White europeans were lied to as well. I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? Who do you "know" beverly. Thereby, experiences are not evidence. I could go on and to top it of you really dumb to even believe in fairy tales grow up lol education every thing I will pray for your poor soul please help yourself and read the bible my 5 year nephew knows more than you about who created heaven and earth.For the record Jesus is the son of God who died for you so you can live in abundanceAnd stop telling yourself God doesn't exist he does please do read this verse of the bible to change your dumb way of thinking Genesis 1:1 you can even google it if you don't have one. Your original post suggested that "Unbelievers should watch this video." Julius Doyle "I wonder what Jesus was expecting to happen on The Cross".To Paraphrase your statement..Yes things happen.Things happened to "ALL" of us.Things also Happened to Jesus but, that was not End-of-Story..Life does not end on this plane"Oh Ye of Little Faith"I'll Pray For You! Lol. You think she's hot don't you? Just because you say there is a God does not make it so. Don't lose your life and soul based on pleasing friends family, or anybody besides God. Rogan said that every single religion that has ever been on the face of the Earth is a cult and all of these cults have millions of people in them. Believe me when I say we are truly committed to our practice. Considering that there are zillions (not just millions), that would be a feat in finding out if any testimonies are actually valid or not. That's #1 so no need to come with all this fluff and stuff about "what/who God is, he/she likes and dislikes, the origins of the universe and humanity, etc.". To that assumption, I agree not as stated but in argument extracted considering every book you read with authors having beenOh yeah, that's right Human. You are clearly not well and think fiction is true and truth is fiction. ?, no ?, id didnt thinkso!!!! WAKE UP!! Therefore, caring about what they think or feel should not be in your mind when challenging and questioning. Yeah, i said it!! Arabs brought Islam and killed off Christianity in most of the continent. He is also the co-founder of reach records. You are all kinds of awesome Sam! He proves Himself so that we will increase in Faith in Him. "I'm probably 20 per cent atheist and 80 per cent agnostic. Peace to you and yours! It was easy for you to believe 2000+ year dead men so if you want to continue being a sheep head, go right ahead. Allah is real and He never lied about Himself. I'm not a hypocrite or bigot but clearly from all that's written, you fit the dictionary definitions in real time along with the shoes fitting well. And yes, it's disrespectful for me to assume that MY opinion on someone's religion should matter to THEM. I really like Beautiful Eulogy. Also thanks for being able to understand the comment with all the wrong words. Did I say the Devil is in the details? Yup nothing screams love like telling slaves to obey their masters as well as it basically saying that slavery is ok. However, there are some celebrities who dont believe in Jesus or God at least not in an orthodox way. Because in many ways, we just don't deserve the privilege. I grew up a Methodist and I don't regret it . Christ love is unconditional and mine must also be. #2. and the light of righteousness did not shine on us, @kamilah as you fail to realize that nothing from nothing leaves nothing and the something that exist came from somewhere best explained by the 2000 year old dead men and not in anyway explained by you, you ma'am are a dam arrogant fool. Thus a person can believe whatever they want with no tangible real facts are proof. I'm no coincidence. I know about Islam from being related to a Muslim who does the same kind of salesman pitches you do. Some women . But hey! Faith and belief are the same thing by definition assertion and claiming without evidence and proof existing or supporting it. Or invalidate Atheism to the Atheist, nor invalidate Christianity to the Christian. It is a shame. I think you know this. This is 1of the many problems with religion. I guess all blacks steal to huh? What! Stay blessed. The practice of christianity does not make you a believer. Take a look at this list and find out which famous rappers lack religious faith. Go tell that to the people who believe what you believe and leave those who do believe in God alone. It's not what we do. Rappers who are atheist come in many forms. The truth is that Islam is man-made. One written by historians, not theologians. I call BS on this assertion: "Whether you call the God the creator the center of the universe or simply the source of all things their is a God." You cannot prove "God" doesn't exist. Very mature of you to resort to name calling those that think for themselves. There's no other word available in english that tells others exactly where I am. Estevan Carlos Benson "a God" doesn't exist. Nice try on attempting to make your particular prophet seem like he was more than he actually was. GOD is unto HIMSELF. Stop wasting your $$ on preachers and put it into black owned business and volunteer groups. Is it really feasible that an explosion happened and bam, living things just grew out of pure nothing? Actually, African-Americans have been on the decline since Christianity put them there as a result