With a Starting NP Gauge CE, sufficient Quick Performance and/or NP Gain buffs (including his own third skill, ), the NP’s massive hit count and AoE nature allows the Knight of the Lake to overcome his awful base NP Gain, granting him enough NP refund to perform NP looping. Illustrator and Voice actor That was it. Nov 10, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Chrisly. She cannot help but think their eternal partnership was nothing but a naive fantasy onto which she had clung upon seeing him in that state. Takeuchi: A golden Super Cub. [7], Shingaki Tarusuke (Voice actor of Kariya Matou) stated that every scene featured Berserker is a classic scene. Knight of Owner Although humans can develop differing concepts in parallel, they can only focus on and process one view point at a time. is the Berserker -class Servant of Kariya Matou during the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero. 地域:イギリス A++[2][3] An Attacker effective at farming in most Events. 03 - エクスカリバー Discussion. Make it look gloriously three dimensional and whatnot. No need to envy my body. アンロック条件:絆レベルを1にすると開放 A+[2][3] I worked toward it with all my heart and soul! Allows him to control any kind of transportation with exceptional skill. UPC / JAN: 4571335882921 Pending Availablility. Rank: A++ The black deign was tacked on later, but fit unexpectedly smoothly. He lacks the radiance of Heroic Spirits, the "shine" that is the expression of their pride. The queen was ordered to be executed. As a result, he effectively lost through self-destruction. 筋力:A The White Knight of the Round Table. Alignment: Lawful Mad Gender: Male Up until his death, Sir Gawain was considered a paragon of knighthood; chivalrous, loyal, and gallant. さらに龍退治の逸話を持つため、龍属性を持つ英霊に対しては追加ダメージを負わせる。, Lancelot - Berserker However, Diarmuid was not choosey of his Master, he would acknowledge anyone who would accept his loyalty. He hated that she could remain an ideal king even after learning about the affair, and lamented how his king sacrificed herself for the sake of her country. However, this sort of allowance isn't possible in visual media. Fate/EXTELLA LINK Of course, it was obviously the former that was more vital to the overall story. (Almost) Universal Damage Dealing Capability, More than merely overcoming the Berserker class’ low base Star Absorption, higher levels on. He remembers her sword, allowing him to predict the path of it even while it is sheathed in Invisible Air. Haaaaaaate... Discover (and save!) 彼が聖杯戦争に参加する理由には必ずしも切迫したものがあったわはではなく、自らの経歴の中に「武功」として評価される逸話も欲しくなった、という程度のものでしかない。『始まりの御三家』の必死ぶりを侮っていたわはではなかろうが、それを才覚のみて圧倒できてこそのロード・エルメロイ、という自負があったのだろう。 Kayneth had talents not only in Spirit Evocation, but also in many fields of magecraft. Luck: B Let them ignite my hatred—!! Because it’s a motorcycle. Level 2 Bond 自身の激情が王を死に誘った。 ), the Knight of the Lake. Berserker collapses into Saber's arms, sighing that, in the end, he would die in the bosom of his king, like a loyal and just knight. ランク:B I surely really wanted it to be a "slit-like eyepiece", in the end. Lancelot, who was considered the perfect knight, Guinevere, the queen who had made her beloved betray his duty, and Artoria, the king who blamed herself for her loyal knight's despair, all suffered from the resulting fallout. Naturally they thought of animating Berserker and then pasting the haze on top, but then the haze wouldn't look three dimensional. ■ Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands Urobuchi: That’s exactly what he’d say! It is an ideal battle outfit that all knights could not help but envy.[12]. [4], Atsuhi Ikariya was in charge of the character design for the anime version. Parameter .... その力は正午において最大限に発揮される。 In the discarded designs, there was also a phase where the design was more eye-like. B[2][3] エクスカリバーの姉妹剣であるとされており、本来の持ち主はエクスカリバーと同じく、湖の貴婦人である。 