16 January 2023. Can a hotel apply for extended trading hours? Extended trading hours Applying for and managing your liquor licence Operating a business Extended trading hours There are two options to occassionally extend your trading hours: Occasional extended trading condition - all areas Multi-occasional extended trading authorisation - regional and rural areas Occasional extended trading condition Information for owners, tenants, strata managers and real estate agents on the issues of aluminium cladding and fire safety. Banks can open their retail branches on the August Bank Holiday (which falls on the 1st week of August) and all public holidays other than Good Friday, Easter Sunday, before 1pm on ANZAC Day and Christmas Day without having to seek an exemption, provided staff have freely elected to work on that day. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you are proposing to sell alcohol as part of a catering service at large scale events, additional licence conditions may be imposed on the licence to ensure the appropriate stakeholders are notified and sufficient planning is in place for each event. Punters who plan on going to sporting and cultural events across NSW in 2022 can continue their revelry afterward, with licenced venues allowed to stay open for longer during these occasions. Midnight on Friday 24 February to 2 am on 25 February, 10pm on Sunday 26 February to 2 am on Monday 27 February. Licensed premises can trade at their usual opening times, without the restrictions of Good Friday. Which statement is true about trading hours for licensed premises in NSW? This area is separate to the licensed premises and typically relates to a footpath trading area. . On-premises licences apply to a variety of premises including accommodation venues, restaurants, catering services etc. Important reforms to fire safety regulation in NSW. The site is located near several licensed premises along King Street in Newtown, the nearest The 6-hour closure period does not apply to accommodation areas allowing alcohol to be supplied to guests in their room at any time. A private restaurant does not need to be endorsed on the licence. Licence A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity. Select one of the tile below to get started. An official website of the United States government. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Our laws guarantee your right to repairs, replacements and refunds. 9 Is the forex market open 24 hours a day? Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Venues already able to trade beyond these longer hours can trade as usual. you can apply as an individual or a corporation. Extended hours - if permitted can reach up to 18-hours trading. 2020 Nov 2;17(11):e1003368. The Assessmentaims tomanageareas of the precincts with higher concentrations of licensed premises, where cumulative impacts and risk of alcohol-related harm are greater. Midnight on Monday 27 February to 2 am on Tuesday 28 February, Midnight on Tuesday 28 February to 2 am on Wednesday 1 March, Midnight on Wednesday 1 March to 2 am on Thursday 2 March, Midnight on Thursday 2 March to 2 am on Friday 3 March, Midnight on Friday 3 March to 2 am on Saturday 4 March, Midnight on Saturday 4 March to 2 am on Sunday 5 March, 10 pm on Sunday 5 March to 2 am on Monday 6 March. a sign must be displayed at the front of the premises that: an incident register must be maintained if the premises trades past midnight, conditions canbe imposed on the licence, either under the liquor laws, or by Liquor & Gaming NSW (L&GNSW). The two main types of catering are: Where the licensed premises are an office and where catered functions, occasions or events are held elsewhere, a Sale On Other Premises Authorisation (SOOPA) is required. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal 2020 Mar;44(3):722-728. doi: 10.1111/acer.14285. Standard trading hours for all forms of on-premises licence (except those relating to vessels) are outlined in the table below. apply online for an on-premises liquor licence for a restaurant, seek standard trading hours -5am to midnight Monday to Saturday and 10am - 10pm on Sunday. What are the standard opening and closing trading hours NSW? We provide 14 days from the date of publication for public comment. Page 2 of 13 Liquor & Gaming NSW AM0020O Extended trading authorisation - on-premises licence LQ4069_091221 continue overleaf Part 2 About this application An extended trading authorisation allows the sale or supply of liquor outside the standard trading period. Examples include grocery stores, clothing . Under 18s are allowed in premises with an on-premises licence. Smaller markets tend to be open for short periods. Disclaimer. Find out what events are coming to NSW in 2022. would like to occasionally trade past midnight. are authorised to trade past midnight, but rarely do, would like to reduce their trading hours fee. Helping you to run your business, including specific industries like conveyancing, motor trades and building certifiers. This form contains a list of licence conditions which the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority and/or its delegates may impose if the licence is granted. Licensees need to abide by all of their usual trading hour conditions and authorisations, including: the restriction on takeaway and delivery trading past 11pm on Sunday and 12 midnight on any other daytrading hour or other specific conditions on your liquor licence Once your application is lodged, you will receive a site notice. !ioW%m-B:c%]M8t?G.