Ousamequin, leader of the Wampanoag Tribe, had declared an alliance with the settlers, and members of the tribe were showing up to honor a mutual-defense pact; they'd heard the Pilgrims shooting their guns in celebration and thought they were in combat. We hope to inspire curiosity and connection through exploring and learning, and we hope this guide helps you and your families. What do you think about that? Learn the truth behind the historic meal that brought Native Americans and settlers together. Corn was incredibly important to indigenous populations. Anthony Zurita. Combine that with the fact that some non-Natives choose to dress up in things like headdresses in "honor" of Thanksgiving, which many see as a mockery of sacred dress. Shame doesn’t help those who are harmed. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; But it was. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; That’s why it’s important to learn an accurate history of what happened in 1621. I’ve also added some culturally responsive/sensitive books to help teach children about the real story of Thanksgiving from a Native American perspective. View Comments. What are some better things we can do? Here are several different traditional nasaump recipes! The area surrounding the site of the first Thanksgiving, now known as southeastern Massachusetts and eastern Rhode Island, had been the home of the Wampanoag people for over 12,000 years, and had been visited by other European settlers before the arrival of the Mayflower in 1620. However, an epidemic had killed many natives, leaving room for the colonists to settle. IF YOU LIKED THIS POST ABOUT THE REAL HISTORY OF THANKSGIVING FOR KIDS, YOU MIGHT LIKE THESE POSTS TOO: NOT READY FOR THIS ACCURATE THANKSGIVING HISTORY QUITE YET? They would have probably had seafood, as well as a Wampanoag dish called nasaump, a porridge made of cornmeal, which the settlers had adopted. By continuing to celebrate the Pilgrims, it makes it seem like colonization really wasn’t that bad, and that it wasn’t a big deal. Read the texts and answer the included questions. Where the last point is concerned, you can find out the Indigenous history of the land you live on by using resources like native-land.ca. 2021 MONTHLY GLOBAL CHILDREN'S BOOK CLUB RESOURCES. You can share accurate resources with your child’s teacher to ensure s/he is teaching truth in the classroom. With that in mind, this meal actually being viewed as the "first Thanksgiving" is up for debate with experts. This incident is also often cited as the first official mention of a "thanksgiving" ceremony, and is another commonly cited origin story for the Thanksgiving we know today. Yes, it is, but it is dangerous to use false narratives to push this. What are some of your family’s Thanksgiving traditions that focus on giving thanks instead of on inaccurate history? Instead, we can focus simply on values that apply to everybody: togetherness, generosity and gratitude. The final question – can we still celebrate Thanksgiving? We should embrace this.". This activity from Teaching Tolerance has students read two texts from indigenous authors. At the time of the feast, the colonists were setting up a meal of thanks. Here’s a big list of inclusive Thanksgiving books, including a number of own voices books sharing indigenous stories. He said the following in a piece for Time Magazine, which you should absolutely read in full: "The thing is, we do not need the poisonous 'pilgrims and Indians' narrative. Instead, consider giving thanks and celebrating with your families with the following appropriate Thanksgiving ideas: This message of peace and gratitude for the earth and everything in it has versions in a number of Native American cultures. This story of Thanksgiving video is also targeted for children. May they provide a better understanding of the real history of Thanksgiving, and give us even more reasons to celebrate all the contributions that made it the lovely holiday it is today. We'll give you the best glimpse at what we know, but note: There is a lot of information to digest about this issue and a few supposed origins of the holiday—some of them conflicting. It can be really uncomfortable to confront truths in our own ancestral histories. That means I earn a small commission if you purchase through my link, but doesn’t change your price. The feast was organized by Governor William Bradford who also invited the local Wampanoag Indians to join in the meal. PIN THIS POST FOR LATER! Corn was especially important to indigenous peoples, including the Wampanoag. It is appropriate for 6th grade and above. amzn_assoc_linkid = "07bc81538567f7df95e3577707bf2f56"; This is not true. You can read this wonderful children’s book about Sarah Hale! What kinds of foods are common? The Wampanoag did help the English colonists learn how to farm the land and survive in their new environment. What are ways we can make sure our Thanksgiving celebrations promote healing rather than detract from it. According to The New York Times, the Mayflower did, in fact, bring settlers from England to land which they colonized and renamed Plymouth, MA. Follow along with Grandma as she reads aloud THE VERY STUFFED TURKEY! The colonists took land that did not belong to them. Please share any activities you do with us over on our Instagram. Teach students the history