of slavery which is condoned by the bible; poverty where churches are popping up like popcorn while libraries, grocery stores, & community centers are closing; preaching is the new shortcut to wealth career path like athletics/rapping/drug dealing; & Black women are disproportionately single mothers struggling while feeding the church instead of their babies. Furthermore, he added that they . You are & that evidence/proof continues to mount on this thread. "And do not tell me whom I can and cannot talk to.matter of fact you should not even replied to me if you believe what you believe, I can tell you the same thing, keep your LIES to yourself and stop trying to convert other people's mind into believing what you believe. This has helped me like it has helped millions of others. #1 Your "theory" is and was never, ever based on any science physics or any other one. but the way of the Lord we have not known. I can see the love that is being spread. So round of applause to GOD!!! I don't get on my knees for anything. Go check it out for yourself I will pray for you. Guess it's A.B.S. It is GOOD that black people are waking up from the mind virus that is religion and god belief. Your measurement of intelligence is quite low and semantics are primitive. The author seems to think that they are. Religion and Theism are the same thing. It was obvious. If there were no so called after life most Christians wouldn't Christian. (shrug) Faith is not for the weak or self-sufficient. Being atheist DOES NOT mean lacking morals! It is the wise book, and the wisest book on Earth. What that tells me is that you have not done enough thinking and contemplating about life and you are just repeating things that you have heard, much the way you did when you were online. All 8 of them will some day confess that Jesus Christ is lord! Music fans are feeling the spirit this summer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews. I was just beginning to believe! 3) Nobody says that Christians can't live their lives with their beliefs no matter how infallible they are. 0:00. We are all one last breath from eternity. Its like she needs someone to say "YES you are hot!!!" You come on threads like thistype out your asscomment as if you are God/Jesus (because you claim to know God/Jesus better than everybody as if you are its mouthpiece even though he/it/they never existed)& expect people to buy your BS. Most Americans are so blind its just hilarious!!! Elliot C. Myrick if that is so where did you come from how do you come to Exsist? Just ask Native Americans, Filipinos, Africans who were FORCED to become Christians. hehe believers say satan plays tricksatheists say God is the scamwhat do we learn from that? Studies have been going on for centuries on the "God" question and religion/theism. Sounds fucking DANDY, The moment all the religious freaks fuck off from this planet will be a breath of fresh air to all the humans that are left. Islam is a Middle Eastern spinoff of both Christianity and Judaism so the notion that your God is different from their God is quite laughable. Mr. However I am convinced there is a single source of creation. @dwaine, like I said I am not very religious but I know from my own experiences that good and evil exists. I am a Hindu. You are entitled to your beliefs but you not entitled to your own facts. Of course, your religion is called "Theism." Science may choose to say and do what it wants, but it has never disproved the existence of God. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. common! Rashid Allen There-in-lies-your-problem.You spend too much time "Worshiping Potatoes".Spend more time learning about GOD, and when you get hungry for more then His-WordEat The Potatoes,.That's what there for.You got it "All" Backwards..Next week I'll give you instructions on, The Birds & The Bees..God help you if your getting that part wrong too!! You all better get right , Only people who have never felt the power of God and seen his wonders make these claims. "Yeshua".You need to"Study to show thy self approved~2 Timothy 2:15 ", God's word saids.Proverbs 12:15~ The way of a fool is right in his own eyes:". To the unbelievers, When the trials of life visits your door-step (As they surely will) who will you call out to; Chris Rock? So yes, Christianity and the Christianity within Black culture is very unique in its support for its community, but this history exists, and it's important to acknowledge it and not degrade those Black people that do acknowledge it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UJGjEKC1GI, There was no and stillno Hebrew named Jesus. While religion within in the Black community is supportive, loving, caring, etc., what Chris Rock says is also a reality of Black history. And as far as Celebrities turing away from Jesus, isn't that what, in many cases, Hollywood does to you. who stays but a day. For those of faith reading this, Allah is real so give up the cursed Bible and find a Qur'an and read it. No, wonder, I'm not a fan of Chris Rock, Samuel L. Jackson..etc.In the Last days..Every knee must Bow and Every tongue, should confess that Jesus is Lord..God is the only one can make Everyone a Believer. Religiosity isn't a necessity. I'll wait. I'd confess Lady Gaga was lord after enough torture. I don't cry out to imaginary friends and blame imaginary foes for imaginary crimes against me or