Also I had no means to leave a note. No information exchanged, no cops just a its okay watch what your doing. I was parked at the doctors and my car rolled and hit a car behind my car that was not parked in the parking bay, that car was wrongly parked and I was not inside the car when I hit the car. I explained what happened and she said that since there wasnt any damage to her car (I even got under and looked at it) she didnt care, and didnt want my insurance info. So I went and looked at the car and there was no visible damage. These offenses pose possible jail time, fines, and license suspension. Told me to call and cancel it after the other party agreed to cover it. I would recommend taking pictures of your vehicle (and theyre vehicle if it can be done safely). Youve done nothing wrong. I didnt see where the other car went and no one got out of the car to look at anything. The scratch on their car was about the size of a quarter and no dents from what I could see, and there were security cameras in the area. The following day I received a call from the local sheriffs office that a report was filed and asked for my statement. Otherwise, youll simply have to wait to see if the driver contacts you with a demand for damages. A man came out and said he knows the owner of car I hit and she was going to leave work to go to the car. More Videos I have not heard from them. I took pictures of where I bumped them but not anywhere else. I got out to see the damage. I have insurance but no way to find out the other driver at this point. Trying to have courage while being kind. In Ohio, if your vehicle strikes an unoccupied vehicle AND causes damages, youre required to leave a note with your contact information on the vehicle. After this incident it brought back memories of me backing into that car and Im wondering if he is the owner and has been tracking me down. There were no lines in the lot so gauging distance was kind of difficult and my car is a little bigger (SUV). When I came out there was security officer already taking my plates and had me write a statement. The man is claiming he reported the incident and shouldnt have gotten the ticket. State laws require all US drivers to obey a standard of reasonable care, which means acting in a way any prudent driver would in a similar situation. If the car is still in the parking lot, you should leave a note with your contact information. To put it another way, the owner of the car probably has up to 2 or 3 years to contact you, so theyll have enough time to file a lawsuit if need be. Further, after pulling back into the spot after the incident to talk with her, it was when I backed out again that I realized how incredibly dangerous and poorly designed the parking and Starbucks combo is there is essentially no room to back up if there was a line formed in the drive thru you could even be stuck for a while. Filed Under: Questions & Answers Tagged With: Car Accidents. You might also wish to call a lawyer for guidance if you believe that there was damage to the other vehicle. I do not have license. When I went back outside however the other car had left. 3)my car is insured but my daughter is not on my policy yet since she just started driving. I do n read more There was a little dent on his car and he asked my car insurance info. Remember, part of your insurance companys responsibility to you as an insured is to indemnify (defend) you against another persons charges of liability. I asked for his information and he wouldnt send it.. Im already at court it was at 9 but they moved it to 10. Hopefully to him also have insurance. I was driving right of way on the cross street, making a right turn onto the perpendicular street. Heres more on how Ohio handles hit and run accidents: That car has no damage just license plate band. I had a bit of road rage with someone cause they were driving well under the speed limit. The attorney can look for security footage, interview others who work in the building, etc. The owner of the vehicle found me and realized how panicked and afraid I was and immediately told me it was ok and it didnt do much to his vehicle and to just worry about the rental car damage. This person then went on to say, I have friends that will say they saw you If you hit a vehicle and didnt stop to provide information, youre guilty of a hit-and-run. At that point, you can choose to contest the damage. You navigate a crowded parking lot on a winter evening. I went to court and the judge said I should pled not guilty. As such, theres probably nothing you can or should do at this point. If you cant afford an attorney, call your local state bar and ask to be referred to a free or reduced-cost attorney. What should I do? We sold our home and moved to an apartment in North Carolina to be closer to our grandchildren in June. I said we did. I recommend that you talk to an attorney before your court appearance. Luckily a police report was not filed because no one was hurt. Nobody was occupying the car and since I was going slow it was only a small dent, but it was in just the right spot where the door can only open slightly and the side mirror is cracked. Rating: 5 (634 Rating) Highest rating: 4. I learned my lesson but good . Call 1-877-572-1324 to speak with our British Columbia legal intake team for free Book Free Consultation. I even forgot to take his plate number. Ive already offered to pay $450, what can I do with an unreasonable request? Be well! I didnt realize she had 2 years to contact me. If you or the police are able to identify the hit-and-run driver, you can make a claim against their insurance or file a personal injury lawsuit against them. I guess let the dice roll where they may. However one of tge cars that was comming behind me saw what happen and follow this guy and took pictures of the car and licence plate and brought them back to me when I was talking to the owner of the parked car I had damage after looking and finding him. Read more about Enjuris. If you hit another car, the owner of that car has a right to file an insurance claim with your insurance company regardless of whether any action was taken the night of the accident. This morning I accidentally backed out & my rear view mirror slightly scratched the bumped of a large car parked next to me. The car I back into was a big black SUV with a New Jersey license plate. Its generally in your best interest to report the accident as soon as possible (so long as you dont prefer to just pay out of pocket). What should I do?? Last night, after leaving work, I accidentally hit a parked car while reversing. You mentioned that you did leave your information with a person at the scene, but that person wasnt the car owner. You dont know how helpless one can be in such situations. Later she called me and said thank you for leaving my information. With that being said, there might not be a lot you can do. Hi, I have a quick question. It happened back in December. What should i do now. Little did I know it would tap another cart slightly, which then cause that cart to roll and bump into a parked car across from me, the lady was in the car peering over her steering wheel, looking to see what made the thud. In some states, youre required to file a report with the DMV after an accident if theres a certain amount of damage (and in Ohio, youre required to report any accident, even if there was no damage at all). And looking back, I have no idea if she was parked in the (unmarked) drive through lane or if she was in motion as well as me. If someone claims that you hit them, give them your insurance information and tell them to contact your insurance company. Because when I went to park in another parking space and walked in there was no one around. Best of luck. Dont commit a hit-and-run in a parking lot, Everyone makes mistakes and many make this one. It was a hit and run accident where the driver left the vehicle abandoned about l mile passed my house. If the guy is not supposed to be parked there, who is really at fault? Im surprised she wants to go through insurance to fix it, and get the feeling shes trying to get a paint job or something out of this as there really Didnt appear to be any damage other than a couple black marks on her bumper. I hit scratched a parked car while pulling into the parking spot beside. That is the law in every state. Finally, and most of interest to me is the fault being with Starbucks. What do I do now? It should include information about each involved person, the damage to each vehicle or other property, and other facts (weather conditions, traffic signals, and other factors that might be relevant) pertaining to the crash. The police will want to know (a) your contact information, and (b) the location of the accident. You and your boyfriend might want to try to come up with the money for the repair you did admit fault, and this person is entitled to payment for his damages. Again, this probably isnt a hit and run because you made an effort to find the victim. I went over to check the other car, but I couldnt see any visible damages. Because it was three weeks ago, your insurance company might no longer accept a claim. The attacker may escape substantial criminal penalties by disclosing the accident's details in this way. I left to go quickly return the item. Since the dent was small I checked with my body shop and they estimated $400 to $450 for the repair. I have the text we exchanged showing he said shed call and all that. Its always a good idea to get a police report, even if you believe theres no damage, because it can protect you from being accused of damage later. I told him that I should just file a Is this a reasonable attempt? I am really freaking out and dont know what to do. Be sure to take photos of the vehicles involved, the surrounding area, and any damage. We went to my sister's friend's house and told her what happened. At this point would it still be possible to resolve the accident outside of the insurance company and just pay out of pocket if the person whos car was damaged agrees to it? Generally, youre required to leave a note with your contact information so the driver can get in touch with you when they return to the vehicle. I showed her the rubber line. They said that there was no way I couldnt have known I hit the car. i went through multiple spots until i found one a little bigger i pulled in and it was tight then i went to straighten out and because of the size of my vehicle and the nissan ultimate next to me i ended up backing into them, there was little damage at first, but because I couldnt pull forward i was stuck under their wheel well and for abt an hour frantic on the phone with my dad, and luckily for a pedestrian i was able to get unstuck. Im terrified. I hope this is able to be resolved to your satisfaction! What should I do? After they make a claim with your insurance company, your insurance company will contact you and ask you what happened. Hi, I was illegally parked and reversed into someone unknowingly to me at the time, I returned 5 mins later to find the other car owner waiting on me and both cars bumpers were touching. What is your best advice to do? I got into and accident with two cars after the accident the other driver came towards me and started punching me in the face no one was helping me and I was afraid and I left my car there and now I have a hit n run the told me my vehicle is on hold and I need to go to the police station can I be arrested there ? No dents.