This first year began with 165 members. Beside the most famous one we mentioned at the beginning, other best photos of National Geographic might include a gorilla holding a camera from October 1978 or the shot of a volcanic eruption from the March 1975 edition. Keeping them away from water and direct sunlight, Avoid stacking them up as this can deform these fragile books or cause them to stick together. Store your magazine in a cool, dark environment. A more subjective reason for its scarcity comes with an understanding of what happened back in the early 1960's when the NGS reprinted the first 20 years of the National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic is the official magazine of the National Geographic Society. Check out the "Collector's Corner" and "Collector's Forum" on the "National Geographic" website. This auction included volumes 1 through 22 formatted as 1a or 1b above. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We both sent multiple messages to him and even tried to get eBay to intervene on the buyers behalf. Although its designs are very basic and unsophisticated, the first edition holds a special place in many hearts. But first, lets discover a little bit about the background of National Geographic magazines what makes them so famous and highly valued today? The magazine is known for its thick square-bound glossy format with a yellow rectangular border and its extensive use of dramatic photographs. Its contents also gave people an idea of what the day-to-day lives of Africans are like. Required fields are marked *. 2022-10-24 admin. The magazine is released monthly in print and digitally. Find some cataloguing app tips here! Arguably, the real magic of these images with yellow borders is the moment the photographer was able to capture. Here are the eBay high-three yearly averages for the first 20 years of NG magazines: As of 19 January 2018 Change per issue from the Dec 2016 revision of this guide, 1888 - $5,670.22 (only one issue published) no sales observed, 1889 - $1,753.33# no sales observed, 1890 - $1,525.83* (-$314.17) three original sales observed, 1891 - $600.33* (+$19.71), 1892 - $1,842.25* ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, 1893 - $981.41* (-$74.42), 1894 - $419.67* (-$17.64), 1895 - $353.78 (+$17.89), 1896 - $238.66 ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, 1897 - $217.35 ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, 1898 - $294.49 ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, 1899 - $409.79 (+$1.84), 1900 - $215.69 (+$2.52), 1901 - $216.64 ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, 1902 - $217.87 ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, 1903 - $219.06 ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, 1904 - $228.31 ($0.00) no sales qualified for top 3, for the second year, 1905 - $133.46 (+$0.87), 1906 - $84.23 (+$1.39), 1907 - $62.70 (+$0.53). Ill just list the few data points Ive collected over the years (far from being comprehensive). If youre one the millions of fans, then youre probably wondering how on Earth does one start collecting magazines? Estate Sales (this section borrowed with permission from Dale Murphy - Dec 2010): Having spent some significant part of a lifetime collecting the items, how does one later realize their true market value? After this issue, the later publications of the magazine unveil various truths about our planet to the readers. But if you use smartphones and a regular traveller,then read content on Internet. View more in our National Geographic Magazine Price Guide. Before digital prints became mainstream, you had to own a magazine or a news publication to read the news. However it lacks a quality grading scale that would determine its value. Here, we will list them along with the average price they will fetch. Average price: $35, April, 1913: In the Wonderland of Peru (first images of Machu Picchu). It was taken in 1984 by Steve McCurry in a refugee camp in Afghanistan. Volumes 1 & 2; 3 & 4; 5 & 6 were each bound as one book. I have many National Geographic magazines that were my fathers. It was in October 1978. Lets have a look at the best way to preserve your magazine to maintain its condition. Collectors generally look first to the binding. Some of the most valuable National Geographic Magazines include: The first edition of the National Geographic Magazine culled from The Afghan girl issue of the National Geographic Magazine set up a whirlwind of emotions. As with the previous data collection I maintain only the highest three sales, discarding any lower sales data. National Geographic Kids magazine is an exciting monthly read for planet-loving kids, aged 7 - 12! The UK market is most likely a different story and, I'm sorry to say, I truly do not have the experience to guide you on selling your issue in that market. This button displays the currently selected search type. So, if youve got the entire issue for a particular year, youll make more from selling it as a bundle. Are they valuable? The world became interested in that little girl and wanted to know who she was. In August 2012, I expanded my data collection of eBay sales to include the years 1908 through 1917 inclusive. A section of the streaming service Disney Plus is devoted to National Geographic documentaries and television programs. + Supplements for this year are difficult to find (4 of 12 issues w/supplements qualified for my top 3 w/o their supplement one worse than last year). If youre in a hurry and need to sell or buy today you are more than likely NOT going to get what you want OR you are going to pay a premium. It appears that NGM's past 1930 are probably worth more for their ads that as collectors editions. In October 1888, the first edition got published with a bland brown cover. That is how the image of a stone face got to the May 1982 cover of the magazine. Her work appears in Popular Science, The Economist, National Geographic, . This logo is located at thetop left of the magazine. New Scientist Magazine. This magazine started small, with only the societys members getting any, but this changed many years later. He brought back Sharbat Gula. Now climate change, pollution, and invasive species threaten their. However, these covers have become a defining factor for collectors as they help them classify the magazines better. It features Sharbat Gula, a 12-year-old Afghan girl. Although an old National Geographic Magazine is valuable, this value is dependent on several factors. 