|. This will create jobs and put valuable dollars back into the tills of small businesses, Mr Anderson said. Careers. Applying for and managing your liquor licence, Gaming machine licence and application fees, Gaming machine prizes, competitions, and lotteries, Incentives for live music and performance venues, Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct Trial, Standard drink guidelines and preventing intoxication, Orders for approved games at the Star Casino, Orders for approved games at the Crown Casino, Self-exclusion from the casino and gaming venues, Help for people experiencing gambling harm, Decisions on Licence Related Authorisations, Micro-breweries and small distilleries licence, Liquor licence exemption for not for profit organisations, Outdoor dining (Alfresco) - change of boundaries, Casino regulatory agreements and Ministerial directions, Apply for an exemption to the in-kind limit, Liquor accord governance and operational pack, Examples of terms, campaigns, practices and strategies, Designing gaming machines and technical standards, On-premises licence restaurant PDF, 184.58 KB, On-premises licence public entertainment venue (not cinema or theatre) PDF, 188.42 KB, On-premises licence cinema or theatre public entertainment venue PDF, 186.64 KB, On-premises licence catering services PDF, 196.11 KB, On-premises licence commercial tour operator PDF, 184 KB, On-premises licence local product promotion PDF, 179.93 KB, On-premises licence airport PDF, 176.64 KB, On-premises licence tertiary institution PDF, 177.75 KB, On-premises licence accommodation premises PDF, 185.9 KB, On-premises licence vessel PDF, 180.41 KB, On-premises licence (others) PDF, 182.46 KB, Producer/wholesaler beer/spirits PDF, 172.36 KB, Producer/wholesaler not beer/wine/spirits producer PDF, 160.78 KB, Producer/wholesaler wine/cider/perry/mead products PDF, 196.74 KB, Limited licence surf club PDF, 163.2 KB, Limited licence not a surf club PDF, 160.99 KB, Conditions form On Premises vessels - FM2037 PDF, 624.03 KB, On Premises catering services - FM2039 PDF, 727.69 KB, Conditions form events, trade fairs and other functions - FM2031 PDF, 770.13 KB, The list of approved conditions is available here PDF, 361.45 KB, For On Premises, Producer Wholesaler, Small Bar and Packaged Online (Delivery only), use, For On Premises (catering service), use Conditions form -, For Events, trade fairs and other functions, use, make takeaway liquor sales during the extended period. What drinks can be served after midnight? For more information, contact Liquor and Gaming NSW or Fair Trading. 2015 Dec;110(12):1901-9. doi: 10.1111/add.13063. Some conditions are imposed automaticallyby the NSW liquor laws and others can be imposed by the Secretary of the Department of Customer Service or the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority Board (ILGA). 7 Can a hotel apply for extended trading hours? We understand that it has been tough for hospitality venues recently, which is why we are extending trading hours for certain events. Use ourLiquor Fee Schedule tocalculate your fee. The review will be completed by an officer not involved with the original assessment and will consider: We will respond within 21 days from lodgement. Select a tile below to get started. Compare loading with and without an OETC: Allows trading past midnight up to 12 occasions in any 12-month period, Allows trading past 1.30am up to 12 occasions in any 12-month period, Apply: Occasional Extended Trading Condition Application. Small bars with a license to operate until midnight will now be able to extend their trading hours until 2am (sch 1, cl 67 amending the Liquor Act ). A function is also defined within the Act, and can include weddings, parties, balls, dinners, corporate events, arts events, marketing events,public entertainment events and other similar occasions of limited duration. This notice must be affixed to the location of the proposed licensed premises and must be provided to the occupiers of surrounding buildings. This can be obtained as part of a licence application for a new accommodation-premises or as an additional trading entitlement for an existing accommodation-premises. Inner West LGA: Enmore, Newtown, Marrickville, St Peters, Sydenham, Stanmore, Camperdown and Annandale. not apply for authorisations including extended trading hours or primary service authorisation (PSA). 