30% chance to decrease the target's Critical Rate by 10% (3 turns) each time you attack. It carved a deep impression of the King when he saw the sight of a young boy riding on his horse, gallantly swinging her sword in a horde of invaders. Region: England All who served you… believed thus. Strength: In his second interlude For Someone's Glory, Lancelot joins Mash in a battle simulation (secretly at the highest parameters) as part of Romani's plan to remove his helmet. 耐力:A The design of the back of the armor was added on afterwards, but fit in unexpectedly well. The difference between the living Lancelot and Berserker. True Name: ひとつの時代で無双を誇るまでに到達した武芸の手練。 Agility: In fact, his lack of survival is such that he sometimes struggles to survive even in the most well-supported of teams. He was told to give Berserker the appearance of a dark hero with a "bucket with a slit in it" for the helmet. The use of Scathach-Skadi setups allow Lancelot to perform his NP every turn for three turns with ever-increasing damage (due to the NP’s attack buff), turning him into a very effective farming machine. Class Skills save. [2], Okiayu said from a visual standpoint, the staff of Ufotable has really pulled out all stops on Berserker. In the original novel, it is a scene that jumps to an entirely different time period that is inserted right in the middle of the duel at the end. The tenacity of a knight who feel in the depths of regret despite being bathed by too much honors; especially due the feelings of love and hate pointed towards the King and the Queen that can never reach an answer, he continues to be imprisoned by eternal madness. Urobuchi: Gil making his appearance on that… it would be just like WWE SmackDown. Berserkers have a base death rate of 65%. He believed the King of Knights in Britain was pure nonsense. Recent Top. QABBB. 虚淵:' Within the discarded designs, there was a period where the slit featured a more eye-like design. Another difference is the while Excalibur was said to absorb light radiated from the Earth, Galatine reflected the warming rays of the Sun. しかし、その怨恨がガウェイン卿の騎士としての格を落とすばかりか、最後には王の没落にまで繋がってしまった。 Takeuchi: Koyama was responsible for the armor's design. The scene with Berserker fighting Gilgamesh with a fighter jet was planned from the start, so Gen Urobuchi worked towards making it. His expression, like he's being punished for doing something wrong, makes me tear up. He gave him a massive outer appearance, and utilized various parts similar to Saber's armor to assemble it. She was able to use Knight of Owner to steal Shirou's projected Noble Phantasm. アンロック条件:絆レベルを3にすると開放 Eternal Arms Mastership: A+ Knight of Owner allows him to easily wield Gilgamesh's weapons from the Gate of Babylon, and he is able to advance against his opponent without being forced back a single step or being damaged in any way. Remember. [1] In this form, Lancelot has an outrageous magical energy consumption which places a great strain on Kariya Matou to provide upkeep. [10] Sir Lancelot wishes to lessen the burden for his King, a wish that Guinevere also held. Berserker plays the role of Sensha Otoko's Eirei Throne Channel internet friend with the nickname U to O (ウtuオ, U tu o?). An Ability Noble Phantasm that implements the attributes of "one's own Noble Phantasm" to anything he puts his hands on. He and the other Eirei Throne Channel suggested Sensha Otoko to buy a Saber figure for El-Melloi Girl. Right? Koyama's comment もともとは「湖の貴婦人」と呼ばれる精霊が持ち主。 I think that shows like this that are so beloved by the audience comes around once in a blue moon, so it's a real honor to have given the opportunity to take part in it. He observes the proceedings of the Holy Grail War from a distance. Talents: Martial Arts, Horseback Riding In turn, this also cripples Lancelot’s critical damage aspect, leaving him with little more than his hard-hitting Buster cards to rely on. レンジ:1 Alignment: The wretchedness he felt from that simple act was overwhelming for him. The armor is the work of the delicate and nuanced workmanship of its smith's utmost effort, succeeding in granting it an air of formidability and a fine construction. Lawful Mad[1][2][3] 01 - Character Background Thus, when he became a Heroic Spirit, he was summoned as the insane Berserker. Berserker is a robust man fully clad in pitch-black armor and a rustic helmet with a thinly carved slit displaying the ghastly glow of his eyes. 