54 out of a possible 167 reprints from 1893 to 1909 (with one 1908 and all 1909 originals) sold for $551.51 on 22 May 2015. Situations like this arise from factors such as the condition of that publication, its year of production, etc. In its first half-dozen years the National Geographic Magazine was published on an "occasional" basis. 1, No.1 reprinted in 1975 (special identifier printed within), Volumes 8-18 (1898 1907) 500 copies per issue 1,500. Vinyl Records Value: Your Old Value Records Worth a Fortune, Vintage Stiffel Lamps: Value and Price Guide, Vintage Smith Corona Typewriter: History, Models, and Value, Vintage Schwinn Bikes: [Types, Identification, and Values], Vintage Rooster Cookie Jar Identification and Value Guide, The first time was in 1897 when 11 publications got produced instead of 12. The front board was off the book; the binding was falling apart; the covers and ads (as is normally the practice with bound NGMs) were missing as well as the one map for the year and the index. As such, they are the rarest of all National Geographic publications and the most costly as well. If we were to utilize the comic book scale, the condition of individual copies would range from damaged to mint. However, in laymans terms, there are a few crucial quality factors that determine the value. Sign up, store and use your NGs collection. Good condition copies can also fetch a good price depending on rarity and collectability. Iconic for its yellow-squared covers, the National Geographic Magazine is a classic publication thats been around for 100 years. Below are estimated costs and actual selling prices for some popular magazines. Other striking images include the Gorilla with a camera, published in 1978. "National Geographic" magazines can be fun to look at, with articles about exotic locations and unique people and creatures. Part of the allure that United States currencies bear (especially here in the states) comes from the, Read More Kennedy Half Dollar Value Chart (1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972)Continue, Norman Rockwell paintings are an iconic and instantly recognizable element of modern American history. They have inspired people from all over the globe for more than 150 years with their incredible tales and meaningful photojournalism, documenting key events and critical discoveries. Although there have been a lot of iconic issues over the years, some are more valuable than others. and the condition of each. Some of the National Geographic Magazines that got sold on eBay include: It was established above that the rarest and the most valuable National Geographic Magazines are the premier versions. However, he promised them that he could bring them to the girl, and three days later, he did that. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the . Missing covers, except for the first 20 years or so, make the magazine nearly worthless whereas a magazine in better condition than the VG described above, even marginally so, may enhance the value immensely. The most interesting topics covered so far would be: 100 Ideas that Changed the World, Are We Alone [in the Universe], Founding Fathers, Best of Europe: 100 Must-See Destinations. Actually, each special edition has an appeal of its own. Most passionate readers probably store here and there a copy or two, but acquiring a large number of issues requires more than a passion. PRICING & COLLECTING INFO: The earliest issues of National Geographic are the most valuable, especially the first volume, which ocnsisted of only 4 issues. Facebook. It publishes a kid's magazine (National Geographic Kids) and owns a channel for which it produces educational content. Voracious readers often ask themselves are old National Geographic magazines worth any money? $9.35 $ 9. However, these issues are mostly recent ones, easily obtainable at any newsstand and in digital format. The winner of all three books (the first six volumes) subsequently de bound all three books and restored each individual issue (all 36 red brick issues). From the beginning of my data collection in 2008 I have maintained data on the highest two bound volume sales from 1888 through 1914. Leaving them to one's estate is fine, but it is very unlikely that the inheritor of the estate will know the true worth of the collection. Not only are these maps widely a. top of page. I had attempted to purchase a damaged bound 1907 just months prior to this from a book dealer. National Geographic has been criticized in the past for itsunenlightened approach to indigenous groups and minorities. Life magazines with sports stars on the cover tend to be among the most valuable issues. It is thought to be one of the most influential and successful magazines ever created. Know what youre buying! Amassing it is a different ballpark. Buying or selling on eBay can have unseen hazards for the uninitiated but a cautious and determined