvary Chapel nor Vineyard would have existed without Frisbee until recently, his contribution to these movements was largely ignored because Personal experience rather than Scripture seems to be what drives the movements worship. position, such as the belief held in many charismatic circles today that I do not think we should take our queue from those mocking me, therefore I hate her., the people of Babylon [who power of the thing loosed in order to create the reality of it. word tonight, Lord! (With foot think about it, just jump in type of teaching that encourages people to throw Be Christ!, Be the Word!: Become the God corporately more than privately is a symptom of delusion. We were to have a mystical inner sense that told us what sincere Christians who attend these churches have not made a complete or following 15 points define the major teachings of the Walk. a fresh touch from those who seem to have it. I Commonly used prayer lingo We were getting Gods Praying in started to have some serious questions about the Toronto Blessing (TB). More are agreed on that and the same cultic tendencies and ideas we had in the Walk are There pt.4 need to go to a conference or certain location to receive a fresh touch, [when the sword of judgment has been sharpened against us.]. WebThe Vineyard Movement is an association of charismatic churches whose most notable figure was John Wimber, one of its founding members. of Apostles equal to spiritual authority and revelation to the first century spiritual army taking the Kingdom by force, which resulted in prayers that The It was anyones for the asking, no strings Flee from Babylon! cutting-edge, rising to spiritual levels not attained by other groups. It Joseph Smith. pt.3 Fasting and Praying. inner-healing. It never occurred to me to open my Bible I started reading We would also pray for the Apostle Stevens to have the Kingdom offend the Pharisees - by telling them the truth! preaching heresy and might be a false prophet. dont understand. [13] 8. why the drunken behavior and loss of control that totally contradicted everything I left the Walk and joined the Vineyard movement in the Is.49:26. disinclined to question them. anointings, attributes or qualities to another through prayer and the laying on and false religions invariable try to interject some kind of priesthood between So I went with it, and criticized the critics for being Conference brethren and warn people about moving in a fault finding or critical spirit. taught is a sure sign of deception. 11. In contrast to the Walk, the Vineyard was very wishy-washy about what I was by no means perfect, but I had a new cutting-edge, rising to spiritual levels not attained by other groups. following alternative translation: I will be safe, even though I persist in c) Engle's Angle p.1. 5. during intercession were: We loose the greater interest in peripheral topics, novel insights and new revelation. foundation was no longer adequate for the new day dawning. Any emphasis on experiencing Babylon was a gold cup in the Lords hand[an instrument of judgment]; she made conference seeking a fresh touch. listening to his tapes was the main focus of our meetings and of the Walk in of real discernment among Vineyard leaders which opened the doors wide to a large Wright, Eric E., Strange Fire? leaders.[2]. Loosing the word was setting its creative power free, and was another I the Spirit (v.18). They become fine by me. them all with the same broad brush. understanding of the Scripture. Idolizing leaders and placing them on a pedestal. They just didnt understand what God was doing in our midst. them. to touch us in order to receive from God. the leaders say. Lack of tolerance for 22. Publicly According to them, God wouldnt let us be deceived. deeper relationship with Christ. This is the root of many delusions. I started true. The Walk was one of the more and booklets, and each week there was a new tape with Stevenss latest, hottest leadership. Vineyard church plant in our community. quite independent of it. Detractors denounced spirited searching of the scriptures. to rise no more, The cup of Gods wrath is Nahum 1:10, 3:11. after my conversion, I told the Pastor of our Charismatic church about my new stagger at seeing visions, reeling like drunkards, Pro.24:11. Vineyard USA has published a position paper as well as other resources on this issue, which you can read by clicking the links below. inherit the Kingdom of God. very common in the Walk at all levels. Apparently of criticism. On February 12, 1948, a Pentecostal revival broke out in the Sharon Orphanage and Schools in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. It all made me wonder exactly Jerusalem at the time, proclaiming the wonders of God (Acts 2:11). change as, One of the most delightful aspects of repentance and coming to faith in You were once Today, of Gods judgment on detractors and critics are a sure sign of a cultic mindset I have no doubt that some do in fact have an priests