武内: Urobuchi: The scene would have been totally ruined if Alexander had barged in, huh? ■ 己が栄光の為でなく(フォー・サムワンズ・グロウリー) He has a blackened face, the visage of a living dead man who has lost everything to a curse. Noble Phantasm During the War's first battle between the Servants, Lancer strikes Saber with Gáe Buidhe and attempts to finish her off, but their fight is interrupted by Iskandar. while drawing him. Guinevere, in turn, willingly sacrificed her own life as a woman in order to preserve this ideal government. By the way, in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the following strategy would insure the absolute victory of Team Lancer: ケイネス・エルメロイ・アーチボルト【人名】 Eternal Arms Mastery 相手を軽んじる事も侮辱する事もなく、相手が力量不足であってもその戦意、覚悟をくみ取り、礼節をもって相対した。 ILLUST:こやまひろかず Parameter ■ Mad Enhancement: C In a battle, missions would be considered accomplished if Diarmuid scored one hit with Gae Buidhe. いっそアーサー王とは夕陽の砂浜で気が済むまで殴り合いでもしていれば数々の悲劇が回避できた……かどうかは定かでないが、ランスロットの性格でほどう転んでもそんなこと出来なかったことだけは事実。そんな自分を変えたいと一念発起で狂化してみたはいいものの、今度は逆に生真面目すぎるアルトリアに余計な誤解をさせてしまう結果となったわけで、さしずめランスロットの持つ起源は『傍迷惑』とでもいったところだろうか。. 属性:秩序・狂 In his first interlude Knight of Owner, Lancelot is brought to have a picnic with Ritsuka and Mash. Diarmuid Ua Duibhne [Servant] ■ Magic Resistance: E Master Session 004 - Berserker Side Upon reaching adulthood, he crossed over to the Isle of Britain and, after meeting with King Arthur, joined the Knights of the Round Table. Blood type: Unknown Taking advantage of the situation, Saber drives Excalibur into the frozen Berserker, dealing him a mortal wound. While he might have been better off if Zouken hadn't punished him by forcing him to summon a Berserker, well… I hate to say it, but the only reason Lancelot was able to fight Gilgamesh as well as he did was due to the parameter boost from being maddened. Height: 191 cm Due to For Someone's Glory, the identifying marks of his armor are hidden, only revealing the fact that he is fully clad in armor without any opening. Arthur, said to be the mightiest of all the kings to rule Britain, is believed to have ruled sometime in the fifth or sixth century. Lancelot, Class Name Berserker (バーサーカー, Bāsākā?) Ahhh!!! He was really a man of many talents like Gennai Hiraga or Cao Cao. Lol not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this. 'Nasu: And Alex would just tilt his head to the side and wonder, “Hmm, did things go poorly?” Keyword: Knight of the Sun, Excalibur 最大捕捉:30人 Sir Lancelot [Servant] Mana Reversal ), a parody film of Densha Otoko. アンロック条件:「騎士は徒手にて死せず」をクリアすると開放 Nasu: Circling the ring at 3 kph, lol サー・ランスロット【サーヴアント】 image1280×720 139 KB He must let Diarmuid realize that the Holy Grail War was merely dirty chores that needed to be done. On top of that, his skillsets are specialised in generating and utilising crit stars for his own. Mastership of combat arts has reached the point of being said to be unrivaled in one's era. Sep 23, 2020 - Explore Blaise Richard's board "Lancelot" on Pinterest. Worst enemy: Iskander (Alexander) Nourished by the sighs of the people precipitated within the darkness, people that curse the light. ナイト・オブ・オーナー。 Discover (and save!) As a farming-oriented Servant focused on quickly finishing the stage, Lancelot rarely uses his skills more than once a fight, which means that his skill leveling priority focuses more on getting as much immediate advantage as possible. キャラクター詳細 基本能力はさほど高くはないが、優位に立った敵の足許を掬う戦術に長けたサーヴァント。とりわけ宝具能力を頼みとする英霊にとっては天敵とも言える。戦略の立て方次第では、確実に第四次聖杯戦争を征していた(もしくはアサシン相手にあっさり不覚をとっていた)と思われる。 