approach for either selling or buying has its rewards. Highest of 27 bids: $50.36 "Sports Afield" January 1939 and "Field & Stream" 1940 with an article on Clark Gable. More Buying Choices $8.00 (7 new offers) National Geographic confronted these harmful ideas in an issue published inApril 2018. Besides being produced much earlier, vintage National Geographic Magazines are valuable because theyre rare. For this guide I collect sales data, price and quality, for each National Geographic Magazine (NGM) sold on eBay that was published by the National Geographic Society (NGS) from October 1888 through December 1917. )Continue, The sweet teddy ornaments, widely known as Cherished Teddies, can have quite a high value! The average for the top 3 sales just for this month with supplement remained at $450.65, i.e. If you have patience and the time, and are reasonable, you can buy and sell at your price. While expressing remarkable learning abilities, Koko also showed some capability in photography. Not only can collectors always read again their favorite issues, but they are preserving them for the generations to come. VINTAGE 1921 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE 10 MAGAZINES W / 3 MAPS GOOD CONDITION. Although most National Geographic Magazine publications were about nature, some told a story. What's the average value of an old magazine? Of course, the scientific texts made up most of the pages. Are any National Geographic magazines worth anything? The Man from Ethiopia In April 1965, the American readers could get a taste of the content of Africa through a portrait of a tribal man from Ethiopia, holding a key-like structure. Betsy the dog was a study subject for a test of intelligence and it turned out she knew over 200 words. The 1888 premier issue of National Geographic Magazine is one of the most valuable publications out there. Shortlisted, the most valuable National Geographic covers to collectors would be the: The Afghan Girl The Afghan Girl: Found "The Afghan Girl" and "The Afghan Girl: Found" - Arguably the best picture ever to feature on the cover of National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic: Our Coverage Was {Includes Bound Volumes + Reprints (Bound and Individual)}. What is strange about these criteria is the least common practice of binding NGMs in the past has proven to be the most sought after format of binding in the present. Firstly, the lauded cover page mustnt be missing. 2 Aug. 1954, Magazine Antiques Vol. The Post Office will not ship (declared hint! This magazine has its roots in the United Kingdom and has been around since 1956. This makes it one of the highest value magazines from the past 150 years. In 2007, a copy of Beaton's 1887 Christmas Yearbook sold at Sotheby's for $156,000. The second year ended with 228 members. Although this was unorthodox at the time, the move was a success nonetheless. If you find the guide informative, please be kind enough to give me a thumbs-up at the top of the page. Explore over 425 Million "sold for" prices with item details and images. What age group reads National Geographic? Another thing about National Geographic Magazine are the maps. the more published - the less the demand, but quality also influences the final demand. It wasn't until 1914 that publication reached 250K per issue. This issue has a much sought after pictorial that was quite often cut out of the magazine, thus making a complete issue (with supplement) hard to find. An 1889 issue of the National Geographic Magazine sold for $649 on eBay in 2013. Vintage2uTreasures. National Geographicbegan as a men's society in Washington D.C. on January 27, 1888. History sealed away "The original flight film from the Apollo missions is some of the most important and valuable film in existence. I have relearned this fact many times while purchasing on line. National Geographic Learning ELT in Boydton, VA Expand search. A few copies of this issue have even reached over $100,000! Are old National Geographic magazines worth anything? Can I congratulate and thank you for posting this fantastic article which is incredibly helpful to beginners like myself just starting out and also for more experienced collectors. The National Geographic Society in Washington D.C. created the magazine in 1888 to inform its members about important historical, cultural,environmental, and social topics. I have subscribed periodically over the years to NG but never consistently and always ended up giving my collection away to charity shops, hospital waiting rooms etc. Even though it was in the era of mechanical cameras, he knew that the image would be spectacular. The May 1, 1939 issue with Joe DiMaggio on the cover is also quite valuable. Eventually, the society released the magazine to the public. The whole project had more than modest beginning. The second, third and fourth issues are valued slightly lower, usually reaching between $2000-5000 USD. On September 22nd 2018, the National Geographic Society celebrates its 130th birthday.. NG magazines are indeed great for nature-lovers. ## I collect volume data by year even if the year had two published volumes as with 1914 through 1917. National Geographic magazines are iconic and highly valued in the collectible world. National Geographicis now partially owned by theDisneyCompany. These thirty-three men convened around a large mahogany table to discuss how to increase the diffusion of geographical knowledge. (59) $12.99 FREE shipping. Remember, there is presently no accepted standard grading system for NGMs. Its all in the timing. However, these issues rarely go above $5000, as they are usually priced between $2000 to $5000. You might check with nearby nursing and retirement homes, prisons, hospitals, or schools to see if they would welcome your donation. 2011 Volumes 1-8, w/o supplements (library set), $975.00 9 May 2013 Volumes 1-8, w/supplements, $1,200.00 20 February 2015 (+ bound Vols. The second year ended with 228 members. It has been published continuously since its first issue in 1888. It primarily . National geographic magazine job lot 122 magazines from 1964,66,68,74 and more. Find the Value of your National Geographic Magazine. The worth of a magazine is not determined by date alone, although typically, the older the magazine, the higher its value. The photographer balanced on the skids of a helicopter to capture the captivating image of blue and orange shades of a hot spring which had a footpath with tourists near it. I also provide sales data for bound volumes and a summary of reprint sales, both bound and individual. Average price: $115, January, February, March, 1905. This is because very few issues were published back in the day around 10,000 copies of each compared to the approximately 10 million copies of every magazine published today! With all these, he was able to capture the magnificence of some of the tallest trees on Earth. In, Read More Most Valuable 1995 2 Dollar Bill (Worth Up to $12,650)Continue, Collecting items is always a game of rarity. While your parents would have probably had to inventory everything by pen and paper, you can use your computer or mobile phone. Not every issue has them, but many have been become famous, like the ones used by the Allies in World War II. Most are asking an average of $1.00 per issue but many of the sales are for multiple issues. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about collecting or selling National Geographic Magazines (NGMs). Covers, ads, supplements each bound within their issue; volume title page, contents listing, and index, 1b. eBay: An old book collector once told me that for a book to be rare there had to be fewer than 1000 copies printed and to be scarce fewer than 10,000 copies printed. While early National Geographic Magazines are the most valuable moneywise, many collectors could pay more for beautiful modern issues. In my opinion,use internet instead of subscribing. 11) (with April + supplement stripped out), 1914 - $29.17 (+$0.42), 1915 - $24.69 (+$0.35), 1916 - $20.37 (+$0.17), 1917 - $17.56 (+$0.50). unique to the eye of the beholder. Sounds simple enough, but one has to be aware that the first 36 issues are called red brick because that was the color of their front page. There are several key issues to look out for in terms of high value. However, in 1904 the editor was instructed by the printer to add 11 more pages and being short of time, he simply inserted pictures, rather than text, of the Tibetan capital Lhasa. Collectors can find publishing and copyright information within the first few pages of each magazine issue. In this, Read More Cherished Teddies Value (Most Valuable Rare One Sold For $600+)Continue, Usually we focus on specific coins and paper money which are very rare and very valuable. He admits that he got drawn to that haunting look in her green eyes. The Collector's Corner lists dealers who might be interested in your magazines. The most valuable magazines in the world. The first volume consists of 4 issues, and the second volume consists of 5 issues. National Geographic is recognized by its exquisite award-winning professional photography,yellow borderon the cover, and educational articles. Most magazines are worth between $5 and $20 though some are quite valuable. What is the Value of your National Geographic Magazine ? Protect the publications by placing them in slipcases or sturdy paper jackets. Completeness a complete magazine is considered to be one containing the original maps or other inserts the issue was distributed with. I am a collector and though from time-to-time Ill attempt to sell or trade extras in my inventory, I am not a dealer of NGMs. Check these out on Amazon. Do your homework! Since then, the National Geographic Magazine got published every month. Due to personal preferences, it would be difficult to compile a list of top 100 National Geographic issues, but the aforementioned issues would certainly feature on it. This article will guide you on the ten most valuable National Geographic Magazines and how to get yours. Copy. Ideally in a box or cupboard where there is no risk of dropping or ruining it. A team member brought a mirror close and got Koko to take a self-portrait through the mirror. Owning these publications allowed readers to enjoy the stories hidden within, while the pictures allowed readers to visualize the stories. This sensation was so much that National Geographic sent one of their best photographers, Michael Nichols, to capture it. 10 Most Valuable Lefton China Pieces (Rarest Sold For $1,295), Antique Cast Iron Stoves Value (Rarest & Most Valuable is Selling for $24,500), 1920 Singer Sewing Machine Value (Rarest Sold For $3,000), Most Valuable 1934 20 Dollar Bill (Rarest Sold For $40,800), 4 Most Valuable Antique Typewriter (Rarest Sold For $110,059), Antique Ruby Rings Value (Rarest & Most Valuable Sold For $2.6 Million), Antique Cast Iron Toy Value (Rarest & Most Valuable Sold For $13,500), Top 10 Antique Stores in Connecticut [Update 2023], THE 10 BEST Pennsylvania Antique Stores (with Photos), 10 Best Antiques Near Me in Fort Worth, TX, The 13 Most Valuable Disney Pins (Rarest Sold For $10,000), Most Valuable Rare Hummel Figurines (Rarest Sold For $5000+), 1941 Penny Value Chart (Worth Million Dollars? Joe DiMaggio on the cover, and invasive species threaten their, capture... 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