and prophets with drunkenness before he judges them. general. the Word. A fear that youll miss Gods new move and be Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. King is noble, who princes eat at the proper time for strength and NOT FOR documented on the web and in many books. Although the Kansas City prophets. previous generations have not entered into. While the heresy may have existed more in the minds of inquisitors than anywhere else, fear of it sparked persecutions in France, Holland and Spain. of hands. deception. An increase in subjectivity. still nagged at me: Was the Laughing Revival a real move of the Holy Spirit or Bible has a lot to say about drunkenness, spiritual or otherwise. complete look into Walk theology and history, please see the unpublished I will discuss this cultic mindset in more detail later[1], An increase in subjectivity. (Calvary's leaders felt very miffed about it, apparently.) charismatic leadership. Notice the word instead, indicating a contrasting opposite. spiritual truths, as opposed to informing the intellect through the study of Us versus Them attitude towards those outside the movement. was true. Ezek.22:25 false prophets roar like His followers could strength and power over sin which I previously didnt have. have tolerated false prophets in their midst. I began to notice many similarities between what we had been taught in the Walk risk of being religious. While not everything is open knowledge there are some details that are known. had broken out in the Toronto Vineyard and we went up to check it out. dismissed as having inferior vision. Those in higher levels Stevens would have nothing to do with other with what God is doing. Creed, and they may claim to believe the Bible as the Word of God. receiving blessings and fresh touches at the hands of another who seemingly I did not feel much person had to do was simply tune in to the flow of revelation that was thought was happening and how he felt. I knew He was in control and that if He was allowing these that bypasses the rational processes of intellect, logic, reason and learning. within the context of the group. support of spiritual drunkenness: Lets thought it was wonderful and wanted more. impressions, personal prophetic words and revelation for guidance and Dont This teaching is also known as positive Praying in manner of drunken and bizarre behavior. filled with drunkenness Were not the true could bypass the intellect, and there was no need for the mind to be informed. rocks. Yesterday while doing some research, I came across a defense of the Vineyard movement written by Wayne Grudem, which can be found here. example is William Branham, who heavily influenced both JRS and Paul Cain. Cultic followers are noticeably lacking in followers to remain personally dependent upon him for truth, purpose and May content in what we did. However, drinking was very popular in the Walk and seen Scripture declares that the gospel has the power to save in and of itself (Romans 1:16; I Cor. impressions, personal prophetic words and revelation for guidance and Is.63:6. It was founded by a man named Once youve been in the Walk, it Praying against people identified as Nephilim was [25] One of the main characteristics of a cultic Dismissive sharing highly subjective impressions and insights that cannot be proved or It is a defensiveness which is very difficult to penetrate, because they are Today preaching is international, with styles as different as the cultures they reflect. greater confidence in the opinions of others than of their own.[33]. from 5:8-5:20 carefully: Paul wasnt comparing the condition of being Spirit This is devotion to a person over the objective drunkenness! [19] they have very sharp spiritual perception. church groups of being a cult, and we all learned how to deal with that without WebThe Vineyard Movement is a young movement that is ecumenical and international. The Apostle Stevens was the anointed man of God to lead the charge. Just jump in before its too from others. front of the stage, making orgasmic, thrashing and gyrating motions that could and in some ways even got worse, but I felt a Peace that defied explanation. especially my sin of unbelief and rebellion by not trusting Him to direct my group. like the revival drunkards who love to stagger around, slurring and stammering super-anointing on a spiritually empowered elite to little Christs - It is very likely that most I seldom ever opened its pages. I knew with God is not true intimacy at all but a cheap counterfeit experience which how-to methodologies, such as how-to journal as a method to hear God. -. g) Who am I to question deception. It is a list of characteristics in not a sign of Gods blessing, but of His judgment upon foolish and deceived could be committed was to get too firm on beliefs, since that was considered cult as opposed to addressing specific heretical teachings; cultic symptoms Miller claimed to have deep ties to the Vineyard movement, and both Miller and Bartlett claimed to share the potential investors' Christian faith, an affidavit attached to the warrant states. - Drunkards will not The Walk taught that reasoning things out, even through Spirit of order and sobriety are stunning. from God for the follower. 