My lord... Rank: A++ C[2][3] Team Berserker was a powerful enemy against all other teams, but Lancer had an advantage due to compatibility. Please refer to this guide if you want to check out our performance assessments and evaluations of Berserker Sarvants in FGO. E[2][3] The difference in his facial features between his living form and that under Mad Enhancement is like the difference between an ibis and an amoeba. Koyama's comment Lancelot, when he is still a true knight. 英霊を使役するサーヴァントという存在すらも、彼にとっては数ある礼装の一つ、程度の認識でしかなかったのだろう。英霊の人格というものを認める気が毛頭なかったが故に、ディルムッドの忠義に打しても最後まで理解を示すことができず、結果として自滅も同然の敗退を遂げる。 HiddenAttribute: A[2][3] He became a knight among the Round table and saw many battles.[9]. Lancelot first appearance in Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] soundtrack. She manages to disarm him and damage his armour, but her killing blow is stopped short when Berserker deftly catches her blade between his hands. Koyama's comment 種別:対人宝具 For 4 , see Lancelot (Saber). ■ Eternal Arms Mastership: A+ His guilt weighed down on him the more he adored his king, so his only salvation became to personally bring about her downfall. It can do anything, this motorcycle. 宝具 He tries to warn Student No.0 about Irisviel's true nature, but ends up reverting to Berserker and leaves in madness, only to be absorbed by the Grail. Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament / Magical Girl of Sapphire : While not as helpful in terms of looping, these hybrid CEs are decent options allowing Lancelot to get some mileage from his NP. 王妃ギネヴィアとの不倫の恋がキャメロットを破滅にまで導いた、まさしくアーサー王伝説の負の象徴たる人物。 When equipped to Lancelot only, For specifics regarding Quick NP looping requirements, please check out our Skadi looping tier list: https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/skadi-looping-tier-list, Revival: Prisma Codes - Quick Farming Guide. [12] He retains his normal appearance while not under the effects of Mad Enhancement. Berserker is next sent out to kidnap Irisviel von Einzbern, in order to fulfill Kariya's end of a bargain with Kirei Kotomine. 03 - Excalibur Cancels low-level spells with chants consisting of les than three full verses. 騎乗[B] Blurring the characteristic features and clues on the lineage of the maker, it makes him look like a "shadow", a bottomless black darkness like Hell. レンジ:0 Knight of Owner the tentacles lie flat. Follow. [13], « I am the alienated, the ridiculed, the despised. The PvP nature of this game displays the strength and weakness of the class perfectly. ID 048. Due to his great lineage, he had extensive connections. [7], In episode 23 "The Sea at the End of the World", Berserker's movements are first drawn with keyframe animation, and then a 3DCG Berserker is animated to match, and finally, black mist is added over the top of that. 宝具:A Takeuchi: Ahh… I can almost see it, that armored figure straddling the bike. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Type-Moon's 10th Anniversary Character Poll, Servants of Fate/Grand Order x Himuro's World, https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Lancelot_(Berserker)?oldid=177194. However, further conversation is interrupted when a monster attacks the group, but Mash is unable to use her shield due to everyone's lunches being on it. But if I have Lancelot on my team. “So, become my subordinates!” Having lost his distinguished dignity of the past, he has been thoroughly changed by his descent into madness. Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm In short, it’s very much a ‘kill or be killed’ scenario with Lancelot, and the best way to avoid him dying to a stray critical or another is to end the stage as early as possible. [20], The anime version has heavily revised the Berserker's flashback scenes. 第4次聖杯戦争におけるランサーのサーヴァント。ケイネス・エルメロイ・アーチボルトに召喚され契約する。ケルト神話に語り継がれるフィオナ騎士団の英雄。彼とブラニア姫との悲恋の物語は、後のランスロットとギネヴィアの物語のモデルになったともされている。そりゃ~4thパーサーカーが苦手とするのも無理はない。 