The motion was dismissed and the the motion judge declined to certify the action as a class proceeding on the basis that the Plaintiffs could not meet the first element of the five-part test in s.5 of the Ontario Class Proceedings Act, 1992; the Statement of Claim did not disclose a cause of action because BDO did not owe the Class Members/ unitholders a duty of care in negligence. Duty to take reasonable care not to cause harm to another person that could be reasonably foreseen. The only possible reliance would be in the unitholders expecting that the OSC would police Crystal Wealth’s compliance with securities laws. It was not relevant that the auditor knew the identities of the investors. As pleaded in the Amended Statement of Claim, the two purposes of BDO’s statutory audits are: (a) to assist the investors in making investment decisions; and (b) to ensure that Crystal Wealth was compliant with Ontario securities laws. endobj Whether providing services as an accountant or auditor, a certified public accountant (CPA) owes a duty of care to the client and third parties who foreseeably rely on the accountant's work. In Hercules Managements, the Supreme Court of Canada held that an auditor performing a statutory audit does not owe a duty of care to shareholders in relation to their personal investment decisions. We'll be happy to refer to you the right qualified Lerners lawyer. negligence. BDO did not audit the financial statements of these mutual funds. Accordingly, unless you are currently a client of Lerners LLP, we ask that you do not include any confidential information in this email. whose reliance is FORESEEN by the auditor. Historically, an auditor's duty of care to individuals or entities beyond its audit clients (in the context of public companies) has been limited by the Courts due to policy concerns surrounding indeterminate liability: … “Class Members” were investors in Crystal Wealth mutual funds in the period April 12, 2007, to April 7, 2017. The Receiver reported to the court that Crystal Wealth had manipulated the Net Asset Values of the mutual funds, causing them to be materially overstated, and that interfund investments gave a false sense of liquidity to meet investor distributions and/or redemptions. Therefore, in New Zealand auditor reports, the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit … 165; Deloitte & Touche v Livent Inc. (Receiver of), 2017 SCC 63 ; and Lavender v Miller Bernstein LLP, 2018 ONCA 729, leave refused, [2018] S.C.C.A. Duty of care Auditors are liable and can be sued due to the fact that they automatically owe external users of audited statements legal duty of care. Also, there was no contract between BDO and the unitholders. The Plaintiffs alleged that, unbeknownst to them, the management of Crystal Wealth was misappropriating assets and that BDO did not detect the fraud. The Ontario Court of Appeal held that the auditors did not owe a duty of care to the investors. ��VV� I�V�v���V;�* ����l�� (P�aJ������5��g�U����� >��Q��̠�_��� Here, culture, values and commitment aren't abstract concepts. On September 5 the Court of Appeal for Ontario issued its decision in Lavender v. Miller Bernstein LLP, 2018 ONCA 729. While shareholders may be able to pursue misrepresentation claims against auditors under the Ontario Securities Act, those claims are generally subject to checks and balances. 48. The duty of care is owed to the auditor’s client with which it has a contract, the corporation. The proximity analysis requires the court to embark upon a fact-specific inquiry to identify all relevant factors that arise from the relationship between the parties; The relevant factors vary from case to case and may include reliance, expectations, representations, property or other interests, and statutory obligations; In cases of pure economic loss arising from negligent misrepresentation or negligent performance of a service, the auditor’s undertaking and the investors’ reliance are determinative; The plaintiff investors must establish that the relationship between the parties was such that the auditor may be said to be under an obligation to be mindful of the investors’ legitimate interests; The following factors militate against a finding of proximity: The auditor has made no undertaking to assist the investors in making investment decisions; The auditor has made no representations to the investors; There is no direct connection between the auditor and the investors (such as when there is an interposition of a securities regulator and the corporation between the auditor and the investors); and. In Lavender, the plaintiffs invested in the securities of Buckingham Securities. What is reasonable skill, care … ��{}f����Z�~b/T3/t��B=�Bg1ҕ)�:��PӼ�[ץ�.tS�RU��nD��=F;^��B�QNV���B�QVT��zD��(SW��b������%]FI�e�"��>��gxSD��gW��.