behind this American holiday by exploring life in 17th-century America and thinking about how we celebrate Thanksgiving today. Required fields are marked *. Avoid only reading about just what really happened in 1620. A Thanksgiving Story. While you may know that on some level, what's not often discussed is the truth about the holiday's history and the effect it has on many Native Americans. Read chapters 5, 6 & 7 then complete the following: Chapter Five Part one: Complete End of Chapter Questions 2, 4 & 5 Part two: Complete Internet Exercise: go to www.google.com and find an article on equal pay. And we’d be delighted if you passed this Thanksgiving with kids resource along to others, as well! Create a class book using their stories using a site such as Bookemon, reviewed here. When they arrived in Plymouth in November, they were not prepared for the harsh winter weather. In fact, the National Day of Mourning is a protest organized by indigenous peoples in the Northeast United States against the past and continued suffering endured by Native peoples. Thanksgiving Facts: True Story of Thanksgiving for Kids, History of Thanksgiving for Kids Discussion Questions: Family Thanksgiving Ideas. In New England, the first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in Plymouth in 1621 by the Pilgrims together with 91 Indians. In the end, it’s truly up to you if you choose to teach an accurate history of Thanksgiving and use it as a day of mourning for the harm that took place, or a day to claim joy in moving forward and reclaiming lands. If you choose to celebrate, keep the focus on indigenous history and joy, gratitude, and family togetherness and friendship. Write down one thing for which you are grateful that starts with each letter of your name! $6.99 #38. The Wampanog were a nation made up of 69 villages in the areas of present-day Rhode Island and Massachusetts. When did Thanksgiving really start to be celebrated? This did not last long, as the indigenous peoples and the colonists soon started fighting again, and the colonists took over more of the indigenous peoples’ land and resources. We’d love to hear if you do any of these activities! Here are some basic facts that you can share with even young children: Nasaump is a traditional Wampanoag meal. For many, it feels like a celebration and feast in honor of genocide, and we should be wary of that. While some may feel they would still like to set aside a time of gratitude and family enjoyment, others may feel this to be a time of sadness that reminds them of oppression against them and their ancestors. However, like all groups, Native Americans are not a monolith and have different perspectives on Thanksgiving. A group of children explain what happened on the first Thanksgiving. Colonists came to America where indigenous peoples had already been living for thousands of years. Who helped it become a holiday? Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to spend your privilege (a concept from Tiffany Jewell’s book This Book is Anti-Racist) by financially supporting Native communities as a minor reparation. A magazine editor and children’s book writer, she persisted for over 30 years in her quest to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Jasmine of the amazing First Name Basis Podcast has created a free e-book called Harvest that discusses harvest festivals around the world – it’s a wonderful resource! They live in a village where soldiers led by the government of their country arrive at their door. $7.59 #39. If you’d like a sample email to send to your child’s teacher, pop your email in below and it will come right to your inbox! Though there might have been turkey or some other type of poultry served, there was no pie or mashed potatoes, as we have today. From then on, Pilgrims celebrated "thanksgivings" in their traditional way of fasting and praying, according to the The New Yorker. You can also look up what indigenous land you are using, and support organizations such as Land Rights Now that secure land rights of indigenous peoples. That then made it easier for colonizers to take over these lands. After reading the story, ask students to write their own story from the perspective of one of the first Thanksgiving participants. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. The story began in 1614 when a band of English explorers sailed home to England with a ship full of Patuxet Indians bound for slavery. Let’s listen to a story by an indigenous author! The Thanksgiving story vs. history If you’re a teacher who feels that you may want to change course on how you teach U.S. history, keep in mind that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. They first held a celebration of their harvest in 1621. You may also want to read this beautiful Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address. Do any animals ever join in on your family celebrations? Start out with a video; choose one that will suit the level of your class from the following options: This history of Thanksgiving video, told by Plymouth Rock (yes, a rock) is geared towards kids. There are a few different ways to begin, and continue, to uplift Native people and causes close to them, no matter how you feel about the holiday. Thanksgiving story: When can kids be taught the real origins story? When indigenous peoples express that it is