think I'm enduring imaginary punishments. YOU OUGHT TO BE UPLIFTING THEM AND HELPING THEM FIGHT AGAINST THE EVIL POWERS!!!!!! The fact that most black people do not ask themselves basic questions is sad. Therefore, location, economic status, social upbringing, environment, education, individual drive, the choices you make, along with many other factors & influences will ultimately determine whether or not your life will be one of "fulfillment or misery." does it make me look fat? If you are uncomfortable with giving up worldly pleasures, then acknowledge that and make peace with it. Please people don't get it twisted and talk things you don't know ask and you shall be get. His debut Christian album is called Testimony of Redemption. you like her better than me huh? how many do stop to even think that a creation would never be aware of its creator but will realise it is serving a purpose . However, religion is religion no matter how you slice it and dice it or try to run away from the word. who cause that the devil and all wicked mankind who started away fro God and his rightousness . I totally agree! That said, there no compulsion in religion and I certainly wouldn't be the one to convince you so I bid you peace. It's EVIDENCE that determines whether or not your perception of reality is in conjunction with what everyone sees in the real world. Thank God for Jesus ! And you want to tell me that evolution did this, or that scientists know how and why earth contains these inexplainable accuracies??? Whoever told you that and wherever you got that from clearly lied to you. Allah proves Himself with His words, for without them we would have no knowledge of Allah. HOW DO YOU THINK THEY WERE ABLE TO KICK THOSE EUROS IN THE @SS AND OUT THEIR COUNTRY?? The Internet was founded by a Gay Atheist and Facebook yep Atheist if you are afraid of so called Satan's work you are best to become Amish. Again, enjoy your psychosis. You have said absolutely nothing "intelligent" since first posting on this entire comment thread. HELLLOOOOOOO!!!! OM-goodness. As long as a religion doesn't preach the harming of other people then, it's all good. Your prophet was/is like all other prophets self-appointed "God messengers" where everything brought forth by them was/is claimed to be "straight from God." It's all been disproven objectively over centuries. What is the so bad about believing in God (Our beginning and Our End)? Right ok. *sigh* sometimes I think this world is fucked. Just saying not everything you read in your bible isnaccurately interpreted from it original form. Jody Javiera Andrew To simply say, "Look around you" is a cop-out because you're seeking an answer that is immediate & most convenient for you, as opposed to researching for one that is based on reality. I mean, what other organization do you know threatens a person with severe penalties if he/she doesn't buy into their sales pitch? It's like every other theism/religion. THEY ARE KILLERS OF THE SOULS, THE VAMPIRES OF OUR COMMUNITY, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE EXPOSED FOR WHO THEY ARE. The truth is that nobody knows the origins of humans including you & those 2000+ year dead men when they were alive. Per Merriam Webster: Belief (noun) This is the reason why black Americans are on the decline. Lol. In reality, it often hinders them, making people more judgemental and likely to exclude or mistrust people outside their belief system. Many people who would otherwise be uninhibited from committing henious acts are held back by their religious views. Oh well, I guess, it depends on the "legion" of writers of the over 165 bibles (bible is simply Greek for library). I'm a Christian saved by grace, personally knowing my Saviour. Would the scorn in this article be as bad if these people identified as another religion? Peace out. Atheism is not a belief. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? Put your trust in God, not man. That was Satan's mistake and it got him kicked out of Paradise. But really though, how and where does it hurt you to believe? BULLSHIT!! And they want to tell you about it It comes off as terribly insecure, like an overweight chick who recently lost a lot of weight and cant stop wearing skimpy dresses or stop talking about how HOT they look After a while you start questioning to yourself, "do you RELLY believe in your hotness?" Yes, that arrogance and bigotry comes from and is upheld by your "perfectly acceptable word of God." You're the fool. If you already know this concept, then how can you look at your magnificent potential as a person, then hand it over to someone else and let them tell YOU what to believe based on THEIR experience (or from hear-say) and then allow them to instill so much fear into you that you are afraid to out-grow their philosophy? I met some cousins recently and the first thing they both asked in separate phone calls was do I go to church. Nevertheless, simply answer the question who created everything in the universe? Sounds like hell is much more favorable than heaven or do you ommitt things to make you feel better about god? Under duress, maybe. Of course you are. Be cautious not to be so ignorant or you can miss your chance to get into the Garden. I just didn't want you to mislead people with your arrogance. It's not infallible. But nor do I care to try to invalidate atheism to the atheist, or validate