�+'QF��gd�+[��B����D�f Nevertheless, a duty of care to third parties, such view the … �B�J���B��V�FL!A��u�Fl!A�$E:qe�L1�H'M!A� Livent was a claim by a corporation (via its Receiver) against the corporation’s auditor, so the auditor’s duty of care was clear. On June 15, 2018, the Plaintiffs brought a motion to certify the class action. Dsposal helps you by creating an easy to use document that you can use to audit your waste management contractors. Civil law, in contrast, deals with disputes between individuals and/or organisations. Furthermore, this survey has practical implications for auditors because the explicit clarification of the auditors’ responsibility may motivate auditors to increase due professional care and take more responsibility for fraud detection in the audit … Feel free to reach out directly by visiting my Lerners Profile, Stretching the Limits of Statutory Interpretation: The implications of College of Nurses of Ontario v Mark Dumchin on the jurisdiction of regulated health colleges over former members, Junior Law Clerk, Plaintiff Personal Injury, Litigation by the PGT to protect vulnerable individuals: more important than ever in this age of COVID-19, No Clucks Given: Ontario Court of Appeal Expands Scope of Anti-SLAPP Provisions in Subway v CBC, A Self-Represented Litigant’s Entitlement to Costs: Girao v. Cunningham, 2021 ONCA 18, tbk Creative | Web Design & Digital Marketing. BDO provided clean audit opinions for the 10 Crystal Wealth mutual funds that were in existence in 2015. Therefore, in. As both the Whitehouse and Lavender decisions demonstrate, the Supreme Court of Canada’s Livent decision has brought greater rigour to the legal analysis of whether there is a relationship of sufficient proximity to ground a duty of care in cases in which auditors are sued by third parties. This theory of a duty of care did not depend upon the unitholders relying on, or even seeing, the audited financial statements. The only direct relationship in the immediate case is between BDO and Crystal Wealth. Under Hercules Managements, the court recognized that there were lots of third parties … “Due care” is a term used to refer to the degree of care that a “reasonable person” would take in a particular situation. ������jyx _��!��Ã�/�Z�c��8=6���0Y�㑨1CK���/���Y(�ͱ>U�2R�����Z�n��K��ݢ����>O��Y-�����m��h|��*�͆��i�b}�g "O1�T��=�U/� ����7v����9��O���i;R6o��C&� e�����v�������|���w�W����Z�J[��늋-�A�ܮJ^8��\e�a+#��q^��K��+}5[\m��� ��u��a(�"E%۬�ĺ�4���3��;; �I͔�DÀ��P�_�?���8�% <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.56 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> When success matters, there is no substitute for the advantage that comes from experience. The OSC terminated Buckingham’s licence and put it into receivership for non-compliance with these regulatory requirements, as result of which the investors lost the value of their investments. auditor generally owes a duty of care to the third parties who are part of a limited group of persons. The auditor may also carry his search outside the books by conducting any … All rights reserved. In 2017, the Plaintiffs brought an action under the Ontario Class Proceedings Act, 1992, alleging the negligent provision of auditing services and that had BDO done proper audits, the fraud would have been detected earlier and they would not have suffered the losses they did. �T_:? She has named you as estate trustee (or executor) of her estate. %PDF-1.5 2 0 obj 3 0 obj Blog Home » Jonathan’s Jots » Auditor’s Duty of Care. Auditors are potentially liable for both criminal and civil offences. In this case, the auditors should be put upon enquiry or be suspicious that the inventories balance have increased tremendously over a period of one month. ��-���U Therefore, for want of proximity, it was plain and obvious that the Plaintiffs did not have a legally viable cause of action against BDO for auditor’s negligence in performing a statutory audit based on an alleged duty of care to unitholders with respect to their investment decisions. An Auditor’s Duty of Care The court identified the core dispute as whether Miller Bernstein owed a duty of care to Buckingham’s clients. To access the Duty of Care Document head to … They lost their life savings and blamed BDO Canada LLP, which audited Crystal Wealth’s financial statements and issued clean audit opinions in the years 2009 to 2016. There was no pleading of any direct relationship, undertaking, or representation by BDO to the investors and no allegation of any direct contact between BDO and the investors. External financial users completely rely on auditors … The motion judge determined that the statutory scheme could not be seen as the basis for a duty of care to ensure that Crystal Wealth complied with Ontario’s securities laws such that the OSC would permit it to continue to offer and redeem units in the mutual funds. The value of all units in the funds was thereby impaired. … The motion judge noted that the Statement of Claim did not plead any direct relationship, undertaking, or representation by BDO to the unitholders. endobj It was registered with the OSC as an Exempt Market Dealer, Investment Fund Manager, Portfolio Manager, and Commodity Trading Manager. She has what you would consider to be a ... Yola Ventresca, Sarah Martens and Natalie Carrothers review the Divisional Court decision in College of Nurses of Ontario v Mark Dumchin and the unanswered questions the decision ... Consulted and recognized province wide in Ontario. The Auditor’s duty of care: The Auditor has a duty of care to the assurance client (company) automatically under the law. The Whitehouse and the Lavender cases are instructive in that they make it clear that: The Livent analysis, in the context of actions brought against auditors by third parties, has introduced a more principled approach to the determination of whether a duty of care exists, and also greater predictability as to outcome. �:H�CˮQ����c�zO�m ��$J����� We're sorry, We cannot locate any lawyers with that criteria. Under Hercules Managements, the court recognized that there were lots of third parties who would reasonably and foreseeably rely upon an audit report and to whom the auditors would owe a prima facie duty of care. … However, by that time, the unit holders had already suffered losses of over $100 million. None of those facts created a relationship of proximity to the class for the purpose of assisting them in making their individual investment decisions; and. For example, a duty of care is … Further, it is the duty of an auditor to verity with skill, care and caution which a reasonably competent, careful and cautious auditor would use. The former occur when individuals or organisations breach a government imposed law; in other words criminal law governs relationships between entities and the state. D. auditors have a duty of care only to the shareholders as a group. The Auditor owed a duty of care to the Class, under previously recognized legal analysis, to conduct an audit of Buckingham’s Form 9’s with the skill and care of a competent practitioner; The Auditor breached that duty of care; The Auditor’s breach of that duty … The Plaintiffs do not plead that the two purposes of BDO’s audits arise from any directly proximate relationship between the unitholders and BDO. Under common law, auditor owes a duty of care and should exercise reasonable care and skill when … Do you have any questions about your unique scenario? Ultimately, the court found that the plaintiffs had no claim against BDO because it did not owe them a duty of care. Although the investors were provided with copies of BDO’s reports to the OSC, BDO gave no undertaking to the investors to assist them with their investment decisions or to safeguard them from Crystal Wealth’s non-compliance with OSC requirements. Buckingham’s Form 9 Reports in 1988, 1999, and 2000 had falsely stated that Buckingham was in compliance with the regulatory segregation and minimum capital requirements of the Securities Act. On April 26, 2017, the OSC applied to have Grant Thornton LLP appointed as Receiver over all of the assets of Crystal Wealth. The words, “The financial statements are the responsibility of management,” appear prominently in an auditor’s communications, including the audit report. They alleged that the auditors had negligently audited Buckingham’s annual registration renewal form (the Form 9 Report). more likely to result in an auditor being subject to a law suit. There was not a sufficient relationship of proximity because: The motion judge in Whitehouse v BDO found that the duty of care analysis was the same as in the Lavender case, and he was bound by it. As with the rest of the Dsposal software it can be used on a smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Those standards do not make auditor guarantors of the accuracy of the financial statements or liable to investors who suffer a loss caused by a fraud of management which is not detected by the auditors. Please search again. Copyright © 2021 Lerners LLP. The relationship between BDO and the unitholders is a conceit of the Securities Act and involves the interposition of the OSC. On April 3, 2018, the Receiver also brought an action against BDO alleging negligence, negligent misrepresentation, breach of contract, and gross negligence with respect to the audit of the 2014 and 2015 financial statements of two of the mutual funds. Lord Bridge commented that cases where duty of care did arise10 was illustrated in Smith v … Nonetheless, the motion judge found that certain elements of the Amended Statement of Claim were fatal to a finding of a duty of care. On June 20, 2017, the Plaintiffs commenced a class proceeding against BDO for negligence with respect to the clean audit reports. He found that the motion could be decided by a consideration of the current three leading cases in Ontario on the duty of care owed by auditors to third parties: Hercules Managements Ltd. v Ernst & Young, [1997] 2 S.C.R. Here we set out the auditor's responsibilities that apply to the context of an audit engagement. Let us consider the possible entities that may sue an auditor and the possible reason for a lawsuit. stream In the Amended Statement of Claim, the Plaintiffs plead that BDO breached the duty of care it owed the unitholders based on the duty of care that is grounded on these two purposes of the statutory audits. However, the duty of care analysis allowed for a consideration of public policy factors, primarily the risk of indeterminate liability, to negate the duty of care by auditors to third parties in many circumstances. An auditor must act honestly and with reasonable care and skill; otherwise he may be sued for damages. For example, due care is expected when someone mails a package. Should that come to pass, the test for the existence of a duty of care owed by the auditor to a third-party user of audited financial information would essentially be that enunciated in Caparo, … The Form 9 Reports therefore were submitted purely for regulatory purposes and not for informing or inducing class members to make decisions; The auditors did not even know the identities of the investors; The statutory scheme required Buckingham to segregate assets, maintain net free capital, and file a Form 9 to confirm that it had met the regulatory requirements. Under the Livent analysis there is not sufficient proximity between the unitholders and BDO to found a duty of care on the basis of the statutory scheme. 8�w��H��4�t `�M��. Please note that by sending this email, you will not automatically become a client of Lerners LLP unless and until Lerners LLP confirms that it will agree to be retained on your matter. They brought a class action against Buckingham Securities’ auditor Miller Bernstein LLP. audit … Reliance and legal responsibility and what the parties knew or ought to have known or what the parties could rely on is based upon the statutory provisions of the Securities Act. Accountants can … Crystal Wealth created 5 more mutual funds in 2016. No general duty of care has been recognized between an auditor and the company’s investors for the purpose of auditing financial reports that are required to be filed pursuant to a statutory securities regime; This means that in each case, the court must undertake a full. We will listen until you are sure we’ve heard you. In Lavender, the issue was decided on a summary judgment motion, as a result of which the court had a full evidentiary record. Therefore, on April 7, 2017, the OSC issued a temporary cease trade order. This … Therefore, the relationship between the investors and BDO was too remote. According to the Supreme Court of Canada, recognition of a duty of care in a claim for pure economic loss requires more scrutiny than other negligence claims. We look forward to speaking to you. <> Those professional standards require auditors use appropriate accounting procedures to obtain “reasonable assurance” that the financial statements, as a whole, are free from material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud. There is no reliance upon the audited financial reports by the investors. In the vast majority of employment law cases it is clear whether the employee resigned or was fired. Management’s responsibilities in an audit . 130 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2400 In many cases, those third parties are the investors or shareholders of the corporation, who had no contractual relationship with the auditors to provide audit services. endobj We will explain all your options until you say you understand them, The purpose of the Form 9 Reports was to allow the OSC to regulate securities dealers and protect investors, but did not create a relationship of proximity between Miller Bernstein and the class members. LERN what matters today from Lerners Lawyers. Paragraph 41(c) of ISA (NZ) 700 (Revised) allows the description of the auditor’s responsibilities to be moved out of the auditor’s report and referred instead to a website of an appropriate authority.. In order for a duty of care to arise in negligence: harm must be reasonably foreseeable as a result of the defendant's conduct (as established in Donoghue v Stevenson), the parties must be in a relationship of … According to Lavender, these circumstances do to not give rise to a duty of care. An accountant may be liable for negligence, not only in contract but in tort, if a person to whom he or she owed a duty of care has suffered loss as a result of the accountant’s negligence. It was considered the duty of an auditor to perform to the level of the skill, care and caution which a reasonably competent, careful and cautious auditor would.15What is reasonable skill, … x��\YoG~��Џd�M�=�! In May, 2018, the CEO of Crystal Wealth admitted to having misappropriated millions of dollars of investors’ money and to having misled both BDO and the OSC. An accountant will … The duty of care is owed to the auditor’s client with which it has a contract, the corporation. It was found that three factors had to exist for there to be a duty of care which where: Proximity, Knowledge of who the report would have been communicated to and for what purposes it would have been used. The Court of Appeal held that an auditor does not owe a duty of care to account … Thus, for example, the Plaintiffs plead….that “accordingly” BDO conducted its audits for two purposes associated with the Securities Act. The Statement of Claim seeks a declaration that BDO had a duty of care to the Class Members, which it breached in negligently performing professional services, thereby causing damages of over $150 million. With Ontario Securities laws submitted to the right qualified Lerners lawyer upon the audited financial reports the! By Ontario ’ s client with which it has a contract, the corporation Ontario court Canada! Against Buckingham Securities is clear whether the employee resigned or was fired to not rise! 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