hurtful to share a made up story, we should listen. Older students can read the site on their own at a classroom center and complete the quiz at the end of their session. By the time the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts Ba… Tisquantum (Squanto) did interpret between the Wampanoag and the colonists as he had been kidnapped and enslaved in England as a young child and had thus learned English. We’ve loved putting together this resource with accurate Thanksgiving activities for kids. Thanks for learning about this Thanksgiving history for kids with us! What are some of those special foods you eat during different seasons? Learn about causes that are still affecting Native people, such as healthcare, violence against women, and land disparities. There are a number of opportunities to advocate for indigenous communities. When we ignore the true history, we ignore the fact that English settlers came and brought disease, took land, dug up graves, and later murdered indigenous people. As young students walk out of school for Thanksgiving … The native people there, the Wampanoag, taught them to farm the land. As The Smithsonian points out, discussions of this event are often centered around the settlers, but Native Americans had been on the land for centuries before, and the story from their perspective obviously far predates this feast. Inspirational Stories for Thanksgiving (reprinted from last year) Posted by bodyandsoulnourishmentblog on October 7, 2017 October 7, 2017. Most people hear the story of Thanksgiving from a young age and it’s pretty simple. It was not until 1863 that Thanksgiving became an official national holiday. When planning your Thanksgiving meal, consider buying food or other goods from Native American growers in your area, and make a donation to a local Native organization near you. This is false. That’s really for you to decide. They've marked the occasion as a day of mourning for 48 years, according to Native Hope. Paperback. There are so few Thanksgiving books for kids written from the Native perspective, which we worked hard to track down some great ones. The area was not “discovered” by the colonists. The settlers had to hunt for food and build their own houses out of wood from the trees they cut down. 4.7 out of 5 stars 373. Remember, back in 1620, there were no grocery stores, restaurants, or hotels in Plymouth! Various dates of the modern-day Thanksgiving holiday had been declared since then and were celebrated by individual states, but it wasn't until 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November as a day of Thanksgiving, and the holiday as we know it stuck. The newly settled Europeans also did not invite the Native Americans to their feast. Your email address will not be published. You can also subscribe without commenting. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; However, typically, when these settlers had what they referred to as "thanksgiving" observances, they actually fasted. The Wampanoag heard shooting (for the meal) and went to investigate. After some talk, they decided to spend three days together and join the feast—but this type of coming together did not become a warm, fuzzy tradition as you may have been taught in school. The Wampanoag leader, Massasoit, wanted to strengthen his tribe against a stronger tribe, the Narragansett. In the spirit of uplifting Indigenous authors, speakers, etc. There was not enough food, so the Wampanoag killed 5 deer to add to the meal. The main indigenous tribe who interacted with the Pilgrims were the Wampanoag. Here's the Sad Reason Why. And that did happen – once. Another simple thing you can do is steer the people in your life away from harmful stereotypes against Native Americans that might appear in your school curriculum, sporting events, or holiday decorations. This packet found on Teachers Pay Teachers is a wonderful way to engage young children in thinking about Thanksgiving. History of Thanksgiving The tradition of Thanksgiving started with the Pilgrims who settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts. You can read more about why this cultural appropriation and mockery is hurtful here. You might think, what’s the harm in sharing a happy story? "Thanksgiving day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture," says the United American Indians of New England. People may not realize it, but what every person in this country shares, and the very history of this nation, has been in front of us the whole time. by Eve Bunting. amzn_assoc_asins = "0316431249,0547199457,1626727465,1930900635,B00IYROIYA,0395779383,0761455299,068985143X"; The real Thanksgiving story is very different from what many of us were taught in school. They had a sophisticated way of growing corn (maize) that sustained their families and communities! In 1609, a group of Pilgrims left England for the religious freedom in Holland where they lived and prospered. If you’re like me, you thought, “Hey, it’s Thanksgiving soon! Chapter … Continue reading "What is the real thanksgiving story?" It’s a very sad history, and when we celebrate the feast, we also celebrate the Pilgrims who perpetuated a great deal of harm. As we learned in the writing assignment from the two indigenous authors, even different native individuals will feel differently – indigenous people are not a monolith. When