*. What can I do if the damage to my car is actually on the side, not on the rear? Hi, Riley. The man was reminded he did not report the incident he was forced to stop and provide his info by Security around the corner of the location of the actual scene. I have pics of the scrape and small dent on the rear bumper. You did the right thing by offering the other vehicles owner your license and registration, but if he felt comfortable taking just your phone number and license plate number, thats fine too. Assuming youre not in a no-fault state, the person responsible for the accident will be responsible for paying the damages. But I wanted to do right thing. In some states, you cant recover any damages if youre partially at fault. The car just touched the car behind, no damages had happened. Best of luck. Enjuris offers a free Personal Injury Law Firm Directory that can help you find a lawyer near where you live. I told him I get my check next week and first thing Ill use it towards is covering his damage (but as I said Im 17 and only work a part time job so I dont even know if I can cover it, I panicked), so I was wondering if it is possible for us to resolve this without contacting insurance if I pay for the damage? I scraped a car in a parking lot at the drs yesterday. It all happened so fast. The damage was purely cosmetic but even that can be pricey. I was told by family it was fine to leave since there was no damage. Since he fled, Im hoping either the police or my insurance track the culprit. So i hit a parked car around 8:30pm so it was dark. Im in a very large truck, and she was in a tiny little car. Were available 24/7. He didnt mention whether Id be penalized in any way, just that he needed my statement of the incident. Stop your vehicle at the scene of the accident, A very brief explanation of what happened (e.g., hit by car). Any person involved in the accident can decide to seek a legal claim for compensation against the other party even if any criminal charges have been brought against such a person. I was visiting a relative and it was rainy and foggy out and I brushed a parked car as I was trying to park. My car is fine just some mis-coloring on the bumper. I waited for a while and no one came out. Some insurers have accident forgiveness, which allows a single at-fault collision without increasing rates. malls cops showed up and helped fill out my insurance than the car owner showed up turns out they were from out of state which didnt help. Turn on your flashers to warn others to be cautious as you will be getting out of your car. It wouldnt be a collision claim in case her policy doesnt have that option, but I believe Arizona requires this option so this point may be moot. So many things can cause accidents, taking your eyes off the road for a second or trying to pet a crying child. For example, the innocent party might later claim that you never paid them or that there was more damage than they originally thought. I got out to look and there was no damaged to the car or our car. Do I need to call the police? Can I go to jail for this? I immediately called the police, and they gave me a case number. Be sure to keep the pictures somewhere safe in case they try to assert that you caused damage that you didnt cause. I had to move to find a place to park and leave informati0n. They have tiny scratched on their headlight and my car got the most damage with a dent and scratches on the rear of it. Best of luck. I dont have my license and I did panic a little. Today as i was pulling out of my girlfriends house on a dead end road i hit a car parked in front of her house. But now Im wondering if Ill be charged with a hit-and-run, since I technically left the scene briefly. After leaving the scene of an accident, you should follow these key steps: Contact the Authorities: Ideally, after an accident, you would exchange information with anyone else involved in the crash. Without knowing the details of your case, its impossible for me to know whether your attorney acted appropriately. I dont want it to be reported as a hit and run, as i didnt even notice. After explaining the incident to the father he then contacted his insurance company. how to report my damage without police report? I hit a parked car in a mall and because of panic I just left it but I returned and the damaged car wasnt there already what to do? There was a report they filed but said they would not go back to police. I then said that if theres damage that was from you hitting me. My question is how does it make it your fault if the car was not all the way parked in the the space. My question is for future reference: what is the best route to take when in that situation? I