2018 The Authors. Motor vehicle repairs, maintenance and fees. Trading Hours The National Retail Association is a leader in the area of trading hours reform and we continue to work with governments in numerous states to achieve an appropriate balance between the needs of shoppers, workers, small businesses, large retailers and shopping centres. The multi-occasional extended trading authorisation (MOETA) allows you to trade to 3am 12 times over a 12-month period. . If you are proposing to sell alcohol as part of a catering service at functions, occasions or events, the most appropriate liquor licence is an on-premises licence that relates to a catering service. Importantfor alllicensees to note: Licenseesneed to abide byalloftheirusualtrading hourconditionsandauthorisations, including: Ifyou havemore than one liquorlicence,ensureanytakeaway and delivery alcohol salescomply with the relevantlicencesconditions and requirements. Fair Trading must consider any public comment received during the minimum 14 day period. Small shops are free from the requirement that staff only work if they want to. -. The sale on other premises licence may be restricted when used inappropriately for example: As an alternative to applying for a Limited Licence Large Scale Commercial Event, an on-premises catering service licence can be utilised to sell liquor at the event. The Authority will generallynot approve newhigherimpactpremises,ormore late-night tradingor licensed boundary increasesfor thesepremises,inthe followingdesignated Cumulative Impact Areas: If making an applicationfor a club licencein one of these areas,you should read the Assessment PDF, 9516.42 KB to understand the requirements that must be met. Small shops can open on a restricted trading day without applying for an exemption and are free from the requirement that staff only work if they want to. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. For most licences, ordinary trading hours are from 10am to 12 midnight. A catering service is defined under the Liquor Act 2007 as a service for supplying food or liquor (or both) for consumption at a function, occasion or event.. If you are ineligible for an interim restaurant authorisation because you did not consult on your intention to serve alcohol as part of the public exhibition process to obtain your development approval, the public submission period for your on-premises licence application can be reduced from 30 to 14 days if you make your application online. Information on different ways you can pay for products and services. Inj Prev. Information for people running or wanting to run an association in NSW. Thats why we talk about Forex market hours and Forex trading sessions to describe where and when the different Forex trading sessions are open to trading. Easter trading restrictions under the Liquor Act 2007, Midnight Thursday to 5am on Good Friday morning, if authorised for extended trading, Normal trading, except trading between midnight on Good Friday and 5am on Easter Saturday not permitted, No retail trading (under separate NSW retail trading laws), Noon to 10pm (in a dining area only with or ancillary to a meal). the number of employees and the likely effect of the proposed exemption on the shops workers. You can attach additional information on separate pages if required. seek standard trading hours 5am to midnight Monday to Saturday and 10am 10pm on Sunday. Lorem ipsum dolor, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject. Contents . Keywords: Are there restrictions on trading hours in NSW RSA? Find out what you need to do to responsibly serve alcohol in any type of venue. The forms below contain a list of licence conditions that the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority has determined may be appropriate conditions for each liquor licence type listed below, subject to any alternative conditions that may be imposed specific to a venues location, business model and/or following consideration of submissions from the applicant or other stakeholders. These are typically multi-unit, multi-storey residential buildings where people live above and below each other. An on-premises licence allows the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises when another product or service - including food, entertainment and accommodation - is sold, supplied, or provided to customers. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Penalty rates above ordinary wages apply. Accessibility Effects of Extensions and Restrictions in Alcohol Trading Hours on the Incidence of Assault and Unintentional Injury: Systematic Review. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. An applicant or any other interested party can apply to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to have the decision reviewed. The Secretary of the Department of Customer Service or L&GNSW can give written directions to the licensee or anemployee or agent that relates to the operation of the authorisation. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. What are the standard opening and closing trading hours NSW? Licensees who conduct large scale events may benefit from holding a single on-premises catering service licence, which can be utilised for every event, rather than applying for a new licence for each occasion. National Library of Medicine View the status of liquor and gaming related licence applications in NSW. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The .gov means its official. Addict Behav 2002; 27: 867886. Turning conceptual systems maps into dynamic simulation models: An Australian case study for diabetes in pregnancy. Liquorland Regular Business Hours The business center is open Mon to Fri: 8:30 am 9:00 pm. Applying for and managing your liquor licence, Gaming machine licence and application fees, Gaming machine prizes, competitions, and lotteries, Incentives for live music and performance venues, Enmore Road Special Entertainment Precinct Trial, Standard drink guidelines and preventing intoxication, Orders for approved games at the Star Casino, Orders for approved games at the Crown Casino, Self-exclusion from the casino and gaming venues, Help for people experiencing gambling harm, Decisions on Licence Related Authorisations, Micro-breweries and small distilleries licence, Liquor licence exemption for not for profit organisations, Outdoor dining (Alfresco) - change of boundaries, Casino regulatory agreements and Ministerial directions, Apply for an exemption to the in-kind limit, Liquor accord governance and operational pack, Examples of terms, campaigns, practices and strategies, Designing gaming machines and technical standards, you should read the Assessment PDF, 9516.42 KB, compliance.info@liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au, completed applicant declaration (TDEC5) PDF, 173.74 KB, APP600 on premises liquor application site notice PDF, 580.22 KB, More information on changingthe 6-hour closure period, Application form to change your closure period PDF, 961.26 KB, Extended tradingauthorisation PDF, 1041.69 KB, Extended tradingauthorisation - special occasion PDF, 874.92 KB, Minors function authorisation PDF, 682.07 KB, Primary service authorisation PDF, 980.24 KB, Sale on other premises authorisation PDF, 840.13 KB, Vessel trading authorisation PDF, 835.24 KB, FM2034 Licence conditions form - on premises PDF, 744.37 KB, FM2037 Conditions form On Premises vesselsPDF, 624.03 KB, FM2039 Licence conditions form - On-premises licence (catering services) PDF, 727.11 KB, Live music, arts, and cultural events venues, Accommodation venues, including motels or B&Bs with more than eight guests, Fromthe start of standard trading to 2.00am the next day - unless extended trading hours have been approved, Not applicable alcohol can be sold to residents or employees at any time, Not applicable alcohol can be sold from one hour before the vessel starts its voyage until 30 minutes after the voyage ends, Allows an on-premises licence (other than a vessel) to extend trading hours, or vary extended trading hours already allowed, Allows extended trading for a special occasion on a specified date, Allows minors to attend functions in specified areas, Allows sale/supply of liquor for consumption on the licensed premises other than with, or ancillary to, another product or service, Allows an on-premises licence that operates as a catering service or tour operator to sell liquor by retail for consumption on premises which are not their own, Allows sale of liquor on a vessel at specified times outside the period commencing one hour before the vessel starts a voyage or passage and ending 30 minutes after the voyage or passage is complete, Allows minors to attend functions in some or all of the licensed premises, (only applicable to an on-premises with "other public entertainment" class), Providing all the correct information at the time you apply. Advertising is an effective way to attract customers, but the law says advertising must be truthful and easy to understand. The FX market is open 24 hours a day from Monday (or Sunday) to Friday (or Saturday) as one part of the world goes to sleep, another wakes up. We provide a minimum of 14 days from the date of publication for public comment. On that basis, alcohol is not allowed on any Queensland beach. The Liquor Regulation 2018 introduced an additional two compulsory courses for licensees and managers: It is best practice to keep copies of your and your staffs qualifications in a register on the premises. A staff member being rostered to work on a restricted trading day does not mean they have freely elected to work. This condition means youcan only trade past midnight or 1.30am on up to 12 occasions over any 12-month period. BMC Public Health. 6 Do you need an RSA to serve alcohol at a private function NSW? Check if your community gaming is eligible. Types of businesses that are eligible for this licence include: An on-premises liquor licence will no longer have effect if the business or activity carried out on the premises changes or the kind of licensed premises changes without regulatory approval. Once the Secretary has made a decision regarding an application, the decision showing an order granting an exemption, and the reasons for any decision to grant or not grant an exemption will be published on our website as soon as practicable once a decision has been made. Fair Trading Bank Close Day application form PDF, 1055.92 KB, Community Mutual Ltd t/as Regional Australia Bank, Romeo NSW Investments Pty Ltd and the Trustee for Romeo NSW Holding Trust, Coast RV Pty Ltd t/as Coast to Coast RV Services, Passel Australia Pty Ltd t/as IGA Xpress Woodburn, Romeo NSW Investments Pty Ltd and the Trustee for Romeo NSW Holding Trust t/as Romeo's Rainbow Doonside, Romeo NSW Investments Pty Ltd and the Trustee for Romeo NSW Holding Trust t/as Romeo's Supa IGA Summer Hill, Futura Caravans Pty Ltd t/as Barnes Caravans, Mictinole Pty Ltd t/as Kangaroo Tent City & BBQs, CKJHT Outdoors Pty Ltd t/as Outdoor Instinct Pty Ltd, Amazing Vitality Pty Ltd t/as Amazing Vitality, The Trustee for D Barichello Family Trust t/as Newstyle Direct Pty Ltd, ARB Corporation Ltd t/as ARV 4x4 Accessories, Poron Pty Ltd t/as Polaris GPS & Rear Vision, Donegan