we celebrate Thanksgiving, we can remember to use at as a time to help indigenous peoples who were hurt by and lost land and resources to colonists. Finally, President Lincoln, in an effort to unify a divided union during the Civil War, agreed to officially make Thanksgiving a holiday that would take place on the 4th Thursday of November. How can there not be Thanksgiving short stories … Heavy fortified statehouses around the US see small protests. Because of their lack of preparation and knowledge, the colonists raided indigenous graves for corn and other supplies. I love to share read-alouds with my students and a perfect Thanksgiving story for grades 4-8 is How Many Days to America? Teaching incomplete histories about colonization can make it seem that colonization wasn’t that bad, or was maybe even beneficial to indigenous peoples. Here are a few indigenous-owned shops that sell blue corn items, handmade soap, candles, and here are more bath & beauty items and also art. The tribe that made a peace treaty with the colonists was the Wampanoag. The people and the land worked together! Many indigenous tribes honor the earth and a Creator as they remember all that they are thankful for. Indigenous peoples have many times during the year to give thanks. This is the most commonly researched and reported story. Whenever possible, we should use the specific names of tribes. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Paperback. Most of our Thanksgiving recipes are made with indigenous foods: turkey, corn, beans, pumpkins, maple, wild rice and the like. History of Thanksgiving Videos. However, remember that when celebrating a mythical version of the first Thanksgiving, we also celebrate colonists who brought a great deal of harm to indigenous peoples. Do you think dressing up as Pilgrims and Indians is a good way to celebrate the holiday? Try Kids Academy with 3-day FREE TRIAL! Instead, we should work to “spend our privilege” (again, a concept from Jewell’s book). Now summarize what the article says and state if you agree or disagree with its viewpoint. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! This was a common practice in both cultures, so this was not the “first Thanksgiving.”, Many indigenous tribes, including the Wampanoag, believed in a reciprocal relationship with nature. 7 Thanksgiving Stories {Free Downloads} Tools Here are 7 heart-warming Thanksgiving stories by well-known authors—short stories in the public domain, but not abridgements—that the entire family can enjoy as read alouds through the days leading to Thanksgiving Day. They did this largely because they wanted to forge an alliance with the colonists for trading purposes. They left England in September, 1620. It is also important to be tribally specific. Do you have any special traditions for holidays around food or clothing? You may top it with nuts and fruit, including cranberries. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Ready to set the record straight? I think I’ll teach Thanksgiving short stories for middle school or high school.” So you did a web search for “Thanksgiving short stories for middle school or high school” and probably found nothing. So consider this just that—an updated history lesson. Indigenous peoples helped the colonists survive, and they supported each other for some time. During this holiday season, it’s so important to teach the real history of Thanksgiving for kids. Kindle Edition. Even if it’s not true, it’s a great metaphor for kindness and friendship, and befriending those who are different from us. The Navajo are another indigenous tribe – here’s a Navajo folktale. They left behind smallpox which virtually wiped out those who had escaped. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; 4.9 out of 5 stars 202. Either way, I encourage you to learn and discuss. Thousands of parents and educators are turning to the kids’ learning app that makes real learning truly fun. When Europeans began coming to what is now known as The United States about four years before the Mayflower arrived, they carried foreign illnesses which killed Native people at exceedingly high rates. From Manataka American Indian Council by Susan Bates Most of us associate the holiday with happy Pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a big feast. In 1621, they sat down together for a thanksgiving feast, and we've been celebrating it … We should not talk about general “Indians,” as there are many different indigenous tribes with different cultural traditions. Use this Harvest Ceremony study guide and learn more about how the Wamponoag celebrated. Students may choose two different festivals and compare and contrast. In 1620, the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts. Miss Nelson Has a Field Day Harry Allard. And the point of this family guide to Thanksgiving is not to cause shame! The native people knew the land well and had fished, hunted, and harvested for thousands of generations. Many native communities show respect to this crop through dance and art. One part that has remained true about the real Thanksgiving story is the fact that the Wampanoag Indians really taught the colonists how to survive on … This story is about a family that is fleeing their country. This could look like financially supporting indigenous creators (influencers, small shops, etc. 5.0 out of 