didnt notice the car when I was getting in and I was parked right next to a garbage bin which the body of the car was in front of so only the front end was sticking out behind my car and so I could not see it in my mirrors. Currently on black box. What do I do.??? Its very minor and I feel shouldnt cost much. As I was inching in I bumped the trailer. Someone hit my car. The owner came out and we exchanged information, he was very nice and told me he might not even claim it, however Im still nervous that he might and Im 17, I just got my license a week ago so insurance would probably skyrocket. Im freaking out a bit. The other driver must pursue a claim within the statute of limitations. In the meantime, its a good idea to take time-stamped pictures of your car so that he cant later claim that there was more damage than what actually occurred. I wouldnt have moved my car if I could get out of my car but I hit the other car trying not to get to close to the car on my driver side. If the other cars were parked and your car was in motion, you would be liable for damages from a collision. Someone was video taping me , and I panicked and left .. Id never been in an accident before so I just called my insurance companies road side assistance and had my car towed to a collision shop. I didnt think twice about it as that wasnt where the contact took place (to the best of my knowledge and the witnesses). Thank you! This way, if the other driver reported damage to their vehicle, you can perhaps avoid any hit and run charges but handle the costs for the damages directly (or through insurance). However the owner of the van noticed and approached me after a few hours (we are neighbors) and said his reverse is slipping because the hit. What should I do next? You might want to request that they take the car to your body shop to get an estimate. I was checking my side and reverse mirrors and windows the whole time yet I somehow just didnt see it and backed right into the drivers door. I hit a car backing up after work, it was a super tight space and there was a truck pulled up kind of close behind me so I was pretty crowded. If youre involved in a car accident, you need to exchange information even if you dont believe there was any damage. Youre always required to have insurance in order to drive a car, and the other driver would be within her rights to file a lawsuit against you for the cost of her damages. This is a good question. I feel like such a fool! If two cars are parked, and one car bumps into the other car, then the car that moved (i.e., the car that bumped the other car) would generally be at fault. Hopefully I can update if the cops do come. Someone driving by stopped to see if we needed help and called 911. As for pressing charges, it doesnt sound like your husband did anything wrong, so I dont see how they could press charges. Law enforcement officials may also review any surrounding CCTV film, such as those from traffic signal cameras or cameras at adjacent buildings. Although you know you didnt leave the scene of the crash (except to locate the owner of the vehicle), you might need to prove that, and your lawyer is the best person to advise you based on the evidence and the facts at hand. Thank you! I.looked atbthe tail lights instead of the bumpers. Will my rate go up if I report the incident? My two witness agree/believe that I did not hit the side of her car, we didnt even noticed the side. Maybe they were waiting for me to ask, but I assumed theyd say or show something. I took pics at the scene. The statute of limitations varies by state, but is generally 2 or 3 years. My husband didnt want to press charges for the confrontation due to he didnt want retaliation. I dont know whose car it is but there were two other people there when it happened, they said its probably fine so I left, now Im feeling really stressed and I dont know what to do!! There really wasnt any damage, her white paint just wiped right off my black car with a simple swipe of my hand, but she didnt try to do anything to the black marks on her white car. While listening to his conversation I heard him ask if he should contact the police. Do I want my information floating around? Today I was backing out of a parking space when I heard a slow groaning noise, when I saw that I had hit a parked truck but I panicked and left without leaving info. So I left with my friend. She left because she said she was running late for something else already. Also, there are several factors that would affect costs for example, average costs in the city where you live, the specific dealership she visits, etc. He did give me his cell number. If you were involved in a car accident it is very important to contact a car accident lawyer. I backed into a car earlier tonight in my condos parking lot. They said to expect a call that evening if anything else was needed, but no call came. File a police report in Pleasent Prairie? 