Assistance Group Pty Ltd t/as Transcool, Ortho-tex Pty Ltd t/as Wenatex The Sleep System, Anrise Imports Pty Ltd t/as Oz Shop In & Oz Vice, Van's Retail-IGA Lilyfield Pty Ltd t/as IGA Lilyfield, Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd t/as Coles, Platypus Shoes (Australia) P/L t/as Platypus, Broadmeadow, Glendale, Green Hills, Charlestown, Bank Holiday, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays which are not restricted, Christmas Day, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, Easter Sunday, before 1pm on ANZAC Day and Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, before 1pm on ANZAC Day and Christmas Day, Getabout 4wd Adventures t/as Getabout Training Services, Apollo Motorhome Holidays Pty Ltd t/as Apollo RV Sales, Market Direct Group t/as Market Direct Campers & AUSRV, To allow all shops in the specified LGA that are not otherwise exempt to open on Good Friday and Easter Sunday subject to conditions, goods were sold or offered for sale at the shop, goods were available for review in the shop, previously sold goods were delivered, or available for delivery, orders for goods were received and/or processed by a person working at the shop, goods were received, unpacked or otherwise prepared for sale at the shop eg staff packing shelves, how to get an exemption (application process), the rights and responsibilities of businesses and workers, Businesses who want to open on Boxing Day under the, Small shop retailers. It can be part of your licence application for a new restaurant, or as an additionaltrading authorisation for an existing restaurant. New Year's Eve. Fair Trading can assist with enquiries about: In the most serious of cases Fair Trading may prosecute for breaches of legislation. That takes out both the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. All other applications will be advertised on the Liquor and Gaming Noticeboard for 30 days. Nam risus ante. a)All businesses can trade between 5am to Midnight b) Most licensed premises must adhere to trading time restrictions c) Businesses can determine their own trading hours d) All businesses can trade between midday to 10 pm View the status of liquor and gaming related licence applications in NSW. you must submit anoccasional trading notification formto us at least 14 days before each late trading occasion. Information about regulations for vehicles including autogas and bull bars. All businesses can trade between 5am to Midnight Most licensed premises must adhere to trading time restrictions Businesses can determine their own trading hours All businesses can trade between midday to 10pm 3)Which of the following is not a harm minimisation strategy that should be adopted by licensed premises? McGill E, Marks D, Er V, Penney T, Petticrew M, Egan M. PLoS Med. View the status of liquor and gaming related licence applications in NSW. This shortened submission period is not available for any restaurants or cafes seeking extended trading hours or a PSA. Donec aliquet. Decision makers' experience of participatory dynamic simulation modelling: methods for public health policy. All CIS submissions received in relation to a licence application from stakeholders are considered, including from Police, the local council and local residents. A compelling case will need to be made about community benefits and the harm reduction measures that will be in place. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Find out what to do about delays, price increases, insolvent builders and solving disputes. Learn about your rights and what to do if a product you purchased isnt quite right. We will publish the outcome in this section of our website as soon as possible after a decision has been made. PMC if applicable,a copy of your local councildevelopment approval or consent, contact details for you or a person authorised to submit your application. Which statement is true about trading hours for licensed premises Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. Hotels and registered clubs can trade for longer to celebrate the special cultural and sporting events on the days listed below. Contactyour local council office,Liquor & Gaming NSW orFair Trading NSW if you have questionsabout these conditions. If the primary purpose of the business or activity isthe sale or supply of alcohol, you are not eligible for an on-premises licence. Information on draw lotteries, no-draw lotteries, mini number lotteries, progressive lotteries and free lotteries. Drug Alcohol Rev. If you hold a restaurant and cafe licence, the extension of trading hours to 1am applies to the licensed premises and any "authorised area" marked in your red-line plan, including a footpath trading area. The site is secure. Impacts and risk of alcohol-related harm are greater the location of the precincts with higher concentrations of licensed,... Of on-premises licence ( except those relating to vessels ) are outlined in the most serious of cases Fair must... This notice must be provided to the location of the tile below to get started tough for hospitality recently! If you have questionsabout these conditions effect of the precincts with higher of. Not mean they have freely elected to work on a federal 2020 Mar ; 44 ( )! 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