5 stars 5. It can be so tempting to go along with fun Pilgrim and Indian activities with family or at school. They were ill-prepared and lacked knowledge about their new climate and home. we've linked some additional resources below: A Thanksgiving Message from Seven Amazing Native Americans, Indigenous Perspective of Thanksgiving Resources, Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, I'm a Doctor This is the #1 Worst Mistake You Could Make Right Now, COVID Cases Fell in Donald Trump's Last Week as President. A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. It is a porridge made out of corn. Have everyone in your family share something for which they are grateful, just as indigenous peoples do. And continue to advocate for indigenous rights. Global Service Advent: Service Ideas for Kids, Tips for Quiet Time for Kids with OwlCrate Jr. Do you like to eat any of these foods? Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. And we can make the day about what everybody wants to talk and think about anyway: the food. This resource guide for the real history of Thanksgiving for kids contains affiliate links, but all opinions are 100% my own. In fact, just a few years before, the area had been filled with indigenous peoples living and farming. The Story of Thanksgiving The Pilgrims, who celebrated the first thanksgiving in America, were fleeing religious persecution in their native England. They had their own government, religion, and culture, of which giving thanks was a major part. Discover the true story behind an event that started an enduring national holiday. (The colonists were more likely to celebrate thanks with prayer and fasting.). All When the Pilgrims arrived, they’d already endured a long and arduous journey. dress up in things like headdresses in "honor" of Thanksgiving, some tribes view the holiday as a national day of mourning, why this cultural appropriation and mockery is hurtful here. This means we can use the privileges granted to us by centuries of oppression to indigenous peoples to support them in their work and move toward equity. The atrocities against Native Americans did not end with the diseases or massacres mentioned above, so seeing people celebrating the "positive" myth around Thanksgiving can be frustrating and painful for many, especially Indigenous people. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "preethib7-20"; Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to place the focus back on them and their native lands. NorthJersey. You can also read this article deconstructing Thanksgiving myths. This may include a reading of the Thanksgiving address, or perhaps a picture book read aloud of an indigenous own voice book such as We Are Water Protectors or Fry Bread. It is very common for indigenous tribes to celebrate the harvest, as they were very good at using the land and also caring for it. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; It’s one of my favorite family Thanksgiving ideas! A man was walking by. At that time, white colonists had already come and taken land from indigenous peoples. Children may work together in groups to recite a poem, do a dance, and more to share the things for which they are thankful. At that time, white colonists had already come and taken land from indigenous peoples. While some communities celebrated giving thanks during harvest time for many years on and off, it was never a regular occurrence, and certainly not with the colonists and the natives coming together. For example, some tribes view the holiday as a national day of mourning (shown above); they see it as the day settlers came to their land, spurring decades of violence and mistreatment. It’s important that we continue to seek out facts to learn truth concerning colonial US history. Here are some facts to help you navigate the story of the holiday in your family. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Several times this happened because of the massacres of Native people, including in 1637 when Massachusetts Colony Governor John Winthrop declared a day of thanksgiving after volunteers murdered 700 Pequot people. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. $4.99 #37. The True Story Of Thanksgiving Isn't The One You Learned In School Kristin Salaky 11/18/2020. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. He held up a sign which said: “I am blind, please help.” There were only a few coins in the hat. 25+ inclusive Thanksgiving books for kids, American Indian Perspectives on Thanksgiving, A few things you (probably) don’t know about Thanksgiving, Everyone’s history matters: The Wampanoag Indian Thanksgiving story deserves to be known, read this article deconstructing Thanksgiving myths, American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Our Favorite Vegetarian Recipes for Thanksgiving | Local Passport Family, Hanukkah Activities and Family Learning Guide | Local Passport Family, Hiking the Sedona Devil’s Bridge Trail with Kids, 25+ Voting & Elections Picture Books Featuring Diverse Leaders. Fasting. ), fuel, and Culture, and chefs, and we should enabled! Supported each other for some time a meal of thanks family or at school, click to. And connection through exploring and learning, and how they used it to help you navigate the story Thanksgiving. 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