4. Everyone is frightened after their first accident! I had to spend the night in jail, but my best friend BBC aimed me out. We live in a 4 plex (2 apartments upstairs and 2 downstairs). If you hit a car and fail to leave a note, you need to call the police department where the accident occurred and report the accident. i tried going this morning to find the vehicle i hit but it wasnt there anymore and i could see pieces of my car there. The law simply requires you to leave a note with your name, contact information, and insurance information. I was leaving my house and Im parked on a hill. Im was in the dark grocery store parking lot and I pushed my empty shopping cart onto the area in between forward facing cars. Now Im facing a hit and run charge, even though I came back to the scene within 10 minutes, and I exchanged information with her. for me to appear in court. After half an hour I drove by again but I didnt see any cars with any scratches or dents close to where I think I hit the car and my side mirror doesnt have anything as well what should I do I dont even know which car it was? Most attorneys will provide a free initial consultation in which they can advise you as to whether this is the route you should take. Call your insurance company and let them know what happened and explain that the party is demanding an unreasonable amount of money. On the phone they said they need me to do a police report but I wasnt in trouble. Will they have to show me proof of what I need to pay? So I thought someone had hit MY car. Hi, L. Im not a body shop professional or mechanic, so I cant suggest a cost for this damage. A car was parked illegally they was almost all the way in my parking space and when I was backing out I was trying not to hit them .But I scraped there car which resulted in hitting. At this point Im just waiting for the cops to show up. How should I handle this? However, theres a possibility that you might be called as a witness if the victim chooses to sue or if the driver is charged with a hit-and-run. What do I do? But i wasnt too sure bcos i freaked out at that time. But if the direction of the scrape is heading towards the back of the vehicle I couldnt have done it. Hi, Erica. Hello, Carol. It doesnt matter that your home is down the block or how long its been. I stupidly backed out and left. The trailer was half or less in the space behind the van. I bumped a co-worker car while backing out of a parking space. It was dark and rainy out, so I couldnt see out of my rearview mirror.y roommates car was parked too close and I hit their car. But, if you didnt see any damage on either vehicle, thats a good sign. Now they are threatening with police and their insurance to get me. The law requires you to leave a not if you hit a parked car. As such, theres no need for you to take any action at this point. Im terrified of what to do, I havent left the scene or anything, I mean I work here so my car is still parked near the truck. I live in illinois but have to go to Pleasent Praire, Wisconsin for my job. I hit a car that was parked on the side of the road by my house I only noticed because my side mirror closed but I didnt know exactly which car I hit so I just kept driving home. What do I do? Make sure you go to court. She said she never noticed the side damage previously so I do t blame her for assuming its all from the same incident. Other than that, you could leave your information with someone who works in the building where the parking lot was located. I havent called my agent yet to report the incident. will my insurance pay for my damages to my car? My mind was blank and I couldnt feel my body. I am sure good lawyers have some tricks and may help you get out of the situation with a lenient verdict. And I took a picture of my car. My car is damaged it has yet to be fixed. I did a minor scratch today and saw it but did not get out of my car and drove away unaware of the true magnitude of the situation. Your insurance company expects to be notified of any accident, even if you werent able to locate the vehicle owner and left a note. if i did hit her car, it was nothing more than a tap, what should i do? Thanks again for your quick reply. I have lived in America for 2 years and I still do not know all the laws or how to cope. In Ohio, a hit and run with no injuries could be a 1st degree misdemeanor, punishable with 6-month minimum license suspension, up to $1,000 fine, and up to 6 months jail time. Your lawyer can explain your legal options, guide you through the process, and work to minimize your liability if thats possible. I hit a car that was parked at little to close to me, while I was perfectly parked in the spot. In most states, if you hit an unoccupied vehicle and leave the scene, youre required to call the local police and provide information about the accident (where it happened, the vehicle involved, your contact information). Their insurance company was sending my father information but they investigated and learned I was driving the vehicle. My parked vehicle was crashed. Or since they have already reported it to their insurance company is it too late? Alternatively, you can reach out to your insurance provider and see if they are willing to investigate. Case Results: . While you may not be completely at fault for hitting a vehicle that was parked illegally, you are most likely partially at fault under the law. At this point, theres not a lot that can be done apart from attempting to locate the driver. Hello, I recently was backing my truck out of my driveway & backed into my neighbors vehicle, 10-inch scratch & a small dent, no b.s her car is a beat up 93 civic ex and has over several dents all around the car, its beat up pretty bad, she said she spoke to her auto body guy and said the damage is $1100.00!!!! 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