Although his Magecraft aptitude was higher than his brother's, he hated the vile nature of the Matou family's magic. 無窮の武練 A+ I was taught the heel looks like it's floating a little. Endurance: A mad knight Heroic Spirit who is clad in black armor. ■ 狂化:C Good, give me more, your blood and flesh, your life. In combat, they can be summoned and employed at will. Once the greatest knight; but, consequentially, his error was too severe. [3], He had heard rumors of the King of Britain. Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (3 turns). ○無窮の武錬:A+ He is eventually discovered, and forced to retreat for a time after being bested in combat. 「―――もし次があるのなら。 hide. [6] Although as a Berserker his battle prowess is inferior to his Saber counterpart due to some abilities and Noble Phantasms being sealed, his raw power is actually increased thanks to Mad Enhancement, which boosts his parameters by one rank in all stats besides Luck and Magical Energy. In a lot of ways, he's just a guy who pushed himself too hard. England[2][3] C[1] He learnt the King's secret from her. She tearfully tells him that she had wished to win the Holy Grail to atone for her past mistakes, including her part in Lancelot's death. Home Fate Grand/Order FGO - Lancelot Berserker - Sentinel Character Action Figure Feb 2021. Range: 0 Zouken Matou This was related to the ancient belief that numeral "3" was the sacred number of the Celtic gods. To Kayneth, unable to bond with his Servant was the second most unfortunate event at the worst. He is well versed in all things related to the Holy Grail, and gives Kariya Crest Worms. [Koyama] Maybe if the Matou sorcery was a little more normal, he would have been willing to obediently accept his inheritance and become Tokiomi's rival for Aoi's affections. A[2][3] War: A[3] A condition unique to Sir Gawain's existence. "A Knight Does Not Die Empty-Handed" ガウェイン卿の持つ特殊体質。 He demonstrates an unnatural fixation on Saber. しかし俄仕立ての魔術師としては雁夜のマスター適正は大したもので、狂化ランスロットの法外な魔力消費にあそこまで耐え抜いたことは賞賛にすら値する。そもそも臓硯が雁夜への制裁などという余計な遊び心をおこさず、狂化を強要したりしなはれ、ば良かったのに……なんて悔やむにしても、やはりランスロットがギルガメッシュを相手にあそこまで健闘できたのは狂化による能力増幅の賜物だったわけで、おそらく脇目もふらずに時臣に突っかかっていったであろう雁夜には、強豪を避けて勝ち残るなどという思慮を期待するわけにもいかず……結局のところ、恨み節を万事に優先させてしまう間桐スピリットある限り、敗北は必定だったのだろう。. Lancelot’s position is simple ‘The Crit Master’. Misc text: The true nature of the ability would allow him to disguise himself as other Heroic Spirits, but the only way to use it as Berserker is to force him with a Command Spell. Mad Enhancement His skills were not only in research, but also politics. He uses his abilities to assume Rider's form, effectively fooling Saber and her Master into pursuing the wrong Servant. 19 comments. Repeat this tactic, and exhaust all hostile teams. While King Arthur was ruled by the movement of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, Sir Gawain drew his strength as a knight from the sun. The atrocities he committed were of an insane and irritable young man, but ultimately driven by his overwhelming love for his king. This skill should be leveled last. A[2][3] Orleans: The Wicked Dragon Hundred Years' War. [6] Lancelot, even after being excommunicated, wanted to participate in the Battle of Camlann to serve his King but Gawain hostilely rejected him, which helped result in the downfall of his King and country.[11]. C[1] 騎士は徒手にて死せず(ナイト・オブ・オーナー) その結果から、英霊としてのガウェインは“王の補佐に徹する”事を絶対の使命として捉えているようだ。 ■ 無毀なる湖光(アロンダイト) 宝具:A Download skin now! With Berserker's movements, I tweaked things like warping the parts and altering the scale so that it wouldn't look like stiff CG animation. 種別:対人宝具 He still recognizes his King, instantly becoming hostile towards her and forgoing any orders in order to fight her. Or rather, that's probably what Kayneth was hoping for…, ディルムッド・オディナ【サーヴアント】 Gen Urobuchi explains that the sudden change from the battle to a flashback would make the audience lose tension from the inconsistent timeline.