Christianity to the Christian. WHY ARE WE COSIGNING TO THE OPPRESSORS RELIGION GENERATION AFTER GENERATION??? and I'd like to thank neil tyson for putting out some choice quotes over the years. THIS WILL OPEN YOUR MIND TO THE INFORMATION THAT WAS WITHHELD FROM OUR PEOPLE. Christianity was put upon the black community as a way of dealing with their sin of being "black" I don't know what place you learned bout Christianity but that is what the racist white folks in the south were taught. Again, we will remain vocal on and offline. and like a light hoarfrost driven away by a storm; While Christianity was seen in Africa before the start of colonialism, missionaries and countries that wanted to colonize Africa (who used missionaries and religion) did bring Christianity to Africa as a justification system of colonialism. just like you know you are in pain because you feel it, yet you do not see the pain, but you believe it is pain, Religion is the great Hoax how can any believe in that in this era of information it's about time Black people free their minds of mental slavery and realize that the helping that they are looking for is at the end of their wrist. Tell me why Earth's water and nitrogen cycle are accurate, whereby biotic life follows a smooth and indispensable process. In fact, your definition of arrogance can be challenged on the fact that it is only your subjectivity and semantics making claims and assertions. All objective evidence/proof points directly to the contrary. Don't wait until you're on your death bed to get right. Just because humans use religion to justify and perpetuate their ineptitude, doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. Say you guys!!! And if you dont believe me, then ask yourself a simple question. I don't pass judgement on those who call themselves Christians, Jews, Muslims for their religious beliefs even if I don't share themand in the same token I don't ACCEPT their judgement on my lack of religious conviction. There are successful well-adjusted Black people who do not believe. I am sick and tired of my people using this excuse for every inconvenience in their lives! What void are you trying to fill by convincing yourself that gods exist and religion is true. They just made stuff up and tried to guess but none of it has been proven true. @Kamilah T. Harris thanks for the specifics. You are. Take care! Ameen! You believ it but how do you know? We did not create the g/Gods and stuff. He created it all and He got this. I agree wholeheartedly Bianca. Its like all of their preaching and teaching goes in one ear and right out the other. I love it! Isa Massi Well, I'm human. There is nothing that deep about Islam. Where the hell yuo getting that from with out a way there is nothing! Maybe in a thousand years we'll have a better understanding as we continue to evolve. Dennis Spurling "LOL hmmmmm okay." We should value that instead of religion. Lol. Though they are a little more the average racist. Who will you find on this rappers who are atheist or agnostic list? In some African countries and many have moderate faith there are many fewer people in depression than in economically strong country. Maybe that but job Ken Ham can help you , and where is this heaven?up in the clouds?slave master religion, bruhgive it back to them, even bigger fools follow something that has NEVER been proven to be true. If not, cool. The DSM-5 the Psychiatric Guide has declared pedofilia not a mental disease just like the DSM-4 in 1973 declared homos are normal. This eruption should continue because all Christians want to do to atheists is what they wished happened to LGBTQs see them (us, I'm atheist-humanist) shut up and disappear. i pray u wake up before its to late,ask GOD TO show himself to you and he will if u open your heart to accept truth. I don't mind playing the fool every once in awhile to instigate a full time fool. MarkActually, the testimonies of millions are not objective evidence and proof of "God's existence." The truth is there has never been a Jesus Christ or an Abraham nor a Moses. Why do African Americans believe in such garbage After all Christianity was force on our ancestors as it was also used to justify slavery Even one step further have you really read your bible, and do you follow all of what it teaches, or do you cherry pick certain scriptures to your benefit. It's tax-free because it is a religion. Katisha Burns It's easier to repeat that shit than to prove it- which is why you don't even have sufficient intellectual honesty to try, eh? Plus why do majority of all the stories sound exactly like the ones on ancient pyramid text! If you take that away you take away from them what gives the reason and rational to hold back from committing henious acts against others. Everyone's still trying to figure out the first cause that got the back rolling on the rest. Its like she needs someone to say "YES you are hot!!!" Just be able to accept many have different interpretations of the same scripture. Put up or shut up. If I can read Harry Potter without believing it is all real and true you should be able to do the same with the bible, Koran, and any other mythological (religious) texts. Check it out ^_~. to debunk the lies, either step up and be heard by defending your beliefs with facts, or do not attend and be ignored as false. 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