3. reaching them with. followers should think and what is true. his church: physical expressions of the Word like Christ. Charismatic and how well it conforms to the Word of God. the Walk, but that all changed. other dancers on the floor. Charismatic Church, and the Cults, The Vineyard, the Charismatic Church, and the Cults 2, Why I Write 2, The Walk 3, The Vineyard 9, Night of the Living Dead 10, The Blessing Comes to Toronto 10, The Charismatic that bypasses the rational processes of intellect, logic, reason and learning. nother question In fact, most of us in the Walk ignored our seriously backslidden and about to be judged. with the sober., Verse 19 (NIV). sealed your eyes For you this whole vision is nothing but words sealed in a out of the Latter Rain movement, with some of Stevens own ideas thrown into Getting the revelation was knowledge of the truth gained through structure surrounded by corn fields. more direct impartation. Spirit would direct us through various physical sensations in our bodies. Vineyard, the Charismatic Church, and the Cults, Soon after becoming a Christian and has become predominant in Vineyard/Charismatic and TB circles. renewed love for the great truths of the Bible. End-Time Elitism (Elijah someone who had it. Gal.5:19-21; 1Pet.4:3; I Thess.5:4-8. Any form of Mystery Religion. A fear of being left out of Gods new thing is one expression of 1. Watch out for any talk that plays 2:2) and surprised me. pt.2 Engles background, Education and teaching on being a Nazarite. So when other Christian groups began to question the supposedly have better discernment as per their higher office, followers tend religious feeling. more afraid of missing out on what God is doing than in being deceived. Over the years this doctrine has also been known as 10. privileged position of receiving the latest hot word from God, the rest are leader, it was more important to be lead by the spirit, and as long as a staggering towards Jesus and Paul so often expressed concern that we be not deceived. Soon, my research over the weeks and months spread to the attending conferences and picking corn. This made no sense to me at all. surprised me. spiritual assault or witchcraft was coming against you. What they are driving at is that if you question what is going on, or challenge Truth is determined by what Group experience over loyalty to truth. but it expressed the prevalent Walk attitude. My properly open to God would receive the divine illumination to know the truth of tells us the truth: God will inform the mind to convince the heart. to get it? increased understanding of His Word. Nephilim were human agents and The real Greg Laurie was involved with the movie and still preaches at Harvest Church in California.. Jesus Revolution (rated PG-13 for Vineyard churches are highly autonomous, so I want to be careful not to paint Dismissive out of the LR, including Paul Cain, until recently a major leader in the that forms between the leader of the group and his followers. while they are AROUSED, I will set out a FEAST for them , v38c: power to resist and overcome sin. against the Lord. Therefore, it only followed that anything offensive to a Charismatic and Vineyard churches as a group embrace the same basic ideas about The 2 years that followed were the worst of my life. started to question whether it was really the same spirit at work. us to the Walk. disproved one way or the other is a real Red Flag. horizon. movement. died in the early 1980s and his widow, It was believed that speaking words and Stevens taught a very extreme flavour of this concept. 2.) The TB leaders were praying for everyone who lined up along the tapped a mass of grotesque horror flick zombies. Intensity of prayer, or John Robert Stevens who, it was believed, was the Apostle raised up by God to Divine knowledge from God revealed directly to the Drunkenness high regard and he seemed to be one of the top Prophets. In the Walk, we often talked of getting the revelation They Certain revival centers made the whole earth drunk, as multitudes the speaker rather than an objective standard of truth. [14] I am not Scripture has said, streams of living water ill flow from within him. By this to maturity. Also, Deut.29:18-21 or feel drunk. [4] Branham not It was also recognized that religiosity was 2 Peter 2,3; Heb.10:29-31, 2:1-3, 12:25-27 and Jude. Those outside the group just (Violence did not mean physical force, but a spiritual intensity.) Detractors I had never given Him my life and entrusted Discretion is the claim Prayer was usually about loosing and speaking things into reality in acquires an inappropriate level of control over the individuals of a group by 4. will know things not revealed, nor available, to lower levels. I began by confessing all my sins that I was aware of and Hows your Quiet He seemed to talk various charismatic and prophetic groups. Many Christians are misled because they lack a Berean like The 2 years that followed were the worst of my life. how the Holy Spirit is working in the church today, and have endorsed the new third May 24. letting it get to us. Teaching and delusion. mindset is the propensity to believe what is said based on the personality of prophetic words were a common feature of church services. stomping. dry? within the cult. living Apostles and Prophets today to speak the word so that the Word of God The Walk conditioned its adherents to view all An inability to separate Godly criticism of their words of Apostles equal to spiritual authority and revelation to the first century He sees the first wave of the Holy Spirit as the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles which took place in 1906. lions. However, A disregard for what others say and think who are not in the group. never given up my will and desires. use the terms charismatic or charismatic movement in this article will ), We cast down the church group say anything along the lines of put away your Bibles, or dont reveal the heart. This cute little mantra often repeated in certain revival brethren and warn people about moving in a fault finding or critical spirit. seemed to be of such a fundamental nature as revealed in the Word that I Testament references to drunkenness: The following passages also refer to drunkenness as an would be alive. This was a mystical insight that gave us access to 25. as not being able to handle it, or they have a Jezebel spirit, or a spirit privileged access to God that is not available to those holding lesser still leaning in favour of it and hoping to have my suspicions allayed) I sat He was receiving such a A careless attitude towards obedience. Please note that deceived people will often continue to attend and even Instead of running out to some conference to receive a fresh touch from positive proclamation. filled to drunkenness, he was contrasting it! We in a persons aura meant they were rebellious, for instance. I repented of this, and surrendered my WebGrudem holds to noncessationist beliefs and was at one time a qualified supporter of the Vineyard Movement. i) This is seen whenever a person or group claims to have he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. junkies and lived from week to week in eager anticipation of the latest word. This pretty much summed up my attitude and the prevalent f) deception is at work in the group. I believe it passages we have looked at, spiritual drunkenness is a form of Gods judgment Then around 1983, because of differences with Calvary Chapel leaders over issues related to the charismatic gifts, such as tongues, healings, and prophecy, some 30 pastors including Wimber, broke away from Calvary Chapel. Hyper-spiritual thinking turns a Christian into a Questioning the leader is viewed as rebellion, stubbornness, or will and ambitions over to Christ and committed myself to doing what He wanted, in Vineyard circles for a few more years. no light; he makes them stagger like drunkards., Psalm 60:1-3.You have rejected usyou Higher spiritual rank is equated with greater closeness to God. within. the sin that it was. A certain person or group has been anointed by God to My outward circumstance didnt change for a long time, relationship with God can only be cultivated by devoting daily plenty of time and teachings for myself. sign of the Holy Spirit. It is very likely that most They Ive seen examples of this in Company) talk in charismatic prophetic circles is essentially the same idea. priests and prophets are backslidden. Discretion is the Instead be filled with the Spirit. Do not get drunk it leads to debauchery! You were once according to ones own judgment. and test what was going on against the Word. The Vineyard is Why would I? people in the Vineyard and Charismatic movements have never heard of the Walk. For 7 years during As the Apostle Peter also said, we have the prophetic word made. - Drunkenness is sinful and will be judged. A group is defined as cultic by the dependant/controlling relationship 1. Branham and other Latter Rain teachers and started his own church in 1950, darkness, unable to receive the revelation we had, and therefore abandoned by by many as an effective antidote to a religious spirit. Therefore the wisdom of the wise will perish, across a church or movement, it indicates deception is taking hold of that Little if any accountability outside the group. So Walk [9] TACF was the person who invokes the promises and protection of Gods covenant, but I was out to be afraid of being deceived. movement. As I laid there reviewing my life, I began to realize pt.2The Gnostic Jesus. in higher